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What game are YOU looking forward too the most (and why)???

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    What game are YOU looking forward too the most (and why)???

    For me... BORDERLANDS!!!!!!!!!!
    for several reasons
    1: OVER 650,000 UNIQUE WEAPONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2: OVER 500,000 UNIQUE ARMORS!!!!!!!!!!
    3: The entire planet is randomly generated (except for some static features) each time you play.
    4: 4 Player online co-op, all of the above things would be more than enough for me, but then they add in 4 player co-op, I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yer this is one game i want to play as well m8


      i havent even heard of that game, and by reading that it has over 110,500 stuff combine. meh too exaggerating (more than enough) for a game if u ask me. but who knows, some people might like it.

      sry i complain a lot about games that offers too little or it has to much to show off.
      Last edited by AmazingRedd; 24 Feb 2009, 09:31 PM. Reason: spelling
      Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


        Im waiting the release of America's Army 3.0 and BF3


          Originally posted by Zantheus View Post
          Im waiting the release of America's Army 3.0 and BF3
          I'm not sure EA or Dice will ever release BF3 mate.


            That sounds cool Gimmie i might give it a try and we can play it online some time.


              That sounds cool Gimmie

              But i waiting for Empire: Total War

              Can play as Sweden
              +1 for the first time ever RTS sea battle (already test the demo very cool)
              +1 The map has become much larger then ever, from North America, Europe, Africa etc and new places to conquer
              make an colony too.
              +1 Nations you can play is: Untied Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Sweden (what i have heard) The old Turkey (don't remember the name) might be other nations too but i have forget which one.

              Well is many more to. I might have forget something oh well


                Aside from the heavy hitters like Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 I'm looking forward to Velvet Assassine, Aliens: Colonial Marines and hoping Madden '10 will be on pc.


                  Originally posted by RuThLeSsKiLLa View Post
                  i havent even heard of that game, and by reading that it has over 110,500 stuff combine. meh too exaggerating (more than enough) for a game if u ask me. but who knows, some people might like it.

                  sry i complain a lot about games that offers too little or it has to much to show off.
                  your number is a bit off ruthless, its closer to 1,200,000 items


                    Originally posted by Gimmie2 View Post
                    your number is a bit off ruthless, its closer to 1,200,000 items
                    doh, math i was never good at it.
                    Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                      Originally posted by Toryu72 View Post
                      That sounds cool Gimmie

                      But i waiting for Empire: Total War

                      Can play as Sweden
                      +1 for the first time ever RTS sea battle (already test the demo very cool)
                      +1 The map has become much larger then ever, from North America, Europe, Africa etc and new places to conquer
                      make an colony too.
                      +1 Nations you can play is: Untied Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Sweden (what i have heard) The old Turkey (don't remember the name) might be other nations too but i have forget which one.

                      Well is many more to. I might have forget something oh well
                      Me 2


                        I just hoping for a game that bring all us here at CL together. This means no single player games, no co-op games, and no 8 player server games.


                          +1. But since no games like that are on the radar this other stuff is what we have left over. BF1943 may be the best shot at that. Those had better be 3 pretty klcking maps though.


                            They is Battlefield Bad Company 2 for the PC coming 2


                              My answer is probably the 7 games sitting in my "to play" pile. The games? Neverwinter Nights 2 Storm of Zehir, Mass Effect, Civ 4, Civ4: Colonization, KOTOR 2 Sith Lords, Crysis, and Sim City 4 Deluxe.

                              Most bought on sale or at my $20 magic price point, all intriguing in their own way, and some have been sitting there WAY too long.

                              All of them are more interesting to me than pretty much everything I know about coming out in the next several months.


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                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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