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Need a new rule

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    Need a new rule

    it would be REALLY nice if there was a rule like no tanks until teams are 8v8 or just pull all of the maps with tanks altogether, because it is causing people to leave the server when one guy in a tank kills everyone on the other team 7 or 8 times before someone can get him. Also, in the maps with tanks, i have noticed that the number of players in the server drops, and then there is a steady trickle of people leaving after that.

    kinda like nades and helicopters in cod4. I haven't played WaW yet but those items always took the fun out of it for me.
    [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


      I agree


        i agree too



          Some folks feel safer in tanks or just like driving around and shooting at people. I don't mind so much having folks cherish them, because what's more rewarding than taking out a tank? (except knifing Phantom [he gets so angry ] or killing Rye two times in a row?) Can't really ban tanks, it seems, because the server can go from 4 to 16 people or more in one match, and some ppl do like them. I rarely use them, except to ride over to sniper nests when the other team won't leave them.


            I dont mind to kill guy who have tank. And i think if its there you should find way to kill the guy.

            We better do something about how fast the spawns are changed. THERE IS HAVE TO BE WAY to slow it down.....


              Once again: the changing of the spawns is NOT a function of the speed at which one respawns. It's the new "dynamic" spawn system built into this game--which is one of the least effective and worst ideas of any game I've seen in quite some time. The spawn system is absolutely terrible.

              But it's the system, not the delay that causes the problems. It's deliberately designed to put spawns behind you or immediately next to you to "make it more real" and to "keep the action going."


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                Rand. I cannot agree more. This is the worst spawn system ever. And one of the things that make me play this game less.


                  I personally don't have a problem with tanks, even if it's one on one. I find taking out a tank pretty fun, even if i die 3 or 4 times while trying. I include the bazooka and anti-tank grenades in all of my load outs.


                    we have temp taken out the tanks to see how it affects game play, and will re-evaluate it afterwards.
                    ??Click me to donate??


                      Play the game 360?.Just do antitank build like me and can put it down with 3-4 c4/nades.


                        I have spawned infront a an enemy a few times. It gets pretty annoying when u work ur way to the enemy side and some random guy spawns behind u and blows ur head off I will stick with COD5 but it was not as good as COD4 and when COD6 comes out im leaving COD5 forever if Cain puts a server on #6.


                          Originally posted by Reconsnipe1 View Post
                          I have spawned infront a an enemy a few times. It gets pretty annoying when u work ur way to the enemy side and some random guy spawns behind u and blows ur head off
                          Sharpens your senses.


                            I can't agree more about the spawning, nothing worse than spawning three times in a row in a map in front of the guy who just killed you.... It really needs to be changed.

                            As far as the tanks go, I think they should be in the game. It does add another dimension, I use them from time to time. I know a lot of people don't like them, but for those of us not as skilled as the top players it's kind of nice to get a few kills in. Especially Seelow, a team with a couple of good snipers can keep the game pretty one sided. The game loses it's appeal after spawning for the fourth time and your sniped from half way across the map without moving. Tanks just give a team the oppurtunity to make it past the sniper nests, and I think promote teamwork. Snipers can keep people down while others go in and destroy the tanks.

                            Still enjoy the game one way or the other and want to see more people on the server. So whatever works, I'm game for.

                            Just wanted to add my two cents...for what it's worth.


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