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Suggestion: Lower the number of players

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    Target rich environment is the only way to go.


      i have seen 64 man servers.btw on the nade spamming,nades are made for that.they have been used that way in reel nam,see a hole throw a nade in it.if u suspect some enemy are in a certain spot that u cant see,thats the best way to deal with em.


        Personally I can't stand the nade spam. I'm no math whiz, but I suspect about a third of the players use the 3-frag perk, which mean there's somewhere around 40 available nades per team at the start of the round. That's just crazy.

        I understand there are some limitations on what we can do in terms of mods, but I think it would increase the enjoyment of the TDM server immensely if we could limit the number of nades in some way. Just my two cents.


          You guys are fighting the wrong fight, or at least in the wrong place. To my knowledge, there isn't anything Cain can do to limit nades, or if he can, I think it takes us off the ranked servers listing.

          This has to be fought with the developers.

          I deal with nades, and in fact often use the 3x frag perk myself. However, it hasn't been that bad this week overall. Partly because we haven't had as many players though, which is not really a good thing.


          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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            Last night was a low count for a good while, then zipped back up to 50 when we hit Overgrown. now THAT map can handle the load.
            ??Click me to donate??


              Turn on FF.
              Cause i get tired of being naded in a room with 10 hostiles and im winning
              If your gona kill me it should kill them to.

              On some maps they will nad spam a doorway and there teammates can run right in and not get killed cause of FF being off thats not fair if your stuck on the other side of that door cause of all the nads.

              Nad spam is the main reason you wont see me on COD4 atm. to much of it and no ff on cains server.


                The ones with 20 people are well, kinda of boring. I'm a twitch fanatic, I like to move, juke, run, escape and have fun. The other servers unless the folks are fairly good, gets old pretty quick and if they are good to average to mediocre THEY tend to not have too much fun. I find they camp quite a bit more on the lower server settings.

                I found Cain's by looking for one that is constantly poplulated with a good mix of players.

                Though the nade spam is bad the way to cure the problem like it was stated before is to turn off the nades.

                Try one of the ones with no nades, it's actually quite fun, reason being well you don't get blown to bits.


                  +1 to the boredom. When I joined either yesterday or the day before, there were only about 16 people on, and it was not all that much fun for the 45 minutes or so until more folks showed up. Too easy in some ways, and too much time spent just running around looking for something to shoot. Half the time with those counts you go left, they all went right.


                  Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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                    That's one of the things about the lower numbered servers, you can just do a quick circle, the keep going, since there are fewer people. At least the circle takes a bit longer in the bigger person ones.


                      I agree. I think there are far to many players. The maps are way to small for even 30 players. Either some larger, custom maps should be added into the rotation, or lower the number of players a bit.


                        I LOVE IT! 3x Nades, 50 players, martyrdom, sonic boom, pistol, knife, p90 and I'm all set.


                          Originally posted by Dom26 View Post
                          Yeah if you turn off Nades its like you cut my little friend off now i perfected my nade throwing.

                          Let it how it is 50 peeps is great.
                          MY GOD! There's a skill to nade throwing


                            Originally posted by SUB_ZERO View Post
                            MY GOD! There's a skill to nade throwing

                            Yes, there is actually, although others who get killed by them a lot and hate people who use them and the use of them would always disagree. If there were vehicles, those too would be used as a weapon to accomplish the primary objective of the game which is to kill as many enemies as possible so that your team wins. Anybody can toss a nade, just like anyone can see it coming and move out of the way. A sniper shooting from a high window into a crowded enemy spawn point is much the same....except you gotta get closer with a grenade.

                            I'm wondering..haven't looked, but are there any pistol challenges other than reaching the level that yields a golden DE?


                              i know to use 3xfrag and marty,because people complain about being killed by them.that tells me it is very effective.i have been on a board and killed five marty users up close and personal,back to back without just have to be ready for it.just remember,nades are good


                                Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE View Post
                                Yes, there is actually, although others who get killed by them a lot and hate people who use them and the use of them would always disagree. If there were vehicles, those too would be used as a weapon to accomplish the primary objective of the game which is to kill as many enemies as possible so that your team wins. Anybody can toss a nade, just like anyone can see it coming and move out of the way. A sniper shooting from a high window into a crowded enemy spawn point is much the same....except you gotta get closer with a grenade.

                                I'm wondering..haven't looked, but are there any pistol challenges other than reaching the level that yields a golden DE?
                                I was joking, it's just that a lot of people use nades lol.
                                And no i think the only pistol challenge is last stand challenges


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                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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