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Should I?

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    Should I?

    Ok, Im considering buying this game to join ya'll in the madness of pre-2142 Cains Lair Battlefield and I wnated to know who else of the new guys would buy this game late...

    so, who's buying it? (if I can get the blasted poll option to work )

    and btw: If any regulars to this game want to weigh in, feel free. Its a neck and neck decision b/t this and Frontlines
    no, I dont want to use money on this game
    no, game has been out too long
    maybe, depends on how this poll turns out
    Last edited by xGoblin013x; 18 Mar 2008, 08:16 PM.

    You should have posted I all ready have this game.

    Where do you put the Bayonet?
    Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
    I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
    Frank Lloyd Wright


      I agree with Apache. Many of the CLR's on here came here because of Battlefield 2.


      right now it is about 10 dollars at best buy, and worth it to play with other CLR's. It is a different kind of gameplay than CoD4, but I like it more. It is more team based with virtually no nade spamming. For those of you who have played 2142, the gameplay is similar, minus the spawn beacons and with less customizability. Instead there are about 7 classes each with 2 alternate main weapons. Bottom line, it is awesome.


        Originally posted by linemanstud View Post
        Bottom line, it is awesome.
        I really recommend it... I put a big YES! even though I already have it... I'd go buy it again


          I would reccomend going and buying it cant go wrong


            Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
            You should have posted I all ready have this game.


              Originally posted by linemanstud View Post
              ...It is a different kind of gameplay than CoD4, but I like it more. It is more team based with virtually no nade spamming.

              You've obviously been away from Karkand IO for too long

              At least Cain runs with vehicles, making nade spam less of an issue


                I'd recommend getting it Goblin. I know it's been out awhile but it really is a fun game. It's alot more dynamic than CoD4. Bigger maps, more things you can do with the different classes, vehicles...etc. Only thing that might drive you nuts is the bunny hoppers but that's pretty minor lol. And, while there is some nade spam...there's ALOT more places to run away from them lol.

                Oh, and I already had the game heh. However, I am thinking about getting the complete collection just so I can have all the expansions...only one I really care about is the SF one so I can get the extra weapon unlocks



                  Originally posted by CarbonFire View Post

                  You've obviously been away from Karkand IO for too long

                  At least Cain runs with vehicles, making nade spam less of an issue
                  On Karkand 64 player the only nade spam happens between hotel and the US bases, and only until the first base gets capped. Other than that it is open enough for mostly gun fighting, but close enough to be amazing.


                    battlefield has HUGE maps, can get annoying but meh battlefield's awesome (only got 2142, may get battlefield 2. but pretty unlikely)


                      I would say if it's only $10.00 then it's a no brainer. Squads are a lot of fun and really bring the FPS to a new level.

                      Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                        Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
                        I would say if it's only $10.00 then it's a no brainer. Squads are a lot of fun and really bring the FPS to a new level.
                        Well, yeah if its only $10 at Best Buy I'll go ahead and get both BF2 and FFOW... $60 for two games is a great bargain.

                        I like 2142 well enough, I still play it occasionally and I think BF2 has been decided on as the better of the two. However, I'm not so sure BF2 is really only going to be $10, maybe $25 but if it is less than $20, I'll definately get it when I get back from Spring Break.


                          for anybody who is thinking about getting bf2, GET IT! i'm telling you man, its in my top 5. And also its before EA started getting dumb. I'm probably gonna install tonight if i can get out of doing "honeydoos"


                            Amazon has BF2 for $9.99.


                            Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
                            Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                              Originally posted by xGoblin013x View Post
                              Well, yeah if its only $10 at Best Buy I'll go ahead and get both BF2 and FFOW... $60 for two games is a great bargain.

                              I like 2142 well enough, I still play it occasionally and I think BF2 has been decided on as the better of the two. However, I'm not so sure BF2 is really only going to be $10, maybe $25 but if it is less than $20, I'll definately get it when I get back from Spring Break.

                              I bought it back in November for $9.99 at Best Buy. Trust me, if you just want the game with no expansions, its that cheap.


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