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Creative gets hammered - Vista users might win!

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    I gotta admit, I really like my X-Fi cards. I have a Fatal1ty in my main gaming rig and a brand new X-Fi Elite sitting in a box unopened. I bought it 2 years ago when I ran into some unexpected cash so I stocked up on some hardware that I figured would stand the test of time and shoved it into a dark secret storage place. I have hidden away the X-Fi Elite, 4 Raptor Drives (2 70GB and 2 150GB), 2 Thermaltake Shark Cases, an Ultra Aluminum tower case, a set of unopened Logitech 5500 Digital Speakers. (As well as 2 sets I am using) as well a some G15 Keyboards and a bunch of cool cold cathold lights. I love hoarding....



      Originally posted by [TT]BrundleFly View Post
      I gotta admit, I really like my X-Fi cards. I have a Fatal1ty in my main gaming rig and a brand new X-Fi Elite sitting in a box unopened. I bought it 2 years ago when I ran into some unexpected cash so I stocked up on some hardware that I figured would stand the test of time and shoved it into a dark secret storage place. I have hidden away the X-Fi Elite, 4 Raptor Drives (2 70GB and 2 150GB), 2 Thermaltake Shark Cases, an Ultra Aluminum tower case, a set of unopened Logitech 5500 Digital Speakers. (As well as 2 sets I am using) as well a some G15 Keyboards and a bunch of cool cold cathold lights. I love hoarding....
      You should cahnge your name to BrundlePackRat.

      Where do you put the Bayonet?
      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
      Frank Lloyd Wright


        I did a few edits to remove the name of the download website you guys are discussing.
        There is a forum posting rule that states: "6) Warez or Illegal Software - Do not post or discuss illegal software, warez, and/or suggesting how to find it. "

        I think this is a great, intellectual discussion on the subject, and not a blatant thread to get people to do illegal things. However, to not turn people towards these sites, I have edited posts to remove the name of the download website.
        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
        So all you get is this crappy text]


          Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
          I did a few edits to remove the name of the download website you guys are discussing.
          There is a forum posting rule that states: "6) Warez or Illegal Software - Do not post or discuss illegal software, warez, and/or suggesting how to find it. "

          I think this is a great, intellectual discussion on the subject, and not a blatant thread to get people to do illegal things. However, to not turn people towards these sites, I have edited posts to remove the name of the download website.

          I object to being redacted. I think this is a bit onerous.
          1. It's news it's in the papers.
          2. I did not post a URI or URL to any site.
          3. It's relevant to the discussion.
          4. The "Corsair Cove" is actual shutdown now
          5. The "Corsair Cove" Was never guilty of posting warez or hosting infringing intellectual property. It was a search engine only
          6. There was no endorsement of the site. Like OMG GET STUFF here

          It was mentioned only twice in the thread...I really didn't think it needed editing. What purpose did that serve.... Are we really afraid of being sued just because someone said *iratebay. Relax everyone you have to do more than say a word in order to get sued.


            mapes is exactly right. Even discussing or linking to a site that contains illegal warez is not grounds for legal action. I should know as I used to have my own warez site and have fended off at least 15 legal threats that I can think of. You have to actually host the software on your server (not a link to it) and the crack, hack, keygen all on the same machine. (that's how it used to be...not sure anymore but I think it's the same) I know people like Cain would rather avoid the possibility all together by eliminating it, but it is completely harmless to link to any site on the web... Unless you are from Australia.

            Oh yeah...expect google to be modified...To Be Continued.

            I found out:
            Unless the site expressly prohibits this on their website, you may link. If it is not written out on their site, the only way you would be civilly liable (not illegal as in a criminal case!) would be where the site is a business site or an ISP and they have some agreement with you and it was prohibited in their contract with you. And even if they sue, they would have to show actual damages to collect anything...
            However If I host a crack for Adobe Photoshop CS2 on my site and then have a LINK directly to adobe's download then there could be an issue, but you would have to have BOTH. We're talking about a link that automatically starts the download, and a hosted crack for it.

            To Add a bit of information...

            Cainslair's old forum setup required an actual admin to approve your membership before you could view most everything in the forums. Now, you can just sign up and create an account. There are spiders that crawl this site daily and pick up on links and email addresses for better placement in search engines. This is what people who have warez try to avoid. My site was non-existent to search engines and to view my content you had to join and be approved. This would eliminate spiders and bots from crawling my links and downloads so that big brother wouldn't be able to google for "Adobe CS2 Final Crack" and find my page.


              Cain's rules, I won't argue with them. I only used the site in question as an example, not a big deal if people can't see what it was, I'm sure they get the general idea.


                The point I'm making is not necessarily the legality of it but, that it's ridiculous to censor a word....not a URL or URI but a damn word. Or two words to be exact...especially when that name is used in newspapers discussing it's legal court battles. Not the site itself.


                  Actually please restore my posts because the thread was not in violation of rule number 6

                  6) Warez or Illegal Software - Do not post or discuss illegal software, warez, and/or suggesting how to find it.
                  We were not discussing warez or illegal software

                  Show me the warez or download sites in this sentence

                  The "namehere" case is very different. The industry kept saying they were infringing on copyrights and intellectual property. Which they clearly did not. They hosted no infringing material on the site. Basically it's the same concept if MS went after Google for infringing because you can find cracked MS software through Google.


                    I didn't know much about this at all....

                    I use an older of the first ones....

                    So what will I lose if I go to vista? All I really use is the CMSS for my headphones and of course the EAX/OpenAL stuff etc


                      Ok I talked to my friend about this. First off he said that yes Creative should hire this guy. Secondly he said part o the deal with vista is that getting direct access to the hardware for hardware acceleration is nigh impossible in vista due to how windows has setup the system. He admitted that yes Creative did gimped out the drivers when it cam to DTS because of the licensing fee's that they have to pay to Dolby for that.....that and the fact that in they're bundle is powerDVD which has a codec for DTS....There you go.... and oh yeahI got my free Xfi


                        Originally posted by ryanbatc View Post
                        I didn't know much about this at all....

                        I use an older of the first ones....

                        So what will I lose if I go to vista? All I really use is the CMSS for my headphones and of course the EAX/OpenAL stuff etc
                        I'm not sure about how well EAX and OpenAL work now, but CMSS still works in Vista. I am using an X-Fi, and the only problem I had was that the mic is staticy in Vista for some reason.


                          I don't believe that EAX works in Vista at all.


                            I am still able to set my sounds in BF2 to ultra high for X-Fi, and it still sounds awesome. Doesn't BF2 use EAX?


                              Woops, it appears that that is one of the things that ALchemy does. Vista does not support EAX, but by using ALchemy you get the EAX back for your Creative X-fi cards.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
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                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
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                                by Sirex
                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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