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Another League of Legends Thread

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    Another League of Legends Thread

    Hey guys, I'm interning as a lab assistant at my college, so I decided that I was going to download and play LoL. Now my concern is about the free to play option. Most F2P games get the reputation of being a pay to win game. Is this so? I would love to start killing hours while I wait to go home.

    Any information on this would be awesome. My name on there should be NilesJones as always. Hopefully my laptop can handle it lol

    Dota 2 and LoL aren't considered “pay-to-win.” Dota 2 has more than 100 heroes immediately. League of Legends allows you to buy your favorite if he's not a free champ. My nephew says both games are fun without spending a dime.


      League has zero actually advantages to paying money that cant be gained naturally playing


        Originally posted by Nilesjones View Post
        Hey guys, I'm interning as a lab assistant at my college, so I decided that I was going to download and play LoL hacks. Now my concern is about the free to play option. Most F2P games get the reputation of being a pay to win game. Is this so? I would love to start killing hours while I wait to go home.

        Any information on this would be awesome. My name on there should be NilesJones as always. Hopefully my laptop can handle it lol
        League actually handles free to play really well. You do not get to buy actual power soe p2win does not apply.

        But over time you will get to love some champions and will want to buy skins for them... so they'll get their money... out of love, not necessity. and thats how it should be.


          Both communities are pretty toxic, so be prepared for that. Not noob friendly at all.
          Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


            In no way what so ever is LoL a P2W game. As a player of the game since it was released, the only cash I've put into the game was to buy skins for the champions I own. That does not in any way effect the gameplay other than looking pretty. :P That being said, you "can" spend cash on buying champions, skins, runes, bundles, ward skins etc but all of these with exception to champion skins and ward skins can be bought with in game money, IP (Influence Points). It will take longer but can easily be done. SInce I have been playing for this long, I was able to buy all champions and runes b/c I've have the necessary funds as those champions came out and I play A LOT of league. I currently have enough IP to buy the next 4 champions and some more runes for different builds. I don't personally recommend using real cash for champions and runes etc but to each their own. Doing it with IP just takes more time. Find out what champions you like and then spend accordingly. I recommend visiting some guide websites and research what you may or may not like. I use for some stuff but their are plenty of websites to choose from. Find out what the pros use and choose accordingly.

            Hope I helped. Have fun. Feel free to add my summoner name: Dracontious.


            NilesJones summoner name is not found. I believe just over a half a year or so ago, they did a summoner name wipe of players that haven't been "active". This was done to clear out smurf accounts (alternate accounts) and names players wanted to use that may have been taken by an inactive account. Idk if this was the case for me not being able to find your summoner name. Maybe you account name is different than your Summoner name. I know mine is as mentioned above.
            Last edited by FieryDragon; 22 Oct 2013, 02:36 AM.
            [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

            [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


              The two sites I recommend using to figure out the game is and as fiery mentioned lolking.
              I think that the solomid champion guides for the most part are extremely well written and in depth and cover a variety of scenarios.

              Feel free to add me IGN: Erzako


                If you also want to know what your allies and opponents skills level is at, during the loading screen or any part of the game played you can look up all players you game at or Just type in your summoners name aka your ign and it will look up everyone in your current game with stats.
                [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

                [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


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