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    punkbuster is so first i got banned for five minutes,for ignoring quiries i update punkbuster and get back on and get banned for five minutes again,ignoring quiries md5 tool.dont know what to do now

    I was getting invalid memory image kicks last night again. =/


      Only had that once, and never had it again. So... I have no idea, sorry


        It might just be pb acting up again....check the pb forums and see if anyone else is having the same problem......or you can just uninstall those fine hacks you have.


          i knew you were a haxer!!!j/k

          it could be your network blocking some data, last time i got an odd string of kicks, a network reboot (router, modem, and all pc's on it) cleared it..... but you never know, pb is a strange and moody critter.

          hope you get it cleared up soon, looking forward to killing you or getting stabbed by you


            pbsetup usually fixes all of my PB issues. I now have a shortcut to it on my desktop and just run it every few days to make sure I have all of the updates.

            You'd think that they could make PB smart enough to autoupdate when you join a game with an updated version, though. It is annoying to have to go through the extra step of making sure you have the latest version for all of the games that use it.


              I got a script exceeding something or other two nights ago. I give up when the various PB 'offenses' come rolling around, as there's no way to make sure you are safe.
              Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                Try Reinstalling punkbuster from scratch. See the PUNKBUSTER thread in the COD4 section and find the how-to that I put up. I had your exact problem which led me to building a step-by-step.


                  thanks guys,Mikes answer fixed it.




                      Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
                      I got a script exceeding something or other two nights ago. I give up when the various PB 'offenses' come rolling around, as there's no way to make sure you are safe.
                      I had the same thing happen last night and I couldnt connect to Cains server but I could every other...would time out on me all the time


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                      • Reply to hey yall!
                        by Sirex
                        All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                        Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                        7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                      • Reply to hey yall!
                        by Pidgeot_Girl
                        Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                        2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                      • Reply to hey yall!
                        by Apache Warrior
                        Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                        I am not playing anything right...
                        2 Mar 2025, 09:04 AM
                      • Reply to Hi guys!
                        by Pidgeot_Girl
                        Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                        1 Mar 2025, 07:24 PM
                      • Reply to hey yall!
                        by Pidgeot_Girl
                        Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                        1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                      • Reply to hey yall!
                        by Sirex
                        :O hey Pidgeot!

                        Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                        Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                        23 Feb 2025, 06:31 PM