Hey folks! Its been so long since i been around i thought i would drop in and say hello
I am game hunting and thought i would see what Cain has up and running atm. But i don't think i can play bf3 on my system.
I'm sure many of you have heard about the disaster that has hit my town. The roof collapsed in the mall i work in and 2 wonderful ladies lost their lives due to it. I am now on an unexpected holiday due to the fact that i worked at the Algo mall and our store has suffered major damage and is considered unsafe. 300 Jobs lost lucky for me i left the building 20 minutes before it happened. It was still hard on Mom and I but we are copping with it and we are starting to move forward again. Nice to see my old gaming family is still here it was always good times playing with you all.

I'm sure many of you have heard about the disaster that has hit my town. The roof collapsed in the mall i work in and 2 wonderful ladies lost their lives due to it. I am now on an unexpected holiday due to the fact that i worked at the Algo mall and our store has suffered major damage and is considered unsafe. 300 Jobs lost lucky for me i left the building 20 minutes before it happened. It was still hard on Mom and I but we are copping with it and we are starting to move forward again. Nice to see my old gaming family is still here it was always good times playing with you all.