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High speed chase, shooting - something's fishy !

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    High speed chase, shooting - something's fishy !

    No weapons were found upon an initial search of the vehicle, but after closer examination ... ohh, OK, we found THREE. What a weird story.
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin

    Wow, that's pretty damn strange.


      Yep. If you are asked to do something by people pointing guns at you.... It shouldn't take you too long to make the decision to comply. If it does, then you are just STUPID. The police did the right thing since the guy wouldn't cooperate and then turned to reach under his seat... I'd have busted a cap off in his ass too.

      I can't wait to hear more about the weapons that mysteriously appeared. You KNOW at least one of them has GOT to be in his name. If they come back with all the serial numbers filed off or reported stolen, then you know something is up.


        That's a really, really interesting story. Sounds like an assassination to me.


          Who knows whats going on with the CIA involved.
          Although, I would like to know what they consider a "more detailed search."


            MK ULTRA style!! I agree, something does not smell right.


              hmm that is wierd i wouldn't go so far to say it was assassination.

              maybe the cops were just trying to cover their butts?


                What it comes down to is that someone dug a little too deep and everything went downhill from there.


                  The officer was shown the CIA credentials but the officer did not know what such credentials would look like nor could he confirm they were authentic.
                  It was a matter of seconds from the time he opened the door till the time he hit the ground...He immediately reached under the seat or either under the driver's floor mat.
                  the officer had reason to believe he had a weapon because he had a concealed handgun permit.
                  So this means if you are in your car and a cop runs your tag and finds that you have a conceal-n-carry permit they can assume you are reaching for your gun...if you have one...and they assume you do since you have a license for it.... UN FRIGGIN BELIEVABLE. God forbid you're hard of hearing ... they might think you are non-compliant and riddle your ass with bullets while you're reaching for your wallet.


                    Anyone who makes fast furtive quick movements at a traffic stop should be shot


                      Originally posted by mapes View Post
                      Anyone who makes fast furtive quick movements at a traffic stop should be shot
                      True, but there is enough strange evidence in that article to lead to speculation that he really was an agent of some sort, in which case, he would have known better than to reach for anything unless he knew they were coming to kill him. If this story mysteriously fades away without any follow up...I'd be inclined to believe it was a hit.


                        I can't wait to see how this unfolds! I just hope it not for the worst! Sounded like he had everything going for him too...
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                          Originally posted by mapes View Post
                          Anyone who makes fast furtive quick movements at a traffic stop should be shot
                          I have to disagree, it's seems this country has gotten overly ready to react instead of pausing just the milli second to see if the action is warranted.
                          With two guns trained on the individual there is no possible way they could get a weapon trained on the police in time to acurately shoot first. The appropirate action was to wait just in time to id a weapon and then fire. The out come would be the same and the police would not be harmed. Their adrenaline was high enough to allow a reaction time fast enough to still be in a safety zone.
                          We need to get out of the habit of shoot first and ask questions later when it's someones life at stake. Unless we just want to live in a police state we need to think more ,instead of reacting more.
                          If it would have been a private citizen, the outcome would not be the same, even if they did claim they feared for their life. The questions would hit them hard concerning did they see the weapon. When I shoot, there will be a 99.9999% certainty they had a weapon.
                          I'm not saying we should be relaxed on crime, don't get me wrong. Just the opposite, I think we should be tougher on crime. I'm saying we need to use the increased amount of training we're getting and not resort to the easier and safer way out.
                          It just seems to me if one of these guys were using a stun weapon instead, there would have been a plenty of coverage to apprehend or take him out.
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                            Originally posted by DougBob View Post
                            With two guns trained on the individual there is no possible way they could get a weapon trained on the police in time to acurately shoot first.
                            Yep thats for sure know why because they shoot people who make furtive motions. This has nothing to do with a police state. Christ I'm surprised you didn't ask why didn't they just wing him? Besides lets put this in context

                            Known CCW
                            Resisting arrest
                            High speed chase

                            Ah no he was just reaching for his insurance...

                            Originally posted by DougBob View Post
                            The appropirate action was to wait just in time to id a weapon and then fire. The out come would be the same and the police would not be harmed. Their adrenaline was high enough to allow a reaction time fast enough to still be in a safety zone.
                            The appropriate action would be not to resist arrest. Not to go on a high speed chase and not to make furtive motions when people are pointing guns at you!


                              Originally posted by Thrashdragon View Post
                              True, but there is enough strange evidence in that article to lead to speculation that he really was an agent of some sort, in which case, he would have known better than to reach for anything unless he knew they were coming to kill him. If this story mysteriously fades away without any follow up...I'd be inclined to believe it was a hit.
                              Or he was a complete nutcase... The cruiser video should tellthe tale.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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