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Obamacare Fines

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    Obamacare Fines

    I've recently become Americanized. By that I mean I do not follow politics and I do not vote. I do not watch the news, and don't care at all about anything but making money and spending it on frivolous things. So, I basically just found out about Obamacare/National Health care system passing. Which I still don't care about. I'm 24. I haven't been in a hospital before. When my job offered health insurance, for a measly $36 a month for the cheapest plan with massive deductible. I opted out. I just don't need it. I know I will eventually, but not right now.

    The story gets interesting now that I filed my taxes. My friend tells me that Obama/Govt is going to keep a portion of my tax refund as a penalty for not having insurance. Confused, and annoyed, I started researching more about it. The 2013 taxes will not be effected by the healthcare plan. However, next year I will be fined at least $95 dollars or 1% of my YEARLY income before taxes. Which comes out to hundreds, nobody pays $95. A whole 1% of my income because I choose not to participate. I plan on getting insurance when this year ends, not sure if I'm still going to be penalized but it's so frustrating. FORCING me to get insurance? Really, Obama?

    The thing that gets me is this. And I hope I get my point across clearly. You don't have health insurance because you can't afford it. Yet you get penalized for NOT having health insurance. So instead of helping you get out of the red, the government pushes you even further. The good news is the supreme court counts the fine as "tax." Therefore, the only way the government can enforce that fine is by withholding part of your tax refund. Which again, the only people that get a tax refund are the people that are below the living threshold.

    $95 dollars, let's say. Minimum wage is $7.25. The government already taxes me at 5.95. Which means if I did work at minimum wage it would be $6.90. Not even a footlong from subway. Anyways, every two weeks, peoples' checks would be about $550. If that company offers health insurance, and most don't. It would be 530, but you're insured. People are expected to live off that? I'm sorry but that's stupid. A week ago I spent about 300 dollars on a night out. I don't do that often. Still, money gets spent quick.

    "Common sense is like a breath mint. The people that need it the most, don't use it."

    Just buy health insurance. You never need it until suddenly you need it. If you don't make a lot at work look into the health exchanges. Where do you live (Texas? if there, yeah, you're going to get kind of screwed thanks to your governor). You may need the national exchange but the locals are good too if the state has set one up. Low earners qualify for big subsidies for FAR better plans than the one you turned down. Again, if you're in a deep Red state you're probably not going to get good help but if you have insurance navigators call one and talk about your options and how they can help you.

    With an insurance plan of some quality you're protected if you step in front of a bus or pick up a nasty case of groin cooties or whatever. Lots of things come out of nowhere that can hit a 24 year old who thinks they're invincible, many of which will bankrupt you and screw up the next 15-20 years of your life even if you survive in good condition. It'll easily cost you something like $50-100,000 for a couple days in a hospital if you're uninsured, and those hospitals are like the Mafia. They want their money.


    P.S. Your basic understanding of tax returns is way, way off base ("the only people that get a tax refund are the people that are below the living threshold"). We got more than $3,000 in tax returns last year. We filed as a two-family married couple, no children, no big ticket purchase like a house that year, standard set-aside so no tax game playing. We don't make a lot of money, particularly for our area, but we cleared over $90,000 in taxable earnings. I have a lot of credit card and student loan debt but we're well above the living threshold even in the DC region.

    Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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      Dammit, who let phantom into the country again?!
      Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


        Like I said, I will HAVE to get it now. And I know it costs a tonne of money for the smallest things in a hospital. Don't forget that those bad coverages and plans from bad companies have massive deductibles and even more limitation. So for some people, the $5,000 deductible is as bad as the $25,000 you get in out of pocket costs.


          Very poor families qualify for medicaid. The poverty level for a family of 1 is $11,490 (2013).

          Everybody below middle income qualifies for some level of subsidies:
          "For individuals and families whose income does not exceed 250% of the Federal Poverty Limit (FPL), there are special “cost-sharing reduction” versions of Obamacare plans."

          At 150% level,
          "Limit on Annual Out-of- Pocket Costs - - - $2,250 individual / $4,500 family"

          I'm just providing some background. Even while this program provides many good benefits, I still consider Obamacare to be a profoundly mis-designed solution to a misunderstood problem.


            Originally posted by Qicmee View Post
            I'm just providing some background. Even while this program provides many good benefits, I still consider Obamacare to be a profoundly mis-designed solution to a misunderstood problem.
            Exactly. "Affordable Care" should not mean affordable insurance.


              Be thankful you are not self employed. I have been since 1991 and have had to pay very high premiums for coverage. I have a MSA (Medical Savings Account) and I pay $1200.00 a month with a $7500.00 deductible. Once I meet the deductible then it pays 100% of everything. Oh and it is going up $200.00 a month starting with my February Premium.

              Where do you put the Bayonet?
              Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
              I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
              Frank Lloyd Wright


                I don't know what you are bitching about Phantom, it's free AND deficit neutral. You can also keep your current plan if you want, and your doctor, so pay the lousy $95 and keep voting for democrats.

                Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                  Well bad for him ... he doesn't vote. Personally I say if you don't vote you can't complain. At least vote for mickey mouse so a vote is counted.

                  On another note. You can't just enroll at any point you want to Phantom. You have once a year or the time you are hired(or when ever it is offered to you). So check on the next time it is available to opt in.

                  Not sure of the age limit. You can be on your parents insurance up to a certain again.. not sure if it is 26 now. Then again you might have to be enrolled in college. I am sure some parent here will know.

                  $36 a month is hugely cheap. I am guessing you are just covering Massive medical bills. GET IT or move in with Juneau.


                    Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
                    I don't know what you are bitching about Phantom, it's free AND deficit neutral. You can also keep your current plan if you want, and your doctor, so pay the lousy $95 and keep voting for democrats.
                    Where did that come from? lol. What do you mean it's free? My tax refund is undeserved money the government took from me (All of it is undeserved). And what current plan? I already said I don't have one. Why else would I complain if I had a plan. You clearly TLR OP.

                    As to voting democrat, I'm not registered to vote. I don't want to be called in for jury duty.

                    And golden, you're right. I have no right to complain if I didn't vote. But you think I would have voted for Romney in that last election? He'd probably not have a healthcare plan and still raise taxes on my already overtaxed income.


                      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                      As to voting democrat, I'm not registered to vote. I don't want to be called in for jury duty.
                      That's a pretty stupid reason not to vote.

                      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                      But you think I would have voted for Romney in that last election? He'd probably not have a healthcare plan and still raise taxes on my already overtaxed income.
                      Yup, you certainly don't follow politics or watch the news.


                        Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                        Where did that come from? lol. What do you mean it's free? My tax refund is undeserved money the government took from me (All of it is undeserved). And what current plan? I already said I don't have one. Why else would I complain if I had a plan. You clearly TLR OP.

                        As to voting democrat, I'm not registered to vote. I don't want to be called in for jury duty.

                        And golden, you're right. I have no right to complain if I didn't vote. But you think I would have voted for Romney in that last election? He'd probably not have a healthcare plan and still raise taxes on my already overtaxed income.
                        I think you can and will be called for jury duty even without voting. Your in a data base already when you have a drivers license. You also might be in the data bases just by having to do the manatory army draft info when you turn 18. Though I think it goes by driver licenses more.

                        Only real way to get out of jury duty is have a felony record.


                          Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
                          Only real way to get out of jury duty is have a felony record.
                          Hold my beer. I'll be right back!

                          Are you saying Romney would have had interest in low income families? That man was born with a silver spoon up his arse. The only black thing Romney knows is his American Express.


                            Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post

                            The only black thing Romney knows is his American Express.
                            You forgot his love child.


                              Really? You guys want to fight over the best politician? That's like picking the best bent nail.


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