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Painting the fronts of bay devices.

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    Painting the fronts of bay devices.

    I will be needing to paint the front plates on several bay devices for a pink PC. ( I think the removal and painting is straight forward. Are there any tricks to keeping the labels of the slots? Could I cover it with wax. I think using tape would be a bit tough and there will still be some of the background color there. Is there a way to remove the decals and put them back on?


    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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    Have you thought about just painting over the labels and remaking them yourself? You can buy clear label paper for any printer at any chain office supply store (although you are stuck if you want the words in white).


      Decals you could possible steam off and then glue back on....other than that, not much experience here.


        This pc is the one you're painting pink?

        I'm trying to get an idea on what you're talking about with the background color and the texture of the decals. If they are plastic or vinyl decals then you may not have a choice but to risk damaging them with a heat gun or steam...or...tape over them and use a hobby knife to trim out so that the background shines through.

        Vinyl decals are tough depending on how old they are because they will stretch and contort when heat is applied while pulling.


          Originally posted by Trooper110 View Post
          Decals you could possible steam off and then glue back on....other than that, not much experience here.

          +1. warm the plastic, in very warm water, (not boiling) and then steam the lables off. clean with a "goo-gone" type cleaner. dry, paint, and reaffix with spray on rubbert cement. turn the sticker over, spray the cleaned back of the decal, then apply to the CD/ componenet


            When you say bay devices, are we talking optical drives here ? I prefer vinyl dye for that, as it will never flake off, and if you DO scratch it, the dye ingrains itself into the plastic, so those are the two best reasons to choose it over paint.

            If there IS a downside, its that the color selection is not as good as paint.

            Ohh, i almost forgot. I dye my optical trays as well, and that is definitely a place to use dye, as you do NOT want paint flakes to be showing up in your tray, spinning madly in circles with that shiny DVD.

            Vinyl dye can be found at any auto parts store, but pink does make it much harder to locate.

            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


              I am talking about an optical drive and the media card reader. The reader comes with two other face plates so i can experiment with the decal removal. I will also be on the look out for pink Vinyl dye.

              Thanks for the advice.

              Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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