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Favored Kits/Loadouts

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    Favored Kits/Loadouts

    This thread is to help newer folks with effective kit selection. AS always, your mileage may vary, as everyone's playstyle is different. Lets help 'em out.... and let them know what they are upagainst.

    Hopefully this will helps some of th enewer, and lower leveled folks with a competitive edge against some of us more experienced, and why/what/how they are effective. I know it would have helped alot if i had a list like this when i first started.

    For those of use who are already set in our ways, its good to theorycraft as well....

    This is based on the current R7 version.

    Some of mine:

    Kit: Sniper
    Primary: VSS Special
    Seconday: Any
    Gadget 1: Mortar
    Gadget 2: Extra Ammo
    Gadget 3: Extra Damage
    Vehicle: Extra munitions damage.

    Why: This is an effective Close/Long range kit. The overall playstyle I found to be the most efficient with this kit, is a low, hidden position with good vantage points, but you don't need a clean line of sight.

    Because of the gun's mechanics, if you see a moving leaf, you pop off a round. If it hits, fire some more!

    This setup/gun, is most effective with 1-2 shot bursts. after 2, the accuracy goes horrid. This gives you the oppertunity to use it in an assault type situation as well.

    Pros: The primary bonus of the kit is the rapid fire/burst fire mechanic. While with a normal sniper kit there is a reload time inbetween shots, this kit allows you to pop off multiple shots. Great for moving targets, the accidental miss, or the targets who wind up taking multiple hits to kill. With this loadout there are 20 bullets to a clip.

    Secondly, if you get into a close combat scrape, in a pinch firing from the hip is moderately effective, and doesn't require you to swap weapons to do so.

    Thirdly, Silenced. This is beneficial at a moderate range, as its nice and quiet. this makes finding your position to nearby enemies much harder to locate.

    It's like an assault rifle with a moderate scope.

    Cons: Ammo. Because the gun itself require more bullets to kill someone than a normal sniper rifle for non-headshots, running without extra ammo limits your overall combat effectiveness.

    Range. The bullet drop on this gun is a pain. It has in my opinion one of the shortest overall ranges of all the sniper rifles.

    Overall stopping power. Overall, it takes 2-4 hits overall to kill a target. If you miss a headshot on a sniper or other target, they have an oppertunity to find out your location, and take you out with a much more stopping power efficient weapon.

    The scope is annoying as hell. And, more than 2 bullets at a time result in a very wild firing arc.

    Kit: Medic
    Primary: M60
    Secondary: Any
    Gadget 1: Paddles
    Gadget 2: Red Dot or Acog scope. I prefer red dot.
    Gadget 3: Extra Damage

    Why: The primary role of this loadout is suppressive power, stopping power, and general support.

    The weapon should always be fired in short 3-4 shot bursts. This gives the wielder the most effective concentration, while providing decent supression power.

    As always, rezzing fallen comrades comes in first.

    Pros: Long range accuracy, and stopping power. With this selection, you can holddown a decent spressive stream for your squadmates to move into a position. The standard clip loadout provides decent time to do this.

    The red dot options provides you with a better FoV, and view of exactly where you are firing, making this kit effective for taking out opponents, and even enemy snipers.

    Cons: As with all LMG's, Close quarters combat is less than effective. The stopping power helps a tad, but less focused "Spray and Pray" ultimately cripples most people. In these situations, Secondary weapons and knives are your best friend.

    Reloading. Same with other LMG's, this has an extensive reload time. chews aload of ammo too. Hope you have an assualt class who knows that dropping an ammo box is for more than reloading their noob tubing fantasies.

    Kit: Assualt
    Primary: M16A1
    Secondary: Any
    Gadget 1: SMOKE SCREEN
    Gadget 2: ACOG
    Gadget 3: Stopping Power or Body Armour

    Why: The effectiveness of this loadout depends on the user to realize 2 things.

    a. Your job is to provide SUPPORT, hence why your called a SUPPORT class.
    b. Being an effective player also means your Kamikaze Kenny.

    The primary focus here is combat effectiveness at medium/long ranges. While horribly underused, the Smokescreen grenade allows you to use it as both an insertion and a diversionary tactic.

    Secondly, the 3 shot burst of the M16A1 is best used pointing at the waist to lower chest. each successive shot of the rifle moves the next bullets trajectory up a bit, allowing for a headshot after the first 1 or 2 non fatal blow.

    Pros: Stopping power. Hands down, a station or prone target gets torn apart by this loadout. Aimed properly, unintended headshots will rain down on you.

    This is a true suppressive/support/team oriented loadout. When used with an effective knowledge of the class, your enemies don't know what hit them. launching a smoke grenade and strafing to the edge and removing the obstacles on the otherside.

    Most people see a smoke screen and try to navigate around it, instead of shooting though it, like it a wall or something. you can sit on the other side and pickem off. works defensively.

    Cons: no run and gun. its not built for spray and pray.

    No grenade launcher. No boom/insta-kill for you. Hence the reason most people shy away from the smoke grenade.

    Kit: Sniper
    Primary: Gol Magnum
    Seconday: Any
    Gadget 1: C4
    Gadget 2: Lightweight or 12x zoom
    Gadget 3: Extra Damage
    Vehicle: Extra munitions damage.

    Kit: Assault
    Primary: An-94
    Seconday: Any
    Gadget 1: 40mm Grenade
    Gadget 2: Lightweight
    Gadget 3: Extra Damage
    Vehicle: Extra munitions damage.


      Kit: Sniper
      Primary: SV98 (HC) Gol or M95 (Non-HC)
      Seconday: Any but M1911 - too powerful.
      Gadget 1: Mortar (Full server) C4 (Empty server)
      Gadget 2: Extra Ammo (Only one that makes sense)
      Gadget 3: Extra Damage (I never noticed doing any actual damage, but it's better than whatever the hell is also there)
      Vehicle: Scope : When you're in that tank gunner seat, you can zoom in and it helps a LOT. With UAV? It's a no brainer.


        Kit: Sniper
        Primary: Gol Magnum(Got 8 gold stars need 17 kills more to get 9) By far the best and easiest quick scoping sniper to use.
        Seconday: M1911(got 7 almost 8 gold stars with it!)
        Gadget 1: Mortors
        Gadget 2: 12x zoom
        Gadget 3: Extra Damage
        Vehicle: Extra munitions damage.

        Kit: Assault
        Primary: An-94 with red dot
        Seconday: M1911
        Gadget 1: 40mm Grenade
        Gadget 2: Lightweight
        Gadget 3: Extra Damage
        Vehicle: Extra munitions damage.

        Kit: Medic
        Primary: I vary
        The rest of my gadgets are the same as assult

        Kit: Engineer
        Primary: Still ranking it up so i use the scar.
        The rest of my gadgets are the same as assult


          Originally posted by Reconsnipe1 View Post
          Kit: Engineer
          Primary: Still ranking it up so i use the scar.
          The rest of my gadgets are the same as assult
          I have almost all of the engineer weapons and the scar is one of the best for damage/range/accuracy fireing that thing on burst you can pick off almost anyone not rediculously far away.


            A good tip for snipers is if you miss your shot quick swap to your pistol (if anyone besides apache has played css they can relate to this) then fire 2-3 shots quickly and they should be dead on accurate. Or just swap to pistol and finish them off if they are not to far away because it takes to much time to reload the bolt guns.

            Just a tip..


              Originally posted by Reconsnipe1 View Post
              Kit: Sniper
              Primary: Gol Magnum(Got 8 gold stars need 17 kills more to get 9) By far the best and easiest quick scoping sniper to use.


                I still have a way to go to get all of the unlocks, so I am still trying out all of the guns as I get them.

                A few things I have noticed:
                Recon: I suck as a sniper. As a result, I use the SAIGA when playing the recon kit most of the time. It is actually pretty effective. I also love the mortars. Raining destruction down on a few unsuspecting enemies is just fun!

                Assault: My least favorite class. I have only gotten to the F2000, and it seems inferior to the XM8 to me. It has a higher rate of fire, but is much less accurate. Also, the 40MM shotty is a killer. DougBob was tearing me up with that thing last night.

                Engineer: I like the Carl Gustav better than the RPG. It fires a lot faster, and can be used to snipe people.

                Medic: Using the Type 88 right now. It is decent, but I can't wait to get the M60. I have picked up a few kits that had the 60, and it is great.

                General tips/observations:
                1. IMO you should always be in a squad unless you plan on doing some lonewolf stuff like sniping. If you are actively attacking/defending flags or MCOMs you will be much more effective in a squad.

                2. Always have attack or defend orders in place. I am not exactly sure how it works, but there doesn't seem to be a squad leader in BC2, so anyone in the squad can issue orders. (Although there were times when I was unable to, so not sure what is going on there)

                3. Use your mic! Talking to your squad mates will make you a more effective unit. Plus, it just makes the game more enjoyable IMO.


                  Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
                  General tips/observations:
                  1. IMO you should always be in a squad unless you plan on doing some lonewolf stuff like sniping. If you are actively attacking/defending flags or MCOMs you will be much more effective in a squad.

                  2. Always have attack or defend orders in place. I am not exactly sure how it works, but there doesn't seem to be a squad leader in BC2, so anyone in the squad can issue orders. (Although there were times when I was unable to, so not sure what is going on there)

                  3. Use your mic! Talking to your squad mates will make you a more effective unit. Plus, it just makes the game more enjoyable IMO.


                    And, don't stop talking just because your squad mates are silent. Some don't use mics, and mine hasn't worked right so far.
                    Note, it's not possible to type or read chat while dead, and if I'm typing I usually die, so life is tough.


                      A word on sqaud play.

                      Stay close, but not too close.

                      Humping the backs of your squadies is the EASIEST way to lose any forward momentum. The biggset reason is that by staying clumped up, you make for a much larger target for a noob tuber or gustav gluttony.

                      Movement in packs, covering your friendlies is far more effective. People shoot what moves, allowing an easy target for you.

                      Always have one squadies hang back. the best choice is generally the medic, because suppressive firepower, plus self healing is a big bonus.

                      a sniper can also be a good spawn point, but it can also be one of the worst. one, because generally, another sniper is gunning for them. spawning on him will give away his position, making him mad, and making an easy target for someone gunning for him.

                      Spawn on a sniper, but be courteous. spawning and rushing out is BAAAAAAD.

                      Sqaud mates are team mates. listen to them, work with them. cover them, and they will cover you.

                      Snipers. The BIGGEST FoV is not always the best. if you minimize what effective FoV you have, chances are, it'll minimize your footprint, and directions from which others can shoot you.

                      Medics. Just because you have a LMG does NOT make you Rambo. You are not invincible. running and gunning will make you dead.

                      Pilots. Ever heard of the old idiom, the pilot goes down with the ship? This does NOT mean you need to RAM something with a full helo.

                      And by far, my BIGGEST pet peave. If your support, PLAY IT. EA gave you medic and ammo kits for a reason. its called resupply, and healing.

                      A note on that.

                      If your a medic, and you see the bar above someone's head not at full, take a second, drop a box, and keep going. It takes 0 skill, and since your running around like rambo ANYWAY, it'll give the guy who needs it a chance to cover you, and kill he people your running head long into.

                      If your assault, watch the minimap, and your friendlies. if an ammo icon appears above their head, its because they want some. Ammo. It comes in the box, it has ammo, gives you points, helps squadies and your team. as much as i love to run around pistol whipping people, its alot less effective.

                      If you are a Sniper or engineer: This is hard, i know. if your medic dies, the smart thing to do is to pick up his kit, and revive him. The pros outweigh the cons. Yes, i know you lose your precious kit. But, if you've ever noticed, someone who is revived is INVULNERABLE for a few sconds afterward. They can, and if a decent player, will cover you. if you die, they can get their kit back in the process. Chain reviving people can be devastating on the opposing team. also, you get to steal their cool kits.

                      Now one more tip.

                      The "Q" button(default) is your friend. this is a multi function key. Use it well.

                      When targeting a M-Com or flag, it'll issue an attack or defend order. If you just took it? swap to defense. You get bonus points for following squad orders. Always have an order. Follow orders, and reap the benefits. From Starship troopers "Do your job or i'll kill you myself."

                      When used on an enemy, it will spot them. Spotted targets, even on HC, gives Spot assist points. On vanilla, it puts up a cute red triangle. This can make or break an assault or push.

                      When targeting a friendly, it issues a request. If its an assault, it'll request ammo. If its a medic, it'll request a health pack. If its a vehicle, it'll request a ride. Pay attention to those symbols.

                      Some of us are too lazy to use Voip. Some of us can't use Voip. And some of us can't understand a word coming from your mouth because voip makes it sound like you are chewing on a mouthfull of glass. But if you leave your mike open, i can hear you breathing. I have a wife who already breathes down my neck, hearing someone else do it could make me go crazy.... er.


                        I was wonderin how the heck you target someone. Do you use the binocs on them and the Q key. How the heck is it done.
                        [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                          I use the Q key


                            Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post
                            I was wonderin how the heck you target someone. Do you use the binocs on them and the Q key. How the heck is it done.
                            Anytime they are relatively in your sights at what the game assumes to be a "fair" distance, you can spot them. Aim, not even down the barrel, and press "q".

                            I will spam the button just to snag a few when possible, hiding in trees. Its very effective.

                            Just aim below the red triangle, and bam. Dead monkey.


                              For spotting, like he said, just point and don't shoot. Use the Q key instead.

                              Spotting is an obvious job for the UAV, but I've also had fun near the the line of combat, spotting bad guys without firing my own weapon. This is temporarily helpful (until the line shifts).


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