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i wish i didn't have a ghetto rig :(

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    i wish i didn't have a ghetto rig :(

    i'd be playing bfbc2 on pc on the lair instead of 360

    Hello Glass! What kind of rig do you have?


      some oldschool c2d @ 1.8ghz, 2gb of ram, and an 8600 512.

      i bet i'd probably see a high of 20 fps on the lowest settings looking at the ground. lol.


        I get a playable 15-30 fps with the following config:
        AMD 4400+ X2
        3GB RAM
        MSI 8800 GT

        Don't get me wrong I would love a higher and solid fps but oh well.
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          Don't feel bad glass, at least your PC is running, my home computer is dead... lights out. I think it is the motherboard. It was fine for BF2 in the day but I doubt it would handle BFBC2. I may get a new one, but my work has shifted into Building Information Modeling, which is a demanding software, and network specific, so I can't do any work from home anymore. So it will be hard to justify the 1500-2000 bucks to get a decent rig with some staying power.
          Mass, Limey and I have been rolling on the PS3... it has been fun. It was a relatively cheap investment... 300 bucks, plays games and Bluray disks really well. I tell anyone I know if they are thinking of picking up a decent bluray player just get a ps3. It works way better then the bluray player that I spent 300 bucks on 2 years ago. I'm a pretty busy guy, I'm at work right now on a saturday.. I was having a hard time keeping up with the upgrades etc on the pc to keep it running for games etc. The PS3 has been working out well for me, low maintenenc and you know the games are going to work well. I know a lot of people here will never want to make the shift, but i have to tell you that BFBC2 looks awesome on a large high def TV. And as it is with all games, the people you play with matter more then the hardware. Cain's is the best no doubt, and the people here are great role models for decent, fair gaming. I try to keep that attitude when playing games on whatever hardware.


            Originally posted by DougBob View Post
            I get a playable 15-30 fps
            Did you just say "playable" 15-30FPS, in a shooter?


              Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
              Did you just say "playable" 15-30FPS, in a shooter?
              Yep, it just squeaks by.
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                LOLz at playable!

                DB, try changing your audio settings in Windows as per the HW rendering thread. That helped me a lot.


                  ROFL, I turned the audio processing sample rate turned the whole way down and the digital audio turned down the whole way to 16bit 44KHz which is the lowest settings.
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                    We should put together a parts list for an el cheapo rig that could play this game. I think a i5 rig could be thrown together for a fair price. It's nice playing with a bunch of the old times as well as our newest CLRs so it would be nice if hardware wasn't an issue.

                    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                      Originally posted by glasscasket View Post
                      some oldschool c2d @ 1.8ghz, 2gb of ram, and an 8600 512.

                      i bet i'd probably see a high of 20 fps on the lowest settings looking at the ground. lol.
                      Overclock the CPU a little and get a second hand 4870 or something similar and you'll be laughing.


                        If you do your homework and you are willing to overclock you can go a long way with some rigs.

                        I usually stay 1 generation behind on hardware, firstly cause I just cant afford to keep up and second cause the prices are cheaper and people have had time to get the bugs out, learn the limits better.

                        Just glad im working atm so no upgrades for another year for me probably


                          Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
                          We should put together a parts list for an el cheapo rig that could play this game. I think a i5 rig could be thrown together for a fair price. It's nice playing with a bunch of the old times as well as our newest CLRs so it would be nice if hardware wasn't an issue.
                          someone DO THIS PLEASE !!

                          I'm thinking about updating the Comp in the family room and
                          although its not a big gamer machine, it would be nice to play there every now and then !

                          Could someone recommend a base line with suggestions.

                          I was going Proc, Motherboard, Ram and Video anyways although I do an have an older 8800 GTS that could be used if it will run the game.

                          any thoughts or maybe a thread in the Comp Forums Sections


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