This place still seems the same. Friendly, welcoming, and while saying hello to new faces, there are the seasoned old folks thinking they can frag a couple of the young'ns but are really suffering from a serious case of alzheimers.
Does anyone remember this idiot back whenever?
Well he's just a lil' bit older and non the wiser.
So what does everyone play now? Steam games? Console games? I've also just recently built a rig for newer games. It has been a while, so for a summary of my brief absence: I've graduated highschool, worked part time, realized I was always broke, few bumps, lost job, enlisted, trained and graduated, traveled here and there, and now reside in South Korea. Even if life did go on, my video game addictions did not leave my blood stream. I've still been playing on the side, but I never did find another community like this, not ever. I really do miss this place, and I can say a nice chunk of "lols" from here is embedded in my memory since 2006. From a immature 15 year old kid, to now a less immature 21 year old brat.
Does anyone remember this idiot back whenever?
Well he's just a lil' bit older and non the wiser.

So what does everyone play now? Steam games? Console games? I've also just recently built a rig for newer games. It has been a while, so for a summary of my brief absence: I've graduated highschool, worked part time, realized I was always broke, few bumps, lost job, enlisted, trained and graduated, traveled here and there, and now reside in South Korea. Even if life did go on, my video game addictions did not leave my blood stream. I've still been playing on the side, but I never did find another community like this, not ever. I really do miss this place, and I can say a nice chunk of "lols" from here is embedded in my memory since 2006. From a immature 15 year old kid, to now a less immature 21 year old brat.
