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    Ok, first of all I don't have Crysis Wars, just Crysis, but this was the closest forum topic. I've just installed the game, started maximizing settings, and then hit a roadblock. For some reason the game DOES NOT LIKE 1920X1080! Does anyone know how I can get full resolution, or if I even can? I'm more than satisfied with the game as is, but it's a nuisance knowing that I could crank up my resolution all the way, too.

    Don't know if you'll need any system info, but....

    XFX HD-489A-ZDFC Radeon HD 4890 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFire Supported Video Card

    Intel Core2 Duo E7500 Wolfdale 2.93GHz LGA 775 65W Dual-Core Processor Model BX80571E7500

    and 4 gigs of RAM.

    (yes I pasted from newegg)

    The monitor is: - Hanns Built in Speakers - LCD Monitors

    Any help is appreciated, maybe I should've put this in the computer lab...

    Try changing 59-75Hz. I have no idea what those Hz mean, or do, but it worked on other games I've played.


      What exactly is it doin?
      I know for a fact the game is very demanding even on modern hardware.
      Also I would OC that wolfdale.


        Originally posted by homosapien15 View Post
        Ok, first of all I don't have Crysis Wars, just Crysis, but this was the closest forum topic. I've just installed the game, started maximizing settings, and then hit a roadblock. For some reason the game DOES NOT LIKE 1920X1080! Does anyone know how I can get full resolution, or if I even can? I'm more than satisfied with the game as is, but it's a nuisance knowing that I could crank up my resolution all the way, too.

        Don't know if you'll need any system info, but....

        XFX HD-489A-ZDFC Radeon HD 4890 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFire Supported Video Card

        Intel Core2 Duo E7500 Wolfdale 2.93GHz LGA 775 65W Dual-Core Processor Model BX80571E7500

        and 4 gigs of RAM.

        (yes I pasted from newegg)

        The monitor is: - Hanns Built in Speakers - LCD Monitors

        Any help is appreciated, maybe I should've put this in the computer lab...

        I run mine in 1680x1050 wide screen. Is the 1920x1080 option just not available or does it just not act right, e.g. jumpy, slow, etc?
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          K Phantom I'll try your suggestion first, later today, see what happens.

          Donzi, yeah I need to get around to overclocking, it just hasn't been high on my to do list since this computer replaced my macbook for gaming, and needless to say runs like a stallion vs a donkey with 3 legs. As for the effect, I'll go into 1080p and the game will just crash I guess is the word for it.

          That should answer your question Doug, the resolution just doesn't even work in the first place. Since my monitor seems to hate 1680x1050 I dropped I believe to 1440xsomething. I mean the game still looks fabulous, and the monitor was a great deal, so even if I can't get it to work I'm happy, but thanks to you all so far for your help in trying to get me full res

          I'll get back to you after trying phantom's suggestion


            Well I poked around on the net and i dont see any issues listing from your description. Do you have the latest drivers?
            Are you using any compatibility modes or any special GPU settings?
            I noticed on your monitor it has VGA and HDMI, are you using the vga? and if so do you have an HDMI plug you can use?
            From what I have read not all monitors can do 1080P with VGA.

            And you will find with some games that your CPU at its current speed will be the bottleneck not your video card. But I doubt that is the case right now.
            If you can run other games at 1080p then its most likely a driver/setting issue. Only problem with pc's is there is so many things that can go wrong.


              I tried mr phantom's approach, but was already set a 60Hz, so I guess that didn't do it.

              Donzi, I'm using the HDMI now so that's not the problem. As far as I know, I'm not running anything special regarding compatability or GPU settings. I just installed the graphics card and its drivers and went from there. I'll check for updated drivers and snoop around in my card's settings this week (when I get the bloody time and resolve). Also, I know my processor is a bit weak right now, comparatively speaking, so maybe I'll take a look at what Crysis demands from my processor.... I have been meaning to overclock soon anyway.


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                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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