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Charleston Heston Died Last Night

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    Charleston Heston Died Last Night

    I don't know about all ya'all but Charleston Heston was a figure head when I grew up. It's a shame to see him go. He will be missed.
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      Yea I saw this on CNN truly a sad day for the industry...Ben Hur was one of mah favs of all times too


        Don't forget Planet of the Apes.

        Where do you put the Bayonet?
        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
        I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
        Frank Lloyd Wright


          Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
          Don't forget Planet of the Apes.
          Yes that was a good one too...however I think Ben Hur and 10 Commandments were better in my eyes


            Sad, but I have no clue who this guy is


              Originally posted by thedeadlyassassin View Post
              Sad, but I have no clue who this guy is
              Go to and lookup the Movie Ben-Hur and find Charleston Heston in the actors name and click on his name. Then I recommend you pick a few movies like Ben-Hur, Planet of the Apes"1968", Beneath the Planet of the Apes"1970",etc. pick them up from Blockbuster, etc and check them out. Also note all the contributions he made to the industry not to mention non-entertainment contributions. Wikipedia probably has a good write up on him also.
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                I will miss him as well. Loved his movies My favorites were The Omega Man and the classic The 10 Commandments.


                  And for those who don't know, The Omega Man was just remade by Will Smith.

                  Where do you put the Bayonet?
                  Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                  I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                  Frank Lloyd Wright


                    Originally posted by thedeadlyassassin View Post
                    Sad, but I have no clue who this guy is
                    Yes, it is sad that you don't know who the guy is.

                    He was a great actor, a great leading man.
                    He was also heavily involved in ending segregation, was very vocal in supporting Martin Luther King. While I personally could care less about his NRA stint, the man is truly a screen legend.

                    I heard that he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 5-6 years ago, a truly horrific disease to deal with.
                    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                    So all you get is this crappy text]


                      And something that says even more about his character, he was married for 64 years when he died. That is especially meaningful since he lived in Hollywood.

                      Where do you put the Bayonet?
                      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                      Frank Lloyd Wright


                        Originally posted by thedeadlyassassin View Post
                        Sad, but I have no clue who this guy is
                        He's the guy that the liberals tried to get taken off television. When the National Rifleman Association ( NRA ) was doing it's PR campaigns in the mid 1990's, there were many lobbying groups who spent much time and even more $$ trying to limit when these ads could air. (Side Note: I wonder how much good that money could have done if it werent placed into the pockets of their lobbyists)

                        In the sane courts, they lost miserably, considering that none of these campaign ads showed weapons, and in many, did not mention words such as: Gun, rifle, arms, or even bullet. In other courts (Vermont, Connecticut, and etc), they placed advertising limits on their NRA ( which curiously started at the 6pm hour- one of the most expensive times to slot.....). The membership numbers did not suffer, and in doing this from memory, they had record membership years thanks to the lobbying and newspaper coverage.

                        In addition to this, he was one of the more persecuted figureheads of the NRA, the National Riflemans Association. His conservative position sought to preserve the rights of people in the United States to bear arms, as well as MANY other rights and practices that are considered a staple of being an american.

                        He was also an advocate of open space, protecting the environment, protecting endangered species, and many many many other things over the years. The sad thing, however, is that the extremists would only focus on the single tree in the entire forest of trees- which was guns.

                        There were freaks out here in California that were hosting "Dead Heston" parties and cheering the demise of the "gun-devil". To those people, I say that they are no better than the evil they sought to condemn, and may perhaps be worse than all else. In their opinion, guns destroy things and are thus evil. Yet these people sought to do no less to Charleston Heston, making their entire cause one enormous socio-political gun.

                        The man was a legendary person, whose life was so enormous in such a way that is both unique and nearly unparalleled. Most heroes of today are the wage-runners, billionaire business owners with profit-sharing tiers beyond comprehension. But this man was a fully rounded human being, who gave everything he had and did everything he could to live his life to a potential that is far beyond the horizon.

                        No matter what his role in our world has been, I will always wonder if he did everything he could, or if this man was like any other.


                          Don't forget The Simpsons (probably not him, but still funny):

                          Monty Burns: Drink up, Judah Ben Hur
                          Charlton: Truly you are the king of kings.


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