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How to Brick a Vista Installation!

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    How to Brick a Vista Installation!

    I am now a proud owner of a "Bricked" Vista installation!

    I've been working lately on a hush hush(soon my friends, soon) project to delve further into my geekdom in the fantasy world. However, here is a good example of when good things, experimentation, and project development go bad!

    My lovely new Laptop has Vista on it. Due to the difficulty of installing XP on it, i decided to stay with Vista, as driver support is non existent due to some of the components for XP. Since my wife uses it, and its a fairly easy and clean(and moderately safe(to the point she uses it)) OS for casual gaming, i never went through all the trouble of getting XP on it. This opens up a whole new can of worms and troubles i've never been previously associated with!

    Mayhaps it wasn't the BEST idea to start with for the project, but, it APPEARED to be the cheapest!

    The laptop has all the nice bells and whistles i needed, included, or so i though. The component most needed was Bluetooth, which is built in, as opposed to buying a bluetooth "dongle" it made it an easy choice for an experimentation flat bed, or so i thought. here's the story.

    i attempted, using the bluetooth software(i assume its the M$ stack) on the laptop to connect to my device. i could get it to talk to the pc, but, couldn't fully access/connect to it for a stable peroid of time. so i went in search of a "compatible" "stack". You can test the stuff out, and purchase it later, with limited functionality. so, i went ahead and downloaded it, and installed it.

    Much to my dismay, after following the instructions, it wouldn't work. The software actually Bluescreened vista upon starting it! Bummer!

    So i proceeded down my path of attempting to fix it.

    Problem 1: if windows fully loads, the bluetooth software starts up, and bonk, bluescreens the system.

    Problem 2: if i am fast enough, i can close and STOP the software from starting, stopping the bluescreen cycle.

    Problem 3: trying to uninstall the software via the programs uninstall feature makes windows say its not uninstallable(i'll get the full message later) as its not installed.

    Problem 4: System restore won't go back as the "drive has errors" and has to check the system.

    Problem 5: auto scan on reboot of the drives does NOT start automatically.

    Problem 6: Following M$'s instructions to get it to work(apparently they haven't fixed it yet so it will auto run) doesn't work as planned.

    Problem 7: running the diskchecker erased all the system restore points.

    Problem 8: removing the service from starting windows for the bluetooth software does NOT stop the all drivers from loading. especially the offending one.

    Problem 9: Windows Repair = useless as it can't find the problem, nor fix it.

    Problem 10: all accounts are affected on the pc, including admistrator.

    Problem 11: safe mode will not start with admin privlages. due to the disk corruption/repair, m$'s solution to run it that way doesn't work. SP1 boinked.

    To sum it all up? Vista still = bad. i've never thrashed an OS install so bad I can't recover it. sad news, my logs are borked too!

    Off PC backups are a must. i've got one to put on there, but, sadly its from back before i started the project. Doh!

    Fear not, just a minor determent. more to come!

    The project will continue!

    This is where I'd start doing some registry work to remove the drivers and software.


      Any thoughts on the easiest way? the registry is HUGE, and sadly i am not sure exactly what driver is causing it. windows won't stay loaded long enough as it bluescreens to delve deeply into the registry. and at that point, i am not exactly sure what i am looking for since its not clearly labeled.


        I'll trade you a fully loaded Vista Ultimate desktop PC for it !!


        Darth, you really, REALLY need a Home Server setup ... I know its not cheap, but having a full system backup occur every night is .. priceless.
        Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


          Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
          I'll trade you a fully loaded Vista Ultimate desktop PC for it !!


          Darth, you really, REALLY need a Home Server setup ... I know its not cheap, but having a full system backup occur every night is .. priceless.
          Ya know, i tried it. she told me no. flat out. apparently i have to repair my son's pc first(dead PSU) a spare PC i recieved(another dead PSU) a layabout pc(too lazy to reformat it from win2000) and get rid of some of the other PC's running. something about i have too many of them lying around....

          She wouldn't go fir it, even after my old gaming pc died repatedly(this sucker's on its last leg.) and i kept breathing life into it. and she used it for desktop casual gaming. now she just commandeered the laptop, which is now broken. so something's gotta give, and sadly its me. i gotta fix one of them for her. and replacing it with a new one is OUT of the question. lol.

          No trading of the laptop either. 1. she'd kill me after the crap i went through to get it. 2. she'd kill me cause she likes being able to sit anywhere and use it. 3. she'd kill me just for thinking of it.

          rofl. besides. its a beast, and i love it


            Just use the restore disk from the laptop mfg. About the bluetooth connection you 2.4 ghz cordless phones...or maybe your neighbors do?


              with so many pc's laying around, would it be possibly to simply make a home server? enough HD's laying around I would assume...


                @ mapes - 6.0 ghz phones. the gateway disc i have only allows for a reinstall option, thats all i have left as far as things it'll allow me to do that i don't have.

                @ seiko, i'd still have to buy a copy of MHS. and its still more than my budget allows me for. not versed enough to do it with linux either. also, none of the functioning PC's are better than a Cele 2.4Ghz(old old school too) proc. windows XP runs sluggish, so i am not sure the impact of everything else that a backup solution would have.

                Any thoughts though on an XP FREE solution for backups? or anyone wants to slipstream an idiot's version of a linux server for me into an ISO with the backup proggies etc?


                  If you are not familiar with where to look in the registry here are a few things to try.

                  Start > run > MSCONFIG (yes it works in vista) Find out what is running at Startup ( there's actually a startup tab). If you do find something with the bluetooth crap, then it'll show you the name... registry entry... file names and locations. (I placed the RUN icon on my start menu so it may not be there on yours, but it will be in C:Windows somewhere and just create a shortcut to "run" on your start menu)

                  Find where the thing is installed to "C:\progra~1\Bluetooth Crap\" and then find that in the startup and then search the registry for it... likely it will be in services or something along those lines.. HKCU and HKLM /Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run will likely show any programs that are associated with the bluetooth if they are working.

                  Then in the program files folder, you can search the registry for everything in this folder and remove it from the reg. If you find an instance in the registry... delete it... then hit F3 to continue same search. Once it finishes with that particular search, then delete the file from the Program Files folder so you won't search it again. The driver of course, was installed with the software so it will likely be in the registry keys SOMEWHERE under the BluetoothCrap software or a subkey will point to where the driver is in the registry.

                  **NOTE** While deleting stuff from the registry such as " or bluetoothcrap.dll" pay attention to what folder it is located in on the LEFT side. You may find that the file is actually in the "Bluetooth crap" folder in the left pane where you can delete the whole folder.

                  Be sure to create a backup of any keys you delete just in case.

                  After you clean up the registry, download and run Crap Cleaner... "Ccleaner" at and run the registry scan. It will remove anything you missed associated with the files you've deleted.

                  It's very simple really. If you somehow manage to screw that up, you're headed for a reinstall anyway so what have you got to lose?

                  FROM MSCONFIG in vista you have the option to click on the BOOT tab and then there are "Safeboot" options to run the OS without loading drivers.

                  From the "General" tab you can boot with Diagnostics.

                  That should be enough to get you on the right track .


                    Originally posted by darth_nevus View Post
                    @ mapes - 6.0 ghz phones. the gateway disc i have only allows for a reinstall option, thats all i have left as far as things it'll allow me to do that i don't have.
                    Are your neighbors close? Also are there any other devices with BT turned on?


                      I laugh inside when people have major problems with Vista.

                      Hope you get this sorted Darth. I hate problems like this as they can bug you to death and then some.


                        People had similar problems when XP was released. I personally hated vista too, but in order to adhere to my principles while running a PC business, I had to force myself to use and abuse vista so I could actively eliminate problems that may arise. I am also an OS expert on when I have time to participate. I have come to like vista more than I did when I was actively posting in the Anti-Vista and "Vista Sucks" type of forums. I actually think it is a relatively good operating system and as with all of its predecessors, it will have bugs since in its creation there was no way to throw everything possible at it that users will inevitably do.


                          Originally posted by juneau View Post
                          I laugh inside when people have major problems with Vista.

                          Hope you get this sorted Darth. I hate problems like this as they can bug you to death and then some.

                          You laugh now, but it is coming to get you. Like it or not.


                            I just re-read the post and you did everything I would have done.
                            Thus I erased my first response.

                            you need to pull the HD out, take the image and store it elsewhere.
                            Then reinstall a fresh copy of Vista on this machine.

                            This sounds like a virus that only partially deployed and didnt finish the job.


                              Originally posted by BlackArrow View Post
                              You laugh now, but it is coming to get you. Like it or not.

                              I'm going to sit this one out and see what MS comes up with next. Which from what i have heard, shouldn't be long now.


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