so i decided to hop on and play some good ol BF3 on another server.. since currently cains is 0'd out..with my new job position as Operations Manager/District Manager i have 0 time to play and work 60hrs a week...i finally have a tiny bit of time to squeeze some gaming time.. So.....
I decided to just quickstart into a random server just to see how the B2K is.. i get ingame, i start..killing people and rolling thru buildings and BAM!
i get pbban'd>_>.. i was really sad.. i mean REALLY sad.. i was like COME ON!! i've been absent for 5months+ on BF3..and this is what i get? OMG

PBBans | MSI - View Server (66-150-214-129-25200)
at the sametime im LOL'n..
well.. im disputing to evenbalance and pbbans to get this thing resolved..but i guess its a sign i should stop playing BF3 and continue playing SWTOR and my Diablo 3 beta =/.
Its not a global ban.. but its somekind of ban..
btw Cain you can Blacklist me from the server for the mean time. Im sure alot of people will say something...therefore please blacklist me till i get this resolved with EB/PBBANs.
I'll give you guys an update....
Edit 1: ill probably get an answer by tomorrow or something.. meantime.. i'll go to bed.
Edit 2: Cant get it out of my head.. but reading from BF3 forums/EB/PBBANS.. LEGIT players were banned with the same violation, for not having up to date drivers,playing in windows mode(i play in windows mode),alt tabbing the game window and not up to date gpus. and causing the streaming/pb screenshots to go black. Alot of Admins have been wary about the "BLACK SCREENS" therefore they were reporting "FALSE" bans to pbbans.
I decided to just quickstart into a random server just to see how the B2K is.. i get ingame, i start..killing people and rolling thru buildings and BAM!
i get pbban'd>_>.. i was really sad.. i mean REALLY sad.. i was like COME ON!! i've been absent for 5months+ on BF3..and this is what i get? OMG

PBBans | MSI - View Server (66-150-214-129-25200)
at the sametime im LOL'n..
well.. im disputing to evenbalance and pbbans to get this thing resolved..but i guess its a sign i should stop playing BF3 and continue playing SWTOR and my Diablo 3 beta =/.
Its not a global ban.. but its somekind of ban..
btw Cain you can Blacklist me from the server for the mean time. Im sure alot of people will say something...therefore please blacklist me till i get this resolved with EB/PBBANs.
I'll give you guys an update....
Edit 1: ill probably get an answer by tomorrow or something.. meantime.. i'll go to bed.
Edit 2: Cant get it out of my head.. but reading from BF3 forums/EB/PBBANS.. LEGIT players were banned with the same violation, for not having up to date drivers,playing in windows mode(i play in windows mode),alt tabbing the game window and not up to date gpus. and causing the streaming/pb screenshots to go black. Alot of Admins have been wary about the "BLACK SCREENS" therefore they were reporting "FALSE" bans to pbbans.