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11/1 Update and TS News

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    11/1 Update and TS News

    Late yesterday I moved our #1 server from NY/NJ to an undisclosed location and I'm very happy to report it did extremely well. It filled up quickly and stayed relatively full until an early morning crash emptied us out.

    We also had far more brand new people connecting than with any other location. Please remember to be friendly, helpful and make folks feel at home, this will be the most important feature that can separate us from the other 7, 000 BF3 servers out there. You cam here and stuck here because someone was nice to you and you enjoyed playing in our server, so please pass that forward.

    I expect a large number of servers to drop out in the next month, and we want as much traffic as possible, and the opportunity to welcome new people and make new friends.

    The new server, like most others unfortunately, can get a little rubberbandy when full, but it is certainly playable and I'm working on the lag with our Host. Tehran is laggy on every server regardless of the player count, but the map is fun anyway.

    OK, I finally had a chance to set up the TS Plugin for our new server, in the secret location.... Setting up that plugin and getting it to talk back and forth with our TS server is a giant pain in the ass, but it should be working now. It will have all players in the same channel until 10 total are in the TS server then it will split you into two team channels.

    For the moment I have disabled the squad functionality because I have to set the threshold too low. This is because this plugin has not been updated for a server as large as 64 players, consequently it forces people into squad channels at a lower threshold than I would prefer. Once he fixes this I will set a "break into squads" threshold around 18-22 players.

    I strongly encourage folks to get into squads regardless of our plugin or TS.

    Hopefully we can get going quickly and have a busy day today. I have been successful lowering the start threshold, so you can hop in and run around, learn the maps and so forth with just 2 players.

    Thank you to each and every one of you folk primarily playing in our server, and particularly thank you to the folks who spend a lot of time in there getting it started in the mornings and after crashes.

    Take care folks,

    -- Cain

    awesome news! bein' on the east coast this sure helps out a ton.

    thanks for the update cain!


      Originally posted by Cain View Post
      Late yesterday I moved our #1 server from NY/NJ to an undisclosed location and I'm very happy to report it did extremely well. It filled up quickly and stayed relatively full until an early morning crash emptied us out.

      We also had far more brand new people connecting than with any other location. Please remember to be friendly, helpful and make folks feel at home, this will be the most important feature that can separate us from the other 7, 000 BF3 servers out there. You cam here and stuck here because someone was nice to you and you enjoyed playing in our server, so please pass that forward.

      I expect a large number of servers to drop out in the next month, and we want as much traffic as possible, and the opportunity to welcome new people and make new friends.

      The new server, like most others unfortunately, can get a little rubberbandy when full, but it is certainly playable and I'm working on the lag with our Host. Tehran is laggy on every server regardless of the player count, but the map is fun anyway.

      OK, I finally had a chance to set up the TS Plugin for our new server, in the secret location.... Setting up that plugin and getting it to talk back and forth with our TS server is a giant pain in the ass, but it should be working now. It will have all players in the same channel until 10 total are in the TS server then it will split you into two team channels.

      For the moment I have disabled the squad functionality because I have to set the threshold too low. This is because this plugin has not been updated for a server as large as 64 players, consequently it forces people into squad channels at a lower threshold than I would prefer. Once he fixes this I will set a "break into squads" threshold around 18-22 players.

      I strongly encourage folks to get into squads regardless of our plugin or TS.

      Hopefully we can get going quickly and have a busy day today. I have been successful lowering the start threshold, so you can hop in and run around, learn the maps and so forth with just 2 players.

      Thank you to each and every one of you folk primarily playing in our server, and particularly thank you to the folks who spend a lot of time in there getting it started in the mornings and after crashes.

      Take care folks,

      -- Cain

      I think you are correct, squad threshold should be 18-22. I always try to squad up with others that are in TS. Last night I joined Qicmee and Silent Assassin.

      Where do you put the Bayonet?
      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
      Frank Lloyd Wright


        Thanks for setting everything up, it's too bad you have to spend time with the VOIP instead of tweaking the server settings.

        Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
        Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


          Ah. I don't mind all the lag then if everyone is getting it. It does get annoying sometimes. Hoping for a patch from Dice that fixes this.




            Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
            Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


              Thanks Cain for all your work.
              Last night there were major inbalances to the server at the start of maps. CLR's were moving over to even it out. But the auto balance is as someones said SLOW.


                I was wondering why i had to add the server back into my favourites.

                For the hour i got to play last night the server did feel a little smoother than the old #2 server, even if there was some slight rubber banding.

                Liking the 10 player split tweak to TS.


                  Awesome CAIN!!! Thank you for everything you do. The server is great, and it will grow. And like you said, once MW3 hits, there will be less servers, so hopefully that plays into our advantage. And hopefully it gets all the non team players out of BF3


                    Thanks Cain. I'm also enjoying all the name variations your trying for the server. I swear, when I saw the HARDCORE in all caps I nearly busted out laughing.

                    Not sure if you were there the other day for the continuous, "harrrrdcoooorre" statements, lol.


                      I tried to jumpstart that server on Sunday, before it moved. Didn't work.

                      So glad to see that it's doing better. Thanks Cain!


                      Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                      Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]



                        Super work getting/keeping everything spinning!

                        Lucky you've got an understanding boss.


                          Thank you guys for all the kind words, they are MOST appreciated!!

                          Nauticus I'm the one who started the its "HARDCOORE!"
                          Read this post.....


                          I have also discovered that the server name, particularly when preceded with certain symbols, affect where the server shows up in the browser for folks... Thus the continuous name changes...

                          I think TS will work well this way, and once you get too many players on your team channel, then it will split out into squads, this seems ideal. The author of the plugin tells me he will update it soon to allow for a higher squad threshold.

                          OK, who wants to guess where our new server is located?? Hint it is located in the Continental US....

                          Update" we were up to 56 players this morning .. and ... then .. we crashed... Back to 14 as I type this.

                          From Quamin:

                          From me:


                            Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post

                            I think you are correct, squad threshold should be 18-22. I always try to squad up with others that are in TS. Last night I joined Qicmee and Silent Assassin.
                            Agreed, currently the largest threshold I can set is 16, because the BC2 server only held 32 players max. The writer of the plugin acknowledged this is a problem for a 64 player server and will update the threshold up to 32. I would probably set it around 18-22 just as you suggested.


                              Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
                              Thanks Cain for all your work.
                              Last night there were major inbalances to the server at the start of maps. CLR's were moving over to even it out. But the auto balance is as someones said SLOW.
                              The built in player balancing has always been pretty slow, and relies heavily on connecting clients to balance the load and is very slow to move anyone.

                              I was running a player balancing plugin for BCV2 that was fantastic, only problem it has not been updated for BF#, yet. As soon as it is, we will implement it here, it works great.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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