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Ea paid subscription for bf3

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    Ea paid subscription for bf3

    Battlefield 3 to get paid subscription model?117 On February 6th, 2012 in News
    EA boss John Riccitiello recently spoke to analysts regarding Battlefield 3 — which sold 10 million copies — where he hinted at Call of Duty Elite, the paid subscription service for Modern Warfare 3. Riccitiello said:

    “Frankly, I gave a compliment to one of our competitors. It’s got a subscription on the back end of an FPS title. I think that’s a best-in-class performance.”

    He went on, saying that EA has been toying around with something similar, called Ultimate Team for its FIFA series. Riccitiello added:

    “The reason this is such a fast-growing revenue stream for us is we’re identifying and implementing best practice across the range of our products, and you’ll see lots more to come including an announcement near term that Peter just alluded to.”

    This “announcement” is supposed to be the new DLC announcement for Battlefield 3 which is supposed to happen this week. Could we see a paid subscription model akin to Call of Duty Elite? It could be a premium version of Battlelog, with access to all future DLC, much like Activision’s model.

    The reason this is such a fast-growing revenue stream for us is we’re
    charging you out the ass every month.

    Where do you put the Bayonet?
    Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
    I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
    Frank Lloyd Wright


      Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
      charging you out the ass every month.
      I wouldn't pay a monthly fee for even a flawless game.


        Originally posted by Skud View Post
        I wouldn't pay a monthly fee for even a flawless game.
        I totally agree


          Originally posted by Skud View Post
          I wouldn't pay a monthly fee for even a flawless game.
          I would! A flawless game would be so cool!

          But, I don't expect to pay anytime soon. The quality for major title games hasn't increased with the prices. They add more features, but they cannot provide/fix some essential functions.

          The positive aspect? High priced games open the door for smaller developers with an excellent product (until they sell their company to EA).


            Originally posted by Skud View Post
            I wouldn't pay a monthly fee for even a flawless game.
            Are you pretending bf3 has flaws!? It's perfect, just look at all of what it has accomplished!:

            Random bad luck deaths/spine shattering 3 feet drops, extravagant hack festival, regular crashes, balance issues, nerfed destruction and overall disappointment of the players!

            Those things combined should make you want to throw your money at them for making such a great game!


              Originally posted by Douche Lord View Post
              Random bad luck deaths/spine shattering 3 feet drops, extravagant hack festival, regular crashes, balance issues, nerfed destruction and overall disappointment of the players!
              (I know that's sarcasm, but)

              This type of stuff would make me quit gaming forever if I had to pay monthly.
              "You cannot have 'slaughter' without having 'laughter'"
              "If I had wanted to show off, I would have been a porn star."
              "I have a 9in. tongue and I can breathe through my ears."


                Yeah, they're having a difficult time keeping servers full as it is. Seems the only way to keep people interested in a game now is to constantly release DLC.


                  Originally posted by Schultzy View Post
                  (I know that's sarcasm, but)

                  This type of stuff would make me quit gaming forever if I had to pay monthly.
                  Same here...well, it'd be back to some of my old rts and AI opponents.


                    I have no problem paying monthly for other games, like MMO's. But MMO's have periodic content that comes with the subscription price, so if EA wants to do that for BF3 they have to make it worth it.

                    If I have to pay $60 for the game and a monthly fee for the privilege to continue playing it, then count me out.


                      what does call of duty elite get you?


                        Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
                        what does call of duty elite get you?
                        An empty wallet


                          I'm not paying for any gaming service, I don't care what I get, what it provides or how much I like the game.
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                            Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
                            An empty wallet


                              Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
                              An empty wallet


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                              • Reply to hey yall!
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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