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Banned for 'GameHack'?

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    Banned for 'GameHack'?

    This was the last thing I saw in chat before I was removed from the server. Said something to the effect of PBBHub Qazme Gamehack and something else. Then banned me.

    About 10 minutes before that I had killed a guy with a mav and he was pulling out the stops trash talking me. So I simply told him I was doing it because it was making him mad. Simple as that. I had a massive 'hacking' score of 5/1 for the whole round....round had ended btw didn't get banned till the next map had loaded. He kept saying stuff like I had a "mav hack" whatever the hell that is?!

    Meanwhile a buddy of mine was in there who was 15/0 doing the same thing I was doing messing around with getting a mav proficiency tags. So undoubtedly I made someone mad I suppose?

    Even though I know this is a case of abuse, least it sure feels like it, I'll post a link to my stats so you can tell for yourself I didn't get kicked due to any automated "KPM" scripts etc. This was simply because someone was mad at me.

    *A bit more info*
    It was a ban issued into the PBBans system? Not evenbalance, I got no clue how any of that works except I'm not banned globally.

    *Edit #2*
    EB is telling me for sure it's PBBan only now. Waiting on word back from them as they said this would need to be investigated. Ah to find a new server I suppose.
    Last edited by Qazme; 9 Feb 2012, 01:19 AM.


    Cain didnt banned you. PBBans did it. Which is even worst because its seem you screwed your files or games or whatever. Anyway you can go to pbbans and try to fight this ban. But as long as you try to connect to any server who is streaming PBBANS you going to get banned.

    PBBans | Ban Appeal


      guessing you might of been flagged elsewhere or u "might" of been running something. Im not saying u were. but with a ratio of 5/1 and kicked within 10mins of the game.. you were probably FLAGGED elsewhere and PBBANS finally took actions.
      go to and try to appeal the ban. but you will need ALOT and HARD evidence to appeal it.. these guys are strict on unbanning people.

      Cain cant do anything from what i know of..


        Looking at your stats is worthless. It could be that after playing BF3 for a while you decided to finally bite the bullet and dropped a few bucks on a cheating program. Because your stats up to this point don't scream 'cheater' doesn't mean nothing fishy was going on the day pbbans tagged you.

        Not accusing anyone here. Just adding my about the "look at my stats" argument.



          One more detail: You weren't banned by any Cain's Lair admin.


            Yeah I understand that now. I'm waiting on PBBans. I wasn't using anything, I finished my last round inside Cain's server. The next round had just started, I picked my class and BOOM. Banned. No clue what's going on with it. The only things I can think of that was going on is I alt-tabbed out to check how close I was now to getting my service star for my recon class. I heard the game sounds so alt-tabbed back in and within probably 10 seconds I saw the message show up in chat.

            The unfortunate thing is everyone assumes, I used too, that you had to have been running something when something like this happens. So I'm not going to try and convince you guys. Last night I posted a bit in hast because it was the first time in a long time I had ever been accused of hacking by someone in a server, and then I was banned. So I tied 2 and 2 together.

            I've never had to ask for an unban from anything. So I went to PBBans and filled out their form. Guess it's a wait and see mode now? Not sure what evidence I would need, so I suppose I'll just be banned which is a shame. Now I understand the 'other side' I suppose. I would like details on why I was banned though from them?! What is gamehack 89246 supposed to be, or is that just a generic thing?

            Would an unstable overclock or beta drivers etc cause this? Been gaming since the introduction of PB years ago on various games from CS to BF3 and have never had this happen. Sucks.


              Originally posted by Qazme View Post
              Yeah I understand that now. I'm waiting on PBBans. I wasn't using anything, I finished my last round inside Cain's server. The next round had just started, I picked my class and BOOM. Banned. No clue what's going on with it. The only things I can think of that was going on is I alt-tabbed out to check how close I was now to getting my service star for my recon class. I heard the game sounds so alt-tabbed back in and within probably 10 seconds I saw the message show up in chat.

              The unfortunate thing is everyone assumes, I used too, that you had to have been running something when something like this happens. So I'm not going to try and convince you guys. Last night I posted a bit in hast because it was the first time in a long time I had ever been accused of hacking by someone in a server, and then I was banned. So I tied 2 and 2 together.

              I've never had to ask for an unban from anything. So I went to PBBans and filled out their form. Guess it's a wait and see mode now? Not sure what evidence I would need, so I suppose I'll just be banned which is a shame. Now I understand the 'other side' I suppose. I would like details on why I was banned though from them?! What is gamehack 89246 supposed to be, or is that just a generic thing?

              Would an unstable overclock or beta drivers etc cause this? Been gaming since the introduction of PB years ago on various games from CS to BF3 and have never had this happen. Sucks.
              Have to say Im in the same boat as you LOL.. and ive been gaming with Cains since Day of Defeat Source. This is a FIRST for me. but i was in another server and i got Flagged with 89246.

              89246 can be alot of things. but i remember back in BFBC2 have O/C programs would cause a PB Kick. I currently run Sapphire X for my radeon cards. and i used to get pb kicked all the time. =/

              I hardly play BF3 anymore.. so i might just stop playing..its not the end of the world for me playing BF3..i used to play the crap out of it back in BETA and First Month of Release.

              Btw...were u running Autohotkey? if u were u probably got banned for this.


                As a matter of fact I do run autohotkey. I use it on my Deck keyboard for audio that what caused this?!?! Glad to see I'm not the only one that's having this issue that's legit. Makes me feel a bit better.

                At the time of ban I had came back from alt-tabbed in chrome.
                Media center was recording a tv show.
                Had TS3 open.

                That's what I had going, nothing more.


                  Sadly it is AHK. read some other legit players got banned for running ahk. Atm.there's nothing to do.but wait.


                    Seems like AHK might be causing your problem, but I'm using an un-compiled AHK 64-bit script before, during, & after playing BF3 (for my Cain's Lair announcements). No trouble so far. This problem might be difficult for them to find & fix.


                      Maybe because it was 64bit? I'm running the 32bit version if I'm not mistaken. At work right now so I can't remember if it's 32 or 64 bit. I hope they get it figured out pretty quickly because a bunch of servers run PBBans that I play in.....


                        im running a 64bit of W7..but look at me.. i got pwnd
                        funny thing is..its not even loaded with a BF3 script.. strictly ghey..


                          No I was talking about the AHK version. I'm running 64bit windows too, however I run the 32bit version of AHK. Was thinking maybe he is running the 64bit of ahk and it may not be picked up?


                            YES YES YES!!! Thank god this came out well! Gamehack 89246 is for AutoHotKey. They have removed my ban!! Evenbalance said it wasn't flagged in error however PBBans recognizes it's because of AHK!!!!

                            Whew, I feel so much better now. Thanks for the conversation guys!


                              Congrats and see you in game.

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