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Wahhh!? I got banned by pbbans.. for what?

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    Wahhh!? I got banned by pbbans.. for what?

    so i decided to hop on and play some good ol BF3 on another server.. since currently cains is 0'd out..with my new job position as Operations Manager/District Manager i have 0 time to play and work 60hrs a week...i finally have a tiny bit of time to squeeze some gaming time.. So.....

    I decided to just quickstart into a random server just to see how the B2K is.. i get ingame, i start..killing people and rolling thru buildings and BAM!
    i get pbban'd>_>.. i was really sad.. i mean REALLY sad.. i was like COME ON!! i've been absent for 5months+ on BF3..and this is what i get? OMG

    PBBans | MSI - View Server (66-150-214-129-25200)
    at the sametime im LOL'n..

    well.. im disputing to evenbalance and pbbans to get this thing resolved..but i guess its a sign i should stop playing BF3 and continue playing SWTOR and my Diablo 3 beta =/.
    Its not a global ban.. but its somekind of ban..

    btw Cain you can Blacklist me from the server for the mean time. Im sure alot of people will say something...therefore please blacklist me till i get this resolved with EB/PBBANs.

    I'll give you guys an update....
    Edit 1: ill probably get an answer by tomorrow or something.. meantime.. i'll go to bed.
    Edit 2: Cant get it out of my head.. but reading from BF3 forums/EB/PBBANS.. LEGIT players were banned with the same violation, for not having up to date drivers,playing in windows mode(i play in windows mode),alt tabbing the game window and not up to date gpus. and causing the streaming/pb screenshots to go black. Alot of Admins have been wary about the "BLACK SCREENS" therefore they were reporting "FALSE" bans to pbbans.

    I hate to hear about this Brian. I know you don't hack so this comes as a huge surprise. What server are you on with SWTOR?

    I'm playing as Nilesfett on Vulkar Highway at the moment. I also have a trooper healer, but I don't like playing with him anymore. Being a tank is so much more fun

    I hope things get worked out for you. And now I know how you guys feel about not having time. College is getting a little more difficult for me to play. I think I'm able to play once a week if I'm lucky. If I could get my homework done faster I could play everyday, but I'm still in this lazy mood lol


      You were always fishy, just saying...


        Do you pass the Sniff test... LOL
        I've been kicked by PBan, but not banned.. hmmm..

        I have limited play time lately as well, 70-80 hour work weeks.

        What server are you playing on with SWTOR
        ??Click me to donate??


          Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
          You were always fishy, just saying...
          same goes for you Phantom.

          @Niles & @D&G: I play on The Crucible Pits. but i might roll elsewhere.
          currently i have a Sentinel lvl 46 and a Commando lvl 50.


            HHAHAHA okay now i know why i got banned lmao.
            i had AHK running. which is Autohotkey. Yea it sounds wrong.but i use it for SWTOR and bind my own custom keymaps since its an MMO. oh wells.. ill either stop playing or get the game later on :] and PB picked it up as a "GAMEHACK".
            but still..people were able to get it appealed by EB/PBBANs.


              Originally posted by Brian is Huh?!{CLR} View Post
              same goes for you Phantom.
              I'm not the one that got banned by PB, yet.


                That is true. But if I have known ahk gets flagged as a hack. I would of turned it off.
                plus I only use ahk for swtor. Since I can custom map my keys.
                oh wells.. its a stupid ban. Alot of other legit players have gotten banned for having or using AHK.
                I'll either buy a new copy or uninstall bf3 and wait for ghost recon future soldier...


                  Well this is just pathetic. I better not be banned because of a program that allows me to hit "Cntrl + KP_+" etc to turn my volume up and down. If that's the case I can still play in PB servers, just not PBBans ones. However there are quite a few. Why was this not a problem before? I've played since beta never had an issue. Haven't played at all this week till last night then BAM. banned. So stupid, they better reverse this ban. Surely they will, I mean it probably gives them a list of programs and services we were running right? Surely they don't consider AHK a hack?!


                    AHK is an exploit, not a hack. Back in COD4, you could shoot any semi auto weapon faster than an auto. Which was bannable by most servers. I am totally with ban it too. Just like Brian trying to get ahead of competition in SWOTR, he could do that in any other game. I don't think it should be Bannable by PB but they should warn people before making it a ban.


                      Ahk is a script I agree its bannable and should let people know. But there's alot of people who uses it for miscellaneous stuff. In swtor I dont use it for exploiting or anything. I just remap all the keys. So I wont be smashing my keys and getting finger cramps.
                      But lets see what happens.worst comes to worst..ill just go to target and buy a new game.

                      @kphant: iunno where it said I wanted to get ahead of competition but that's not true. It doesn't give me any advantages. Its just a simple reconfigure scripts for keymaps.


                        I swapped from a old rubber dome multimedia keyboard (logitech) to a mechanical keyboard (Deck) about a year or so ago. The only solution for me for having media controls on the keyboard since it lacks the extra keys, was to run AutoHotKey. The only bindings on my machine it does is volume up/down and mute.

                        So I should be banned for controlling my volume? Wow....I could see it being a kick for an unacceptable driver/app or whatever PB refers to it as, but not a ban. If I would have know it would issue a ban for it one of the things I would have turned off before playing would be AHK.


                          This is an interesting thread. This program seems no different then the software that it used to run a gaming keyboard or my N52. Whats the big deal?

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                            I got no clue. But a small update from one of the staff on PBBans they say it's very unlikely it's AHK that got us banned. Of course I know they aren't too great with the banning system for the simple fact I know of at least two if not more people who are now banned for supposedly not hacking. So my confidence in them has waned quite a bit. They claim they are waiting on word from EB on the outcome.


                              Im here with u qazme. If I had known then I wouldn't of closed the program.
                              @duke: some ppl use it to exploit it.but there is some innocent players who use it for something else. There should be a warning of some sort.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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