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Basic Training (Remedial Class)

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    Basic Training (Remedial Class)

    Remedial Training for you old timers who forgot the basics of BF2 Strategy, and you new folks who want to learn more.

    Time for some remedial basic training (and tips for the new folks).

    1. Squad up. Make sure you have a mix of classes in your squad. Communicate.

    1b. Use VOIP. Talking and listening is much more fun, efficient, and the fastest way to learn also.

    2. "Spot" is your friend. Telling us that there is something right in front of you doesn't do any good if we don't know where you are. Spotting puts the enemy on OUR maps, so we have a better idea. If you are new and don;t know how to spot an enemy ask us in-game.

    3. Spread Out !! When we bunch up the enemy commander gets excited, and arty will kill an entire squad, in one fell swoop - not to mention the jets and choppers overhead.

    4. Make sure your team has a commander. Most rounds I've seen since the server went back up had no commander for most of the time. The side without the commander is much more likely to lose the round. If you have to, take command yourself. You need that UAV up at all times, and scans when available, even if you never touch arty or supplies.

    1. Don't focus on one flag at the expense of others--Hill on Mashtuur IS NOT THAT IMPORTANT. I could care less if we have their assets down if they're running around with a Blackhawk, both tanks, and a couple of jeeps and control the rest of the map. Spread out so that's not the only we we end up with. This is an example, but same principle applies to all maps. Also on Mashtuur, don't turn the mosque into the point of focus. It's just a killing field waiting for everyone to spend tickets on, and it has no real strategic value.

    2. If I tell you what's going to happen on a map, I'm usually right-- I have a huge amount of commander experience which taught me the map flows from the global/stratgic as well as the tactical perspective, and I know who gets predictable. I'm keep playing Karkand as MEC, and telling everyone on my team and my squad on both text and VOIP - that the APC is coming across the Ford, only to end up being the only guy within half a mile of the Gatehouse.

    A lone engineer on foot against a squad of six and an APC is not going to last long. Don't take the MEC tank up to the hotel: leave it back to defend for at least the first two minutes. That helps on defense, and it also means that if you get killed at hotel, there aren't 3 guys standing around the spawn ready to steal it from us when it respawns while you're still staring at your countdown.

    As a matter of fact, the hotel is and always has been almost useless on that map. Don't put all your eggs in the hotel basket and watch everything behind you fall. You can point whore later; at the start, protect that flag. The 32p Gatehouse, and to a lesser extent the TV station on Sharqi, are the only two flags in the current rotation that are essential to survival.

    3. Sharqi--Take out the helo, spot it if you can't take it out, and find the Tow and SAM turrets. They are your friends also.

    4. Dalian--Reactor, City Entrance, and South Dock in that order. MEC needs to get to Reactor as soon as possible.


    Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
    Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]

    Great advice Rand....I think your are def corect on this and hopefully it will help ppl in their gameplay


      Rand speaks much truth.

      Spotting is a God-send on BF2. It lets your entire team see any threat and clues them in on your situation without having to be right there beside you. Spotting big threats, especially vehicles, can let helicopter and jet pilots know who needs help. Even on land-based maps, letting your tanks know where the enemy tanks are is a big heads-up and can give your tank a big advantage if they choose to flank/ambush.

      As Rand said, sometimes teams get too focused on a single flag/objective and sacrifice everything else to accomplish that single task. I can't even begin to count the times I was that "lone engineer" at Karkand (MEC side) running around like crazy with the Hummer nobody wanted in an attempt to scatter AT mines on the river/bridge/ramps trying to hold off USMC's inevitable victory while the rest of MEC is having fun point whoring Hotel. I would kill a hummer or two, maybe an APC at most until the USMC turns everything into a nightmare for MEC.



        what a post,...

        and to think,... I thought this was just a game to have fun in.

        Guess I was wrong.



          Originally posted by Geddy View Post

          what a post,...

          and to think,... I thought this was just a game to have fun in.

          Guess I was wrong.

          Thanks for the constructive comments Geddy. Good to see you haven't changed. How's the view from your pedestal?

          If you don't have anything tangible to add to the thread, you don't have to post here. This thread is for strategies, and it's a reminder of what many of us once knew but may have forgotten while playing the more hectic and fairly teamwork-less COD4, as well as a quick and dirty primer for newer players.

          And before you do it, you can just stop, step back from the keyboard now, and not bother putting up your inevitable answer post to this thread to try to make yourself look good at my expense. We all know it's coming, it's been your pattern for years with various threads on these forums, so it's not really needed now, is it?

          Take care,

          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
          Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


            Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
            Thanks for the constructive comments Geddy. Good to see you haven't changed. How's the view from your pedestal?

            If you don't have anything tangible to add to the thread, you don't have to post here. This thread is for strategies, and it's a reminder of what many of us once knew but may have forgotten while playing the more hectic and fairly teamwork-less COD4, as well as a quick and dirty primer for newer players.

            And before you do it, you can just stop, step back from the keyboard now, and not bother putting up your inevitable answer post to this thread to try to make yourself look good at my expense. We all know it's coming, it's been your pattern for years with various threads on these forums, so it's not really needed now, is it?

            Take care,
            Easy, Rand Geddy is just making a joke at your expense, I must admit it was kida funny. But I will aggree with you that holding gatehouse is critical on karkand.

            I'm getting tired of playing Karkand as MEC, telling everyone on my team and my squad on both text and VOIP that the APC is coming across the Ford, and ending up the only guy within half a mile of the Gatehouse.
            Oh BTW it was my squad (Geddy Included) that was in that apc you were talking about.... you know the one that came right behind your tank and capped half the map
            Last edited by Hawkeye426; 25 Mar 2008, 12:01 AM. Reason: Spelling


              Originally posted by Hawkeye426 View Post
              Oh BTW it was my squad (Geddy Included) that was in that apc you were talking about.... you know the one that came right behind your tank and capped half the map
              I miss nested quotes. Are they available on this thing?

              That wasn't the APC I was referring to actually. It was really the one in the last round, about 10:25 pm, where Madhatter hopped out to disarm my mines while you sat in the river. Some guy beat me to the tank and was almost at the hotel by the time you showed up at the river. I was the only one closer to you than the Square out of about 15 guys. He was in my squad, listening to my chat, and still puttering off toward the Hotel.

              The one you're talking about was probably during the first time this happened tonight, where about 4 guys bailed from your APC when I was caught on the slope next to the train, all of whom where Anti Tank or Spec Ops. I was in a bad position to start with, and next thing I know I've got 3 AT rounds coming at me and an APC moving into firing position.


              Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
              Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]



                The one you're talking about was probably during the first time this happened tonight, where about 4 guys bailed from your APC when I was caught on the slope next to the train, all of whom where Anti Tank or Spec Ops. I was in a bad position to start with, and next thing I know I've got 3 AT rounds coming at me and an APC moving into firing position.

                Yep thats the one BTW I told all my guys to go AT and there were two medics, I like that loadout early game as we dispatch armour really quickly with three AT and an APC


                  I agree with you Rand, myself of all people need a lot of practice. I love coordinating tactics and voip to stay in sync, but sometimes I have a problem forgetting to id the enemy. I'm getting better, but still have to focus are id first shoot second.
                  I sometimes accidentally tk someone and I hope no one thinks I do it on purpose. I hate it when tk'ers jump in and start doing it on purpose.
                  I hope no one loses their patients with me I love the game and try hard. I'm going to practice that chopper until I get back to being half way decent at it.
                  Thanks for the tips and I'll try to keep them in mind.
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                    Senses of humor really have dwindled I guess.

                    As for my "PEDESTAL?"

                    I'll let that one go.

                    I am all for strategies, I just thought the tone of your message, almost an admonishment, was a bit heavy-handed given the fact that this game has been resurrected from the ashes and may not be around long.

                    If you took my comment THAT seriously, then perhaps it is a mirror you should be addressing with your retorts.

                    Call em like I see em.



                      Originally posted by DougBob View Post
                      I agree with you Rand, myself of all people need a lot of practice. I love coordinating tactics and voip to stay in sync, but sometimes I have a problem forgetting to id the enemy. I'm getting better, but still have to focus are id first shoot second.
                      I sometimes accidentally tk someone and I hope no one thinks I do it on purpose. I hate it when tk'ers jump in and start doing it on purpose.
                      I hope no one loses their patients with me I love the game and try hard. I'm going to practice that chopper until I get back to being half way decent at it.
                      Thanks for the tips and I'll try to keep them in mind.
                      Anytime you need help with the bird I'll fly with you Doug, I'm alright and can show you a thing or two.


                        Originally posted by DougBob View Post
                        I agree with you Rand, myself of all people need a lot of practice. I love coordinating tactics and voip to stay in sync, but sometimes I have a problem forgetting to id the enemy. I'm getting better, but still have to focus are id first shoot second.
                        I sometimes accidentally tk someone and I hope no one thinks I do it on purpose. I hate it when tk'ers jump in and start doing it on purpose.
                        I hope no one loses their patients with me I love the game and try hard. I'm going to practice that chopper until I get back to being half way decent at it.
                        Thanks for the tips and I'll try to keep them in mind.
                        Don't worry DougBob, everyone TKs in this game. It's insanely easy to kill someone within 20 feet of a vehicle for example. They may get too close trying to repair, or simply trying to get in, and all of a sudden their corpse is flying 30 feet away and you're getting punished.

                        On spot, I've got my main radio key re-mapped to Z, which puts it very close to where my pinky rests (A, since I shift all movement keys over to the right to esdf). It makes is easy to hit that button even as I'm moving and shooting, and since Spot is in the middle, you don't have to worry about anything other than making sure what you're trying to spot is near your crosshair. That makes is real easy for me to spot things for others, but your mileage may vary. You may want to play around with its keyboard or mouse location--it may work for you as a thumb mouse button, just for example.


                        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                        Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                          To Geddy's point, this is just a game. And people need to keep that in mind. Not just in BF2, but in all games that they play. While I am the first to play to win and get all excited when I see a hummer full of enemy drive by my hiding place, i always remember that this is all for fun and everyone else's fun.

                          So things like spawn camping can get pretty annoying. I know its part of the game, I know it can be a strategy in some instances to help hold an important flag. But this is a game, and stepping back a few meters to let the enemy come out and play is much funner than gunning them down in your APC or with 3 of your buddies from the hill top when they spawn.
                          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                          So all you get is this crappy text]


                            You guy's will have too excuse me when I play with all of you as I am not that familiar with the maps and the main objective of these maps ( Team work that is ). I started playing BF2 about the same time I started playing the BF2142 server here. I only played BF2 once in awhile so if I join in on a squad and I am running around like a retard confused and dazed but trying too do the team work thing go easy on me I will come through one way or another, Just need a little coaching.


                              there is absolutely NO need to apologize for being new to a game. None!

                              Everyone is 100% totally welcome to play and we 100% totally understand that people are new and make mistakes. Take the time you need to have fun and learn the ropes, its all good.

                              If you TK someone, hey, it happens. No biggy. If you get turned around and don't know how to reach the objective your squad leader has set, then let them know or just attack something else until you die and can respawn on the commander.

                              Its a game, its about having fun. I would totally hate for someone to not want to play or get the wrong message that if you are new and doing something bad, than the regulars will disown you and write you out of the CLR will.

                              I played some BF2 when it was first launched. I started up last week again and I still get turned around and not sure where to go. It happens.

                              I was in a helicopter yesterday gunning and I totally sucked. I told the pilot that I suck, but a guy needs to learn somehow, right? I think it was marvin who was in my transport chopper when I tried to land and crashed on the flag. hehe. Its all good.

                              Grab a gun and jump in there with us Todd and don't be sorry for any mistakes you may make. Join a squad (preferably a CLR squad) and you will see that the learning curve won't be too bad as we do tend to chat quite a bit
                              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                              So all you get is this crappy text]


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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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