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Perks!! What's Good, What's Mehhh

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    Perks!! What's Good, What's Mehhh

    OK folks, I've been experimenting with different Perks to see if I can up my K/D or at least survive another second with Rye Whiskey on the prowl. Some guns appear to be better or MUCH better than others, but to each his/her own.

    I've gone to More Damage and Quiet for most of my loadouts, good for most maps. I have a better K/D with that than anything else so far.

    Is Camo worth it? Certainly not in congested small maps, but bigger ones?

    Extra Damage or Jaggernaut?

    Ordinance Training or Coaxial machine gun?

    Bouncing Betty, more nades, Bazooka, sachel?
    Sachel is one heck of a tank killer if done correctly. Love running tanks, unless I have an entire team that stocked up on rockets and sachel charges. Makes life VERY difficult for a tanker.

    Thoughts, Good, Bad, Ugly?

    Rye, What's YOUR setup. I don't have your reflexes, but at least people would want to know.
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    i tried the coaxial machine gun... i hate it, your better off if you go with fast reload.... thats the best one in my opinion.


      I like jaggernaut and bettys


        Jeffro how the hell do you use the coaxial gun. I selected it but, couldn't get figure it out.


          Middle mouse button..


            k, here's my set-up so far.

            Mosen with scope
            .357 mag
            sticky nade

            Bouncing betty's
            Stopping power
            Deep impact.

            That's a one shot kill for most players, except those with either last stand or jug on, or if you hit a player in the foot.

            Silent but deadly:
            Type 100 w/ silencer
            Sticky nade (throw it close and it still wait to explode right where it is, no bounce is great)

            Satchel x2
            Dead silence

            Camo so I don't have to worry bout radar, satchel x2 for the tanks or to eliminate betty's from a distance, or as extra nades when thrown right!

            Double barrel sawed off shotty (max damage this way)
            Frag nade

            Frag x2 (extra frag to clear rooms with)
            Stopping power
            deep impact

            Don't think they will live through that!


              Stopping power is the single best perk money can buy. I don't use dead silence, never have, never will: in a server the size of Cain's, it's just about as useless as Shades and Gas Mask (those challenges suck to get, I felt helpless against a Stopping Power-toting Rye, and that I wasted a perk while carrying them). Camo is ok for a stealth class, but if you're going run and gun it's not as effective because the idea is to be GONE from any given point by the time someone uses the radar to track you.

              Steady Aim is essential for shotgunning, and is fairly useful for rifles as well, though I prefer Deep Impact in most cases. Iron Lungs is obviously good for bolt-actions/snipers, but I've recently switched to using it with a scoped M1 to get the headshot challenges. I think I'm going to only use that class on good snipe maps: accuracy at short range, no scope, is not very good.

              Jeffro's right: faster reloads for the tanks. Take it from a tank whore--it's easily the best vehicle perk. Coax would be nice for the pesky bazooka guys, but the turret slew is too slow even with greased bearings to easily gun anything down (not that you can combine the two perks, but you get the point). Greased bearings can be very useful if you are good in tanks and can use your terrain to your advantage--much better in Downfall than in Seelow, but can still be good. I would say Reload-----Greased---Speed-Coax-Water Cooler.

              For perk one, I often switch it up to whatever I feel like using. I'm toting a flamethrower with my run and gun class for when I feel like having fun, and various explosives with the others. My main assault class has bomb squad right now, and it's actually incredibly useful in this game, moreso than COD 4 for some reason.


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                Dead silence is good when playing hardcore.

                Where do you put the Bayonet?
                Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                Frank Lloyd Wright


                  Use the G key for coaxial also... Since the machine gun only shoots along the axis of the main body of the tank, it isn't all that useful. If you can pop up into the gunner posiiton for a quick burst, then pop back down, you can usually stay alive.. Ummm Usually.. Like I said, those teams that are loaded up hot and heavy with Sachel's and Rockets mean a short life for a tanker unless your team helps clear your back and sides.

                  Splash damage for tank shells suck. They really nerfed them.

                  Last night, Drisel was keeping his tanks nice and healthy, and wiping out anyone trying to sneak behind them. Bad, Bad, Bad for your team combination.

                  I have some nerve damage, and my left hand is 60 percent numb, so I really suck at run and gun. (And Knifing) Can't feel some fingers, so my reflexes are worse than bad. That's why I tend to sneak around. Run and Gun is just stat padding the other side if I try. If you get knifed by me, you KNOW I had to work at it. I'll hit the grendade or map button's by mistake half the time, or heaven forbid, minimize the map and go back to windows.

                  I'll leave the run and gun to you young turks.

                  None of the machine guns impress me, but that is just me.

                  Shotties are for run and guns, and as I said, I play that role poorly. Still nothing more deadly than a shotty up close and personal. Funny though, you still have to hit dead center, which doesn't make sense considering it is a shotty.

                  Subs are over-powered for short-med ranges IMO.

                  I have had some success with Camo, but on maps where respawn is hot and heavy, it doesn't help you. WHY? Because people respawn ON you when you are the longest living guy on the team, or not in combat? Hard to be invisible when 5 new respawns are sitting in your lap.. LOL

                  Drisel and Rye, they look at all corners, hidey holes, etc. while running full out. And they snap shoot you in the head while you are thinking about it.. Just no getting around uber reflexes.

                  You would THINK putting a 2 second burst from a sub into someone would kill them, but the best players hop, juke, turn, run, and generally mess with the hit box, just like CoD4. And that is WITHOUT Jagg, they clear the room 1v3. It is really frustrating for someone who cannot do the same. Sigghhhh

                  And putting a .50 cal sniper bullet into someone's chest SHOULD kill them from 100yrds away? Not usually on TDM, even with Dmg and Penetration. On Hard Core, you can actually use different perks, or even overkill, as your bullets DO kill them first time with a .50 cal. Head shots, insta kill, no matter the game type.

                  The run and guns just don't give you a nice, steady, easy shot when sniping. I've seen Rye and others snipe via run and gun, but I'm just not able to do that. Good for them. I'm much more traditional. I've tried it, of course. When you come face-to-face with Rye or Drisel or XXYY, and you have a pistol, they have a Sub, guess who wins 90/100 times.

                  It's all fun. Play with the perks, the guns, the different play types. I'm not going to have a 3/1 K/D, but it is still fun to me. Playing with different perks is half the fun.
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                    Too be honest I will post some of my shortcomings then go into the percs Dead. There are others here that have better aim. I can aim, but am not the best. Drisel, Kowalsky, Evilization, Rand, they have better aim I think, than I do. I have learned over the years from trying, that my aim will never be top notch, I'm too twitchy, meaning, I have an inherent left mouse roll twitch. Upon seeing an enemy, I with muscle memory at least 3/4 of the time accidentally move my mouse left. It started after I got back from Iraq, so dunno what gives. I can't stop it now.
                    Now onto other things. What I have developed is quick reflexes and an uncanny luck ability. I somehow get through things that I'm not quite sure how. Like the other night, I just moved backwards and it so happened this guy was trying to knife me? He ended up right in front of me and he died. I also am a map learner. I try to learn the maps, the paths people take and such.
                    Hug walls, crouch and sprint when someone sees you. The weapons are all fairly good, you have to use them different. Don't run and gun with the DP or Type 99. Crouch shot and the like.
                    I personally use Stopping power and Deep impact on all my kits, unless it's the shotty, then I use extreme conditioning and juggernaut. I don't use betties anymore, I use bandolier for everything, although a few kits I've been adding the bazooka for you tank punks. I started using the sticky bomb so I can watch people run around with it on then blow up.

                    In HC I like to switch stopping power and with Camo, if that's the right switch I can't remember at the moment.
                    And again, too be honest, it's my quick reflexes that rack up the points and map awareness, not my aim.

                    Oh, and one other thing is I tend to shoot better moving. I can't hit anything sitting in still or prone. I time my shots by matcing the other dudes movements. Hehe, alot of self disclosure. No matter it's all good.


                      I got more kills with my M1 and RIFLE GERNADE,than i did with anything elsemoe.


                        Originally posted by moe View Post
                        I got more kills with my M1 and RIFLE GERNADE,than i did with anything elsemoe.
                        I know.

                        Where do you put the Bayonet?
                        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                        I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                        Frank Lloyd Wright


                          Originally posted by moe View Post
                          I got more kills with my M1 and RIFLE GERNADE,than i did with anything elsemoe.
                          I know


                            more than you wanted to know

                            sometimes, when I just want to sweat out my impurities, I use the sawed-off shotgun with perks:

                            satchel charge (tank maps)
                            sleight of hand (fun for busy maps...a quick step back and you're reloaded)
                            extreme conditioning (without juggernaut, you have to juke a bit more to get close enough to shoot a fella)

                            my kill death ratio isn't always that great this way (shottie with camo might be better, but I like running to the mix [hence the "Skud"])...but sometimes I do well...and there's nothing like taking off someone's arm or leg with a shottie.

                            If I want a better kd ratio, I might do M1/PPH/ or browning 50 cal with bando/stopping power/extreme conditioning.

                            Almost have to go stopping power on regular servers (otherwise it's 3-8 hits before a kill), which is why I prefer hardcore (hardcore replace stopping power with camo).


                              Ever since I started using Camo and Deadly silence I haven't stoped, none of the other perks seem to help my main class much. Just being able to sneak up on anyone and waste them with a point blank shotgun blast is one of the only things I look foward too everytime I start the game.

                              Since I can pretty much kill anyone with a single shot of the sawed off shotgun I don't seem to need Stoping power or Double tab anymore, sleight of hand might be useful for the slow reload, but I'm to used to switching to knife battle mode everytime I fire my two shots.

                              I also seem to be stuck with betties, I love rockets in CoD4 I always seem to get my targets and it's always good to keep those chopper down, but in CoD5 they just don't feel as useful anymore.


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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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