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Patch 3 Beta 1

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    Patch 3 Beta 1

    Some improvements, though not as many as I would have hoped for given it's been nearly 4 months since the last one. Might be too little to late with the player population as weak as it is.

    Originally posted by Steve Polge
    Here’s the current list of changes:

    - Fixed overlay mesh showing up on hidden sniper rifle when un-zoomed.
    - UTGame.bNoCustomCharacters is now globalconfig.
    - Now hear own auto-taunts.
    - Fix for Liandri bots riding high in vehicles.
    - Fixed mutators disappearing between matches.
    - Fixed up PC DLC screenshots and player counts.
    - Vipers can no longer be driven around underwater if entered while underwater - they pop up out of the water, even if deep in it.
    - Fixed announcements not playing properly in WAR-MarketDistrict during the campaign.
    - Fixed manta crouch exploit.
    - Fixed loaded RL switching away before releasing load on net clients.
    - Fixed occasionally getting stuck when getting up from ragdoll.
    - Fixed ending zoom when go into feign death.
    - Fixed giving proper stats credit for translocator telefrags.
    - Fixed giving proper suicide stat credit for certain environmental suicides.
    - Fixed Hoverboard foot placement when watching other client get on.
    - Improved the turret controls on the rail turret with analog controller.
    - Fixed friendly fire mutator showing up as option for Duel.
    - Fixed bug where second enforcer wouldn't show up if picked up while switching to enforcer.
    - Fixed shock/instagib beams which were grabbed from emitter pool sometimes incorrectly having DPG_Foreground set.
    - Fixed "missing required file for demo playback" error message.
    - Fixed redeemer explosion on client when shot down.
    - Fixed big head mutator head scaling popping out at distance.
    - End the match right away in duel if a player leaves.
    - Fixed not getting kismet node destroyed event when node captured by orb.
    - Fixed effect showing up for disabled weapon lockers.
    - Don't modify power core damage caused by kismet.
    - Fixed scavenger legs disappearing in kill volumes.
    - Deployables can no longer be deployed onto hover/flying vehicles.
    - Fixed Hoverboard script warnings and possible crash if hoverboard fails to spawn.
    - Fixed impact hammer impact camera shake for low gore clients.


    - Added motion blur menu option for PC (defaults to off).
    - Fixed zero extent collision bug in octree code (finding nodes in Z axis).
    - LOD Hysteresis / LOD Decision making bug fix.
    - Fixed default mesh not having proper LOD settings.
    - Fixed rare darkwalker physics crash.

    User Interface:

    - Added player name list to server browser.

    - Added midgame map voting, with serverside config options in UTGame.ini:

    - bMidGameMapVoting: Enables/Disables midgame map voting
    - MapVotePercentage: The percentage of votes required to initiate a map switch, counts down based upon VoteDuration;
    - NOTE: When VoteDuration=0, votes for a single map must exceed this percentage, but when VoteDuration is not 0, the number of players voting must exceed this percentage
    - MinMapVotes: The minimum number of players that must vote in order to initiate a map switch.
    - InitialVoteDelay: Delays the enabling of map voting for this many seconds

    - Fixed History being saved for servers joined via cmdline and console.
    - Fixed leading vote count indicator when map voting underway.
    - Don’t show muted talking player portraits on HUD.
    - Simple crosshair tweaks.
    - Added the number of files left to download to the package downloading message.
    - Fixed Krall portrait.
    - Fixed clipping vehicle HUD beacon when not visible.
    - Fixed endgame timer so that it isn't affected by changes in game speed (also fixes vote timer)
    - Fixed SPMA deploy icon offset.


    - Always sort relevant actors by priority. Should fix the weird actors/properties never getting replicated issues.
    - Fixed gibs not showing for clients of listen server if the gibbed player wasn't visible to the server player.
    - Fixed gibs not showing for clients of low-gore listen server.
    - New dynamic netspeed adjustment system for listen servers. Improves network performance for listen servers which typically have limited upstream bandwidth by dividing available bandwidth between clients. Configurable through new properties in UTGame.ini:

    - TotalNetBandwidth=32000 (total upstream bandwidth to be apportioned)
    - MaxDynamicBandwidth=7000
    - MinDynamicBandwidth=4000

    - Fixed "you have lost the match" messages to spectators at end of duel match.
    - Fixed cases where GameSettings cache in the GameInfo wasn't properly getting NULL'd out on DestroyOnlineGame().
    - HTTP redirect with compression now falls back to the uncompressed case if the compressed file could not be found.
    - Fixed erroneous "connection failed" error when performing non-seamless travelling.
    - Fixed hoverboard link failure sound playing in the world and being replicated.
    - Fixed low gore clients seeing gibbed players as headless if playing on full gore server.
    - Increased tracked turret net priority.
    - Fixed Hoverboard networking replication issues (hoverboard now smoother in net games).

    Server administration:

    - UWeb fixes for WebAdmin.
    - Fixed downloaded cooked maps not being loaded correctly in some cases when requested by the server at initial connect time.
    - Fixed net object count problem when using the conformed/cooked audio packages in PS3ModTools. Fixes some networking issues for custom maps.
    - Final fix for packagemap problem with going from DLC -> RTM maps.
    - Fixed properly showing number of players needed for match to start when minplayers is set and bots are enabled on the server.
    - Fixed bug with PlayerID being reused for bots after a seamless travel.

    Mod support:

    - Added support for Interactions to have a PostRender call (to render to canvas).
    - Added support for Interactions to have exec functions be called on them.
    - Added cut/copy/paste support to the console.
    - Added Deproject() to canvas.
    - Fixed base InventoryManager implementation of GetWeaponRatingFor().
    - Fixed crash when placing a new UINumericEditBox in UI editor.
    - Fix for custom factions in the UI.
    - Added optional flag for ScriptedTextures to skip next clear so that a ScriptedTexture client doesn't need to draw every texel of the ST every update.
    - Added support for -mod commandline option so that a TC mod can have a .ini file "sandbox" - where they can have new content paths, new startup maps, etc..
    - Improved system for getting camera death effect.
    - Implemented fix from Aegia for an NxFluid crash.
    - Fixed beams not rendering in Cascade.
    - Fixed crash when updating a UIPrefab.

    Map specific:

    - Fixed CTF-Searchlight black boxes before match starts.
    - Fixed CTF-Searchlight search lights.
    - Fixed CTF-Hydrosis collision issues.
    - Fixed DM-Morbias collision issues.
    - Fixed collision issue in DM-Deck.

    AI improvements:

    - Fixed bots not using link gun beam on enemies.
    - Better bot celebration management.
    - Fixed bots doing multiple end of match celebration taunts.
    - Improved impact hammer AI.
    - Improved darkwalker AI support for crouching under obstacles.
    - Improved bot hoverboard AI.
    - Fixed bots sometimes not picking up flags/orbs they dropped.
    - Fixed bots never spawning in if initially not enough playerstarts.
    Note there are no fixes for running 64 player servers.

    What no demo guy fix No mention of VoIP improvements.

    Simple cross hair tweaks, I sure hope this means we can change weapon cross hairs now.

    Well at least they fixed the custom map problem. Really 80% of the fixes I could care less about, or didn't even no there was a problem. Most people complain about no randomizing of players between maps, crappy voice, and the demo guy bug, and yet no fixes listed for these issues.


      I'm still waiting for the assault mode, invasion and classic ons.
      Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


        Here's a beta invasion mod you can check out.

        The community has released several classic ons maps. Should see a lot more custom maps running when the next patch is released. Now as for Assault maybe next version.


          Will classic ONS ever make it into UT3?


            Originally posted by juneau View Post
            Will classic ONS ever make it into UT3?
            If it does will anyone notice?


              Originally posted by Kronos[X] View Post
              Here's a beta invasion mod you can check out.

              The community has released several classic ons maps. Should see a lot more custom maps running when the next patch is released. Now as for Assault maybe next version.
              I'm running a server with that Invasion mod coupled with BattleRPG mod and it's a lot of fun. In addition to DM maps, I also have CTF and WAR/VCTF maps to play on (kill 'em with vehicles too!). Here are a few screenshots:



                Originally posted by juneau View Post
                Will classic ONS ever make it into UT3?
                As a stand alone gametype, probably not. I have played several custom maps with no orbs, so I guess ONS is back already.

                Originally posted by LIMEY View Post
                If it does will anyone notice?
                I will

                You can say want you want about UT3, but being a hardcore UT player for ten years now, I like this version the best. Yeah not many people are playing, but its not the same game anymore, you should try it again when the next patch comes out. I'm thinking most people can't run this game on their PC, and along with a few other things killed this game. Too bad its a great game.


                  Ahm, how do I set a custom server ip in UT3?

                  BtW: Beta 2 is out!
                  Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


                    Can I run a PS3 server off of a Windows 2003 Server Box ???


                      Ohhh, my favorite stock mod for UT2k4 was the Invasion mod, so this is nice to see that its still as good as it ever was.

                      I even got a free copy of UT3 with my C2Q6700, and I haven't even bothered to install it yet. This looks like a nice change of pace, so hopefully I can drop in at Slaughter's and give Invasion a try on UT3.
                      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                        Originally posted by Cain View Post
                        Can I run a PS3 server off of a Windows 2003 Server Box ???
                        If your talking about running a PC dedicated server for PS3 players, then I'm pretty sure no, can't be done right now. I bet you can run one for the PC players


                          Originally posted by Cain View Post
                          Can I run a PS3 server off of a Windows 2003 Server Box ???
                          Nope. Can't do it for the Xbox 360 either.


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                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Sirex
                            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                            7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                          • Reply to hey yall!
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                            Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                            2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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