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not related to the game but i need your help

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    not related to the game but i need your help

    hi all ! i just want to ask something ... i have this Adware spyware program , CCleaner and McAfee anti-virus program. do you think its a good combination or if not which 1 i should get rid off ? and also can you guys tell me which anti virus program is better than mcafee ? cuz from what i heard mcafee slows computer down which i kinda noticed.

    sorry im not really good on these , i hope 1 of you

    and peace


    Personally I use AVG Antivirus. CCleaner is good for keeping your junk trimmed down a little bit. Personally, I don't use Adaware...don't like all the stuff it blocks and some of the false-positives it throws out. But that's personal choice, it is a good program. Get rid of that McAfee and/or Symantec, they're both bloatware. You honestly may want to post this question in the computer section of the forums, as not everyone reads every game section.


      I moved this to the Computer SAection. You will get more feedback here.

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      Frank Lloyd Wright


        I use AVG, Adaware, Spybot S&D and CCleaner. I haven't had any issues with any of them.

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          Avira FTW for A/V! Shocked that so many use AVG. I always found it to be average at best.

          Along with Avira i use Spybot S&D and Spyware Blaster.


            I don't use anything. Well I use a freeware app if I notice something strange otherwise I'd rather not have the stuff running on my system


              if you want to do a quickish one time scan
              Trend Micro HouseCall - Free Online Virus and Spyware Scan - Trend Micro USA
              has one of the best detections for a web scanner.

              it does a/v and all the any spyware stuff too.

              I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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                Threatfire is a good choice, but it had (as of last month) an issue when used in conjunction with Grisoft AVG. There is a workaround available until AVG fixes the problem, but I would recommend both on a standard PC.

                The spyware crap is a moving target, and as such is hard to pin down and isolate. What worked best last year doesn't guarantee that it will be the best this year. So you do your homework and hope for the best.

                Be careful in doing a random search for anti-spyware software as well, as some like WinAntivirus 2008 are in fact spyware masquerading as a cleaner !! (Winfixer and its many variants).


                Re; Juneau's post on AVG, it seems the new ver.8 software was a bit lacking, and in fact had that blasted 'toolbar' that caused many headaches, but I'd still say its a toss up between AVG and Avira.
                Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                  wowowowow tnx a lot guys atleast now im not that confused. and its ok apache if u move the post lol.

                  and peace



                    I never actually upgraded the software itself or AVG, i'm still running on avg 6, but I keep the definitions up to date and have it do a hard scan (full system scan including hidden files) if I think something is up.

                    Spybot S&D is a must have.
                    Adaware is a good program, but I would suggest running it before Spybot as these two can sometimes clash if you run Spybot first.

                    CCleaner is ok, i've used it a few times...but didn't find anything seriously great about it....


                      where do ya check your e-mail and what browser do you us

                      I get all e-mail from the internet ( i don't use outlook )
                      comcast, yahoo and MSN ( hotmail ) they all scan in coming mail and have better junk filters than you can buy
                      and I use Firefox for my internet browser about the only time i us internet explorer is if I'm downloading something not compatible with Firefox
                      so I don't run anti virus on my machine and believe me my machine is probably cleaner than any of yours
                      your anti spyware is spyware

                      If you ever Google xxx free porn that's the biggest hit you can take for spyware and Firefox does a good job of even handling that


                        I personally use Gmail for my e-mail. I never have to worry about deleting a e-mail and I can search through them all with the google search engine! it's completely free, and IIRC currently allows up to 3gb of e-mail storage.

                        BTW. Sgt, I highly doubt that your computer has less spyware then mine... as mine only has windows xp, the mobo drivers, Nvidia drivers, Firefox, Sony vegas 7 video editor, a few games on it (coD4, DoD:S, and Supreme Commander), AVG, Spybot, and Adaware... lol. Sorry, just couldn't help it.


                          I don't leave games on my system
                          All the games I have I reload to play
                          COD4 and Joint Operations is the only games on my system right now ( ColSlaughterSO2 of SO-2 )
                          I don't run any anti virus and have no spyware
                          My OS runs at 89%free every thing else is stored to separate drives and they're not allowed to run till i need them (they're turned off by key lock they're blades )
                          And yes Ive got G mail too all my e-mail accounts are web based
                          I wont use outlook , outlook express was a Hackers dream for injecting viruses
                          Just remember they always want to sell ya more and there's things that ya don't really need or are required
                          Dump your cookies regularly and Defrag , Defrag , Defrag and Defrag again ( I'm happy when my Defrag takes a count of 3 )


                            I used AVG for a while, but it doesn't work on Vista x64 (the free one at least). Now I use Avast. It works well and has runtime scanning, so if you try to execute an infected file it will catch it.


                              Originally posted by juneau View Post
                              Avira FTW for A/V! Shocked that so many use AVG. I always found it to be average at best.

                              Along with Avira i use Spybot S&D and Spyware Blaster.
                              We had a virus on a pal's laptop.

                              Ran Norton- no deal.
                              Ran Spybot- no deal.
                              Ran AVG- no deal.
                              Ran Windows Defender- no deal.
                              Ran Zone Labs- no deal.
                              Ran Avira- That thing ripped the guts out of the virus and cleared the mess up.

                              Avira ftw!!


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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