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CLR League Play?! - Who's In? - Will receive in game item!

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    CLR League Play?! - Who's In? - Will receive in game item!

    Quick note for other admins and mods, ETF2L is a league division, not 'gaming community'.

    The ETF2L Highlander Community Challenge | ETF2L

    The ETF2L Highlander Community Challenge | FAQ

    ETF2L Rules - There will be modifications for Highlander Format

    ETF2L Highlander Challenge Forum

    Its getting near time for signups.
    Teams look like they are going to need 14+ people.
    EU zone, so its likely going to start mid-day for most of us.
    EU zone, so bear in mind ping differences.

    Winner gets a Winner's Medal
    2nd Place gets a Runner Up Medal
    Everyone else who participates gets a Participant Medal

    Yes, its going to be in an in-game wearable item.

    If we can get enough people together, I'll even provide a vent server for us to coordinate on (unless Cain will let us use his).

    EDIT: This would also be a great way to get a little exposure for the Lair too...

    Highlander format (read up on it)
    Play team will be 9 players
    Classes are limited to one of each class
    Roster limit of 14 players
    May drop/add players up to 24 hours prior to scheduled match
    It will be 'cup' format, so one game a week until completion
    Matches will (most likely) be 1 match per week
    Match times will be agreed upon by both teams playing
    If a time cannot be agreed upon, ETF (running it) will assign a date and time
    'Normal' match time is 21:00 CEST (4pm EDT, 3pm CDT, 2pm MDT, 1pm PDT... if I'm not mistaken on conversion)
    Matches will consist of a mix of game types, would be worth getting to know dm/pl/ctf/cp types
    sv_pure = 2, wait disabled, and there's a required config
    Scripts are going to be limited (jump+duck=ok... jump+duck*bunnyhop=not)

    ... and I have more info too... (see my post at the end, copy of my IRC conversation with an admin)

    So far looks like...
    Heceldi - In
    Tighlon - In
    Obitroy - In
    RuThLeSsKiLLa - In
    Roffe - In
    p0002q - tentative depending on times
    juneau - tentative depending on times
    Last edited by Heceldi; 26 Apr 2010, 07:22 PM.

    I'm willing! I'd prefer to play Demoman.


      Good luck to all who do this... I would love to do this if they allow 14+ and not just 14 players (see below)

      Life is busy for me at the moment, so I don't wanna commit to being available @ all times if there are only 14 slots per team.

      -Senior year of my Apprenticeship
      -Wife expecting baby in July
      -full time employee

      (I used this to vent a little, i wouln't lie)

      By chance does mid-day mean on the weekends? I didn't see anything to support that, but weekdays are a definite no-go for me can't miss work.

      Once again,

      have fun all who do this and\or help make it happen; sounds like an awesome opportunity for fun and community!



      This is from the link:

      "How many people can be in one team?

      14 people can be registered to each team. Make another team if you have more players (eg Community Team A, Community Team B, etc.) You cannot play in more than one team."

      According to their wording, it doesn't seem that more than 14 can be on a team.... That is lame... do they expect everyone to be available for every match?

      If there is room for more than 14, can I join up?

      Also about the vent thing, does CLR have a vent they hang out in? (i know you mentioned Cain having one)
      Last edited by p0002q; 26 Apr 2010, 06:52 AM. Reason: Forgot to ask a question!


        I know i would be willing to do this depending on the time etc. Sometimes US times favour me more than EU ones.


          Sign me up... sounds like a load of fun.
          [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
          <<< Please [URL=""]donate[/URL] >>>


            im willing to give this a shot.

            that's too bad p0002p , we could really use you, if we were to play in this tourny.

            props to you dude.
            Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


              i would do it


                From IRC conversation

                <SnowiE-> hi Heceldi how can I help?
                <Heceldi> hey
                <Heceldi> I had a few questions for you
                <Heceldi> since I saw a limit of 14 for a team, what's the requirements for a team?
                <Heceldi> part of it made it look like 6 was minimum
                <SnowiE-> you need at least 9 players for a highlander team and a maximum of 14
                <SnowiE-> 6 is the minimum for our 6v6 squads which participate in cup competitions and the normal 6v6 league
                <Heceldi> do you happen to know when the highlander matches will take place? weekdays/ends approximate times?
                <Heceldi> I do understand it will be EU times, I was curious as to when EU times
                <SnowiE-> basically it will be up to the teams involved to schedule the game, normally you will have one week to play each game
                <Heceldi> ah, so not set in stone times
                <SnowiE-> 21:00cest is probably the time that games are played most often, but sometimes games are played earlier because there are eastern european teams involved
                <SnowiE-> yeah it's not set in stone
                <SnowiE-> if the teams don't agree on a date then we will set a default date, which will take into account timezones of the players
                <Heceldi> if we have people who have to leave for any reason (several from our community are military, and have to disappear for days or weeks at a time), is it possible to sub them out for smoeone else, or is the initial signup required to be followed?
                <SnowiE-> you can add players to your roster, the only requirement is that they are added at least 24 hours before the game they are due to play in
                <SnowiE-> and you don't have to play with the same 9 players each week, obviously you can have different people playing if 1 or 2 are unavailable
                <Heceldi> good... next question for you... which types of maps are involved
                <SnowiE-> that hasn't been decided yet, however it will probably be a range of different maps
                <Heceldi> our only server tends to run only payloads... I assume setting up a practice server or days to run other maps may be a good idea? will it be a mix of ctf/dm/pl/cp?
                <SnowiE-> yes it would be worth familiarising yourself with all map types, as I said previously we haven't completely confirmed which maps are being played yet but I would expect at least a couple of different game modes to be played
                <Heceldi> Is there published rules yet? As in what scripts/models/etc are alloweD?
                <SnowiE-> the general rules on Rules | ETF2L will apply, there may be some specific ones for the tournament that haven't been added yet, but most of our standard rules will be the same
                <SnowiE-> so for example all servers will have pure mode enabled so you wouldn't be able to use custom mods
                <SnowiE-> models rather
                <Heceldi> We run pure=1 with whitelists
                <Heceldi> I keep trying to get the head honcho to switch to pure=2
                <SnowiE-> yes we would require sv_pure 2
                <Heceldi> Regarding scripts, I do hope 'wait' will not be enabled
                <SnowiE-> you can download our standard config from the rule page
                <SnowiE-> no wait is disabled
                <Heceldi> Earlier, you said 21:00 cest... I'm not familiar with cest... do you know its GMT +/-?
                <SnowiE-> basically it's one hour ahead of UK times
                <SnowiE-> it's what the time is right now in france and germany for example
                <Heceldi> and during DST, UK is +1, so +2?
                <SnowiE-> no it's adjusted for daylight saving already
                <Heceldi> ah, ok
                <SnowiE-> basically most times shown on the website will be in central european times, which is one hour ahead of the UK
                <Heceldi> I played for a year on darkfall's EU server, and it helped get me a lot more familiar with scheduling things in EU times
                <Heceldi> So class limits and etc are all going to be per the rules page?
                <SnowiE-> no the class limit is 1 of everything, it's a highlander tournament
                <SnowiE-> I don't know for certain which unlocks will be allowed and whether any will be banned
                <Heceldi> So I take it we would be best aquiring a buddy to assist.
                <SnowiE-> it might help but you don't have to, if you feel confident doing it yourself then you are more than welcome to
                <Heceldi> I've never played league play, and I doubt we have many that ever have... I saw a league we could join and at least get a participation award for, so I'm trying to crack the whip to get people going
                <Heceldi> That said, since we don't have any experienced league players, would you feel its in our best interest to aquire a buddy?
                <SnowiE-> a buddy will certainly help you, but on the other hand the game mode and many of the maps will be largely unfamiliar to the buddies as well, for example we don't play payload maps at all in 6v6, heavies, engineers and pyros are quite rarely used
                <Heceldi> So only 6 will be playing?
                <SnowiE-> no 9 will be playing
                <SnowiE-> one of each class
                <Heceldi> hmm.... is there anything else I should know that I haven't asked?
                <SnowiE-> hopefully not, but there will be plenty more news posts and information arriving soon to explain further how the tournament will run
                <SnowiE-> if ever you get stuck with something in particular, just come onto irc and ask as you have here, or make a post on the forum
                <Heceldi> cool, I appreciate your time... hopefully this will get out little community a bit more coverage, if nothing else =)
                <Heceldi> oh, one more question
                <Heceldi> rules say it needs to be a server with decent pings for all, and located in EU.... is it possible to look for a NY/NY server should we be matched with an eastern EU team if we have many players in Brazil?
                <SnowiE-> it's a bit tricky to say at the moment, do you have lots of players in brazil?
                <Heceldi> 3 of our best are there
                <SnowiE-> generally we insist on european servers, however I guess it will depend on what players sign up
                <Heceldi> we have a handful in south america or alaska
                <Heceldi> the ones in continental USA I'm not too worried about, its our regulars outside that area
                <Heceldi> well, thanks again... I'm going to post a copy of this in our forums to hopefully drive a bit more enthusiasm
                <SnowiE-> no problem


                  I just glanced this over but we have had many teams in the past play in tournys and it is usually fun...

                  Best wishes guys carry the torch for us !!


                    I will play depending on times loke p00 said, is it midday weekends, i can get on like 4-5pm EST weekdays all depends on times.

                    Btw. I play demo, scout, spy(played a couple tourny's as spy), and engi.

                    Also how is it one class limit if there are 14 people? or is it 14 total(7v7)


                      Excellent, Heceldi!

                      So... for those that are interested - what do we need to do now?

                      I shouldn't have any issues playing anytime, just need a little advance notice if it is going to be during normal business hours EDT.
                      [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
                      <<< Please [URL=""]donate[/URL] >>>


                        Its going to be 9v9.

                        Highlander format is 1 of each class on a team.

                        Anyone who wants to participate needs to sign up at ETF2L

                        If you want to be even considered as a fill in, sign up


                        Once we're going, we'll figure out the team for sure, but we can't have anyone fill in for anyone if they are not registered at the league page.


                        Couple notes
                        • MAKE SURE YOU INPUT YOUR STEAM ID RIGHT
                        • MAKE SURE YOU INPUT YOUR COUNTRY RIGHT

                        The steam ID is how they ensure people are the right people.

                        Country is how we can potentially swing getting a NYC server if we have people in Brazil or similar countries playing. Not guaranteed, but possible.

                        Also, I would strongly request when you input your nickname (on profile page) you put {CLR} in front of your name for your nickname, if you don't normally sport the CLR tag.

                        IE.... my nickname is {CLR} Heceldi

                        You will be required to use your registered nickname while in matches.

                        If you don't normally sport the CLR tag, please consider doing so if you'll be participating. It would be MUCH appreciated.



                        What should we name our team?

                        I'm thinking.....


                        though we could go with


                        I'm taking care of 'paperwork', so long as I can get people to play. I may consider aquiring a buddy, deciding that will come when we have a full play team of 9 at least.
                        We will need 14 people on our roster.

                        Registration for the cup is not yet open, but we CAN set up and register the team. Once we have people signed up, I can go about setting up and registering our team.

                        Also, for those who are unsure about times, they will be decided by both teams, so p0002q please sign up. We could use our one and only Terminator.
                        Last edited by Heceldi; 27 Apr 2010, 09:20 AM.


                          I registered... nickname {CLR} ObiTroy
                          [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
                          <<< Please [URL=""]donate[/URL] >>>


                            1) I will be signing up, and am glad to hear that we can try and negotiate weekend times for our matches with the other teams. That is what I wanted to hear!

                            2) I will take this competition as it is, a competition... this means a couple things to me. I will be dead serious when practicing and playing in it, however it is for fun, and that is what is most important.
                            I used to play in UT2004 leagues for CTF and TAM, and I quit because all the fun got sucked out of it.
                            So i hope everyone can be dead serious, but still having fun!!! The reasons it is fun: (in my opinion)
                            Playing in a competition takes everything to a heightened level. Teamwork, Timing, Planning, etc.
                            Everyone will work hard as a single unit\team
                            Everyone will have practiced for the day we meet new friends\*enemies* on the battlefield
                            Everyone will have a new appreciation for the game and its true potential in a competitive environment.

                            3) I would like to take an active role in the practices. We have all seen what a team of people all working together can do in TF2... completely overrun a team that is not functioning as a team.

                            4) As mentioned, this is a highlander style. Certain classes in TF2 must work together to make the HL style work.

                            5) It may be boring, but it is necessary... A pyro should have a set route of spychecking for the team, and protecting the engineer against ubers with a compression blast. Routes are determined by map, offense\defense, where located in the map, etc. I know in pub games it is fun for a lot of people that play pyro to charge @ a wall of 16 people and catch them all on fire.... but this is a competition and every class has a distinct role and responsibilities that must be met in order to have the best chance at bringing in the victory. More of this would be covered once a team is formed, and during practices, and for each class.

                            6) Once again, have fun, but take it seriously, for my sake and everyone else's sake that really wants to put their best foot foward and do their best in a competition. Win or lose, i don't care... i just want everyone to be on the same page and to not run around with their own agenda, because someone doing their own thing will just cause anger (i'm being honest), stress the team out, and suck the fun out of the game.

                            7) So lets have fun all you jabronies who wanna rep CLR in this competition!!!!! I shall sign up and look foward to the upcoming events!!!

                            I will play any class except medic... I must fight... i must!


                              Any ideas for a team name?

                              So far, my ideas are "Pie" and "Toast"


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                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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