Today i've been redoing my pc, and as I as doing my usual relocating my directories off my C: to my data drive...
I thought... why not share some of my lil things I do...
I store my windows profile off on a seperate disk from the others, for the fact I store that much stuff in it, keeping it on the system disk is not efficent.
First a few things I do when installing windows.
My drives are actually partitioned like such (physically in this order):
d: [Data and stuffs] is the first partition, why? outside of the disc, faster
e: [my profile and shared documents] I keep this on a sepeate partition, no real reason but for isolation
c: [system] 15gb contains only windows and 1-2 profiles (admin and scott's)
Like i said e: is really not essentual but I like it like that.
I'll explain how i moved those 'extra' things in second.
The things I 'relocate' are actually these
c:\program files\
c:\documents and settings\Sirex
c:\documents and settings\all users\documents
First let me explain a few things here, you will have to do program files in safemode
You CAN NOT relocate the entire documents and settings with out loading the drive in another windows install
you must be using NTFS
relocated folders look like they are actually on that place but dont count towards your space or expand it (count wise)
OK so get this here
Junction v1.05
Junction from sysinternals, these guys are good, they used to be a sepearte company, but they did so much with windows API that MS now have them in house.
OK now you have that, put it in c: best place, its easier to work with there.
Boot into safe mode, (dont have to if you want to not move program files)
Login as Admin
Not the profile you want to relocate, as your NTUSER.DAT file will be locked.
This is also the reason you cant relocate the entire docset folder, system profiles you know XD
OK so lets start with a user.
vista its c:\users\
Create the folder where you want it to be in my case its
goto c:\documents and settings\Sirex
cut everything from there to e:\sirex [the folder must be emptied]
once everything is there and the orig folder is empty
Start > Run [winkey+r < vista's do this]
type cmd
now use this command
c:\junction "C:\documents and settings\Sirex\" "e:\Sirex\"
put your paths in " "'s saves issues
now in windows explorer go back to the docset location, you will see all the files again.
tada! magic pointer
to move the shared documents do the same thing but only on this folder
c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\
I find this handy as it puts my share in a larger drive while keeping my system drive at the back and small.
Now program files, same idea as above, except you do a few extra steps.
Doing these extra things alone won't do the job, a junction will.
So make d:\program files\
Move c stuff to d one
junction "c:\program files\" "d:\program files"
Now additionally to prevent issues later on in life and to make things nicer for installers
start > run
find your way to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion
In there you will see 2 values we want to fiddle with
Adjust CommonFilesDir to your new location + \Common Files
Adjust ProgramFilesDir to your new location
Now all the installers that do their job will have d:\program files\ automatically.
This is ment to change the things for windows's lil preinstalled stuff, from expeience overtime i've noticed it does not work quite as good as it should, which is why i now junction off the folder.
Is a few other things I do, esp on a reinstall like i import my old registry and transplant entries from it into the new one.
My firefox and thunderbird profiles are not in my user profile but in a sepeate folder (this also mean when i use other pc's on the network i can use the same settings and extensions easy, and access my email from any pc, same settings)
If i remember any other little things I do to make things easier, or that (well least for me) i'll post them up for you all to have a look at
Its good to share info like this
Like i said this will work for any folder, as long as its empty.
So for those 'OMG it installs in my c:\program files\ and i had no choice" things
You have one now, you can force it off your c drive!
btw you can remove junctions by using junction -d "p:\ath\to"
I thought... why not share some of my lil things I do...
I store my windows profile off on a seperate disk from the others, for the fact I store that much stuff in it, keeping it on the system disk is not efficent.
First a few things I do when installing windows.
My drives are actually partitioned like such (physically in this order):
d: [Data and stuffs] is the first partition, why? outside of the disc, faster
e: [my profile and shared documents] I keep this on a sepeate partition, no real reason but for isolation
c: [system] 15gb contains only windows and 1-2 profiles (admin and scott's)
Like i said e: is really not essentual but I like it like that.
I'll explain how i moved those 'extra' things in second.
The things I 'relocate' are actually these
c:\program files\
c:\documents and settings\Sirex
c:\documents and settings\all users\documents
First let me explain a few things here, you will have to do program files in safemode
You CAN NOT relocate the entire documents and settings with out loading the drive in another windows install
you must be using NTFS
relocated folders look like they are actually on that place but dont count towards your space or expand it (count wise)
OK so get this here
Junction v1.05
Junction from sysinternals, these guys are good, they used to be a sepearte company, but they did so much with windows API that MS now have them in house.
OK now you have that, put it in c: best place, its easier to work with there.
Boot into safe mode, (dont have to if you want to not move program files)
Login as Admin
Not the profile you want to relocate, as your NTUSER.DAT file will be locked.
This is also the reason you cant relocate the entire docset folder, system profiles you know XD
OK so lets start with a user.
vista its c:\users\
Create the folder where you want it to be in my case its
goto c:\documents and settings\Sirex
cut everything from there to e:\sirex [the folder must be emptied]
once everything is there and the orig folder is empty
Start > Run [winkey+r < vista's do this]
type cmd
now use this command
c:\junction "C:\documents and settings\Sirex\" "e:\Sirex\"
put your paths in " "'s saves issues
now in windows explorer go back to the docset location, you will see all the files again.
tada! magic pointer
to move the shared documents do the same thing but only on this folder
c:\documents and settings\all users\documents\
I find this handy as it puts my share in a larger drive while keeping my system drive at the back and small.
Now program files, same idea as above, except you do a few extra steps.
Doing these extra things alone won't do the job, a junction will.
So make d:\program files\
Move c stuff to d one
junction "c:\program files\" "d:\program files"
Now additionally to prevent issues later on in life and to make things nicer for installers
start > run
find your way to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion
In there you will see 2 values we want to fiddle with
Adjust CommonFilesDir to your new location + \Common Files
Adjust ProgramFilesDir to your new location
Now all the installers that do their job will have d:\program files\ automatically.
This is ment to change the things for windows's lil preinstalled stuff, from expeience overtime i've noticed it does not work quite as good as it should, which is why i now junction off the folder.
Is a few other things I do, esp on a reinstall like i import my old registry and transplant entries from it into the new one.
My firefox and thunderbird profiles are not in my user profile but in a sepeate folder (this also mean when i use other pc's on the network i can use the same settings and extensions easy, and access my email from any pc, same settings)
If i remember any other little things I do to make things easier, or that (well least for me) i'll post them up for you all to have a look at

Its good to share info like this
Like i said this will work for any folder, as long as its empty.
So for those 'OMG it installs in my c:\program files\ and i had no choice" things
You have one now, you can force it off your c drive!
btw you can remove junctions by using junction -d "p:\ath\to"