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    Hi All,

    I love this server, but does anyone feel that sometimes the maps take too long. Maybe I just get bored too fast (even on the winning team). The worst is when you are at match point and then your team starts losing every round...and all you want is to move on to the next map. I wonder if the server has ever thought of making maps time based rather than reaching a certain score (16 wins)?

    I guess another option would be to bring voting back. But it would have to be regulated, because people can abuse that too. Maybe if 70% of people want to change map - then allow it?

    Last but not least, will friendly fire remain permanently off? I guess that can get a little wild in a 32 person server. Just wondering.

    Thanks and see you all in the game

    "Why so serious"

    Originally posted by trip202 View Post
    Hi All,

    I love this server, but does anyone feel that sometimes the maps take too long. Maybe I just get bored too fast (even on the winning team). The worst is when you are at match point and then your team starts losing every round...and all you want is to move on to the next map. I wonder if the server has ever thought of making maps time based rather than reaching a certain score (16 wins)?
    I don't know about the FF. I am neither for or against it. Though it has cleared up alot of griefing.

    From what I understand to be able to be considered in the competive mode you have to keep it at 16 wins. I am unsure if you can make it 10 mins(would actually be nice). I doubt though that we would be able and keep the ranking.


      Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
      I don't know about the FF. I am neither for or against it. Though it has cleared up alot of griefing.

      From what I understand to be able to be considered in the competive mode you have to keep it at 16 wins. I am unsure if you can make it 10 mins(would actually be nice). I doubt though that we would be able and keep the ranking.
      I did not even realize about the competitive mode. That seems to make more sense now.

      "Why so serious"


        Originally posted by trip202 View Post
        I guess another option would be to bring voting back. But it would have to be regulated, because people can abuse that too. Maybe if 70% of people want to change map - then allow it?
        The in-game voting system is really annoying, but there has been some discussions about implementing RTV. I think that would be awesome but was told it needs a little more tweeking.


          Originally posted by trip202 View Post
          Hi All,

          I love this server, but does anyone feel that sometimes the maps take too long. Maybe I just get bored too fast (even on the winning team). The worst is when you are at match point and then your team starts losing every round...and all you want is to move on to the next map. I wonder if the server has ever thought of making maps time based rather than reaching a certain score (16 wins)?

          I guess another option would be to bring voting back. But it would have to be regulated, because people can abuse that too. Maybe if 70% of people want to change map - then allow it?

          Last but not least, will friendly fire remain permanently off? I guess that can get a little wild in a 32 person server. Just wondering.

          Thanks and see you all in the game

          Thx for the questions and comments!!

          1) We run a "Competitive Mode" server and that carries with it certain criteria. 30 rounds per map being one of the main ones, also having to purchase armor and defuse kits and solid players.

          2) I have allowed map voting on servers in the past and it is usually not a positive thing. Votes are constantly happening and are very distracting, then when people vote for a map that did not pass, they get ticked off and leave, and then another vote starts and over and over. I have not ruled it out tho. I am working on player votekick and that will return soon.

          3) Friendly Fire. The bottom line here is FF in a Pub server causes more problems than it is worth, particularly with 32 players. I had FF enabled for the first few weeks of this server, and I was buried with complaints from people who were kicked for TKing. Also there are constantly people who want to spoil the fun of others by griefing them with knives, dropping nades in spawn, running in front of people shooting, etc. It is impossible to have admins 24/7 and even when you do both players blame each other for FF "accidents"... The main complaint I hear is about the Molotovs, with FF off, and I'm working on that.


            One more question!

            Does having an awp restriction affect competitive mode? I think 2-3 per team would be good. Sometimes it gets over-saturated with awps especially if one team is completely dominating.

            "Why so serious"


              One more answer!


              However many players will not play on Awp restricted servers and I have explained many times that when I restricted apps in my first CSGO server it went empty within days and never recovered, obviously having been blacklisted by many players.


                Hey cain, How about betting? It would be good. For example, if a team is losing. They can bet on t or ct and get more cash and keep the game balance with weapons. Instead of one team running with pistols and the other automatic. Just saying...
                Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                  Originally posted by AmazingRedd View Post
                  Hey cain, How about betting? It would be good. For example, if a team is losing. They can bet on t or ct and get more cash and keep the game balance with weapons. Instead of one team running with pistols and the other automatic. Just saying...

                  Not sure I agree with the betting plugin on a competitive server. Getting extra money from betting would ruin the point of competitive play. I could see it on a casual server.


                    Hmm I guess you's all about competitive.
                    Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                      Originally posted by AmazingRedd View Post
                      Hey cain, How about betting? It would be good. For example, if a team is losing. They can bet on t or ct and get more cash and keep the game balance with weapons. Instead of one team running with pistols and the other automatic. Just saying...
                      OMG i used to play in a betting server. it was awesome!


                        I haven't ruled out that betting plugin, it looks like fun to me...


                          Originally posted by jingles View Post
                          Not sure I agree with the betting plugin on a competitive server. Getting extra money from betting would ruin the point of competitive play. I could see it on a casual server.
                          I do not know how many times I have seen people bet on a sure thing and lose all of their money too.

                          Where do you put the Bayonet?
                          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                          Frank Lloyd Wright


                            I can assure you that if there is betting I will always have exactly the gun I want, I will not bet when there is any chance I might lose money and if I do lose I'll still have a stack of money from my 10 previous bets.

                            Anyone with experience on any cs game can do that, and that means more AWPs and negevs all over and I don't find that very competitive xD

                            If it was possible to have random betting rounds (2 or 3 max for the duration of a map) it would be GREAT! It might give be a chance for poopy teams to get back on track, otherwise I get shivers just thinking about it

                            TL;DR : I say a big no to betting unless it is controlled and doesn't affect the competitive nature of the server, because I think it's the servers forte: clean, competitive yet fun gameplay without any rainbows and magic type plugins!


                              I'm sure people are tired of hearing me.

                              But, there is one more thing that I noticed which is actually really helpful but is kind of unfair. It's the damage indicator. It gives away location. Say all is quiet, a few guys left, you throw a random nade around a corner and see it hurts someone. It gives their position away, even if they were quiet and did not show up on the map or fire their gun.

                              What are your thoughts?

                              "Why so serious"


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