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Modern Warfare 2 Delayed Two Weeks for PC?

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    Modern Warfare 2 Delayed Two Weeks for PC?

    Citing unnamed sources, the site Electronic Theatre reports that the PC version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be delayed two weeks past its general Nov. 10 release date to Nov. 24.

    Electronic Theatre says it has no official reasons for the delay, and speculates that "manufacturing constraints" may be to blame, perhaps to "counteract piracy issues."

    Presently, Amazon, GameStop and GameSpot all have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 listed with a Nov. 10 release date.

    We've contacted a spokesman for the game to ask for comment. Should there be any clarification, it will be added here.
    Modern Warfare 2 Delayed Two Weeks for PC? - Modern warfare 2 - Kotaku

    glad im getting it for the PS3 in that case

    PC only Baby
    I can't play these games on anything but the keyboard and mouse, I'll wait
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      Man, And to think that I asked to have a that day off from work


        Well that Bloody Sucks


          Originally posted by DougBob View Post
          PC only Baby
          I can't play these games on anything but the keyboard and mouse, I'll wait
          Same here big guy! FPS is only mouse and keyboard...


            Counteract piracy,blah. I really hope this really is just a rumor, because we all know it will be cracked in less than a week no matter what they do....and once again the paying consumer pays

            Sheesh, the game is already overpriced. Either way, guess I have to wait.


              Originally posted by ak416 View Post


              Consoles really suck, but some guys are good at them. I cant see me playing on a console ever again.

              But wait, this wasnt what the thread was about.

              All the folks in the software gaming world have pushed PC users under the rug. Its no surprise that the PC side would have problems. If they ever for any reason decided to discontinue PC FPS's I would quit playing. Forever! Not another dime.
              [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                lol you gotta give it up to Activision to hype the game up after their trailer premiered on Sunday Night Football on NBC. It's a publicity stunt. In the form of a rumor of course. As in 'buy it for console because PC is going to be delayed'

                Truth is coming soon and their forums are completely down.

                Caddys chill out before I


                  Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                  As in 'buy it for console because PC is going to be delayed'
                  Yes, it does seems like the developers will do just about anything to force a one platform world. And if they choose consoles, I, like Cobalt, am out...I'll probably make my PS3, sitting idle on shelf for a year, into a birdfeeder or something useful then.


                    lol talk sh*t about the consoles all you guys want, id own you all on either platform

                    but id have to agree that it seems to be the new trend to delay the PC version until the console counterparts sell. or they just forget about the PC version all together, Battlefield 1943 im looking at you!


                      Originally posted by Skud View Post
                      Yes, it does seems like the developers will do just about anything to force a one platform world. And if they choose consoles, I, like Cobalt, am out...I'll probably make my PS3, sitting idle on shelf for a year, into a birdfeeder or something useful then.
                      Although I hate how us PC gamers are beening treated as 9th class or something that you sweep under the stove , I can't abandon my 360, cause I have the Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, that game bring back old memories of some games that used to pissed me off cause it didn't have a save feature and you had to start the game all over again Now it has a save feature built in, although entering cheats is somewhat a task figuring out which buttion is A B C on the 360 controllers A B X Y. some digital download games like Ultimate Mortal Kombat, Uno, pinball ect... Oh... and Madden 10


                        All UK stores are still displaying the original release date. Surely if this 'delay' was real there would be a big announcement on the activision forums.


                          Activision Have Yet to confirm this at this point in time and
                          juneau is right all UK & European Store are showing the Release Date for 10/11/09.


                            And the last trailer still show 10/11/09 but with an XBOX360 splash at the end

                            On gamespot, the release date have been changed to be November 24 and the Hardened Edition as "Cancelled".


                              Ah crap. It's delayed. What the hell is wrong with them? Bunch of idiots.


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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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