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    I love the MP on this game its more fun than CW


      Another report:

      Single player mode- I played this until 3am PST it is so good.

      Grand Theft Auto meets Traditional FPS.
      You are a merc running around in the African jungle.

      The only thing missing is more animals...I've seen Antelope and Zebra, nothing else so far.

      There are gun runner missions you do to unlock weapons, and Im doing those right now before I engage the story line. You have a MASSIVE world. You can take a bus to get across it instantly. You can take skifs and drive them yourself.

      The diamond and Jackal Tape hunt is kinda fun too.

      Here's a story- I took an assasination mission, snuck into a cease fire zone with my silenced hand gun, popped the guy at point blank in the back of the head after sneaking up on him (yes people hear you and it is all veyr real so this was very hard and surprising that I pulled it off).

      All hell breaks loose because just as I do this, a rebel with an AK on his back smoking a cig comes around the corner and starts shouting at me in one of their languages.

      I fire at him, put him down quick, and 5 more come, then 3 more, and I am like OH SHHHH****.

      I run. End up in a Hotel and they are shouting and afraid to come in. (Yes the game has AI just like this) Finally one says "Ive been watching you and I am not afraid - and they start coming in. I am on their left in the doorway past the Foyer, and as the first one enters I hop out with my flame thrower and run at the crowd-

      They disperse screaming in pain, some firing at me. I take a LOT of damage.

      I run upstairs, do the med kit, then I am searching, searching. I am thinking "How in the hell am I going to get out of this mess? DID I SAVE? OH CRAP! DOES THIS THING HAVE QUICK SAVE? - Screw it, I'm going! " Then FINALLY- I see it. (This is one of those missions where the enemy has unlimited spawn and the more you fight the more spawn. My heart was racing like this was really happening)

      I find a window- I look outside and there it a balconey- then I see a way to jump to the roof across from me. I do that, then I jump into an alleyway and sneak the hell out of there.

      THAT was some fun. So much fun I did it again 3 more times, and each time it was different and impossible to duplicate what happend. I could tell you more, but I would just ruin the game for you.

      DONT read too much about this game.
      DRIVE as much as you can- it really is interesting some of the things that happen.


        Man the Game Plays Like a Dream and it's Blood Hard going on the game some of the Misson are Great Fun.


          Ok, I'm picking up the game after work...haha. How much is it?
          [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

          [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


            Set me back ?24.99. How do you bring the FPS up? I went in the console and it stated 'showFps 0' to turn it on. But nothing happens.


              looks like a remake of CSS with a TF2 twist


                Originally posted by juneau View Post
                Set me back ?24.99. How do you bring the FPS up? I went in the console and it stated 'showFps 0' to turn it on. But nothing happens.
                who cares- cmere- let me PWNZERSJOO wt da KAPOWZZKI


                  Originally posted by juneau View Post
                  Set me back ?24.99. How do you bring the FPS up? I went in the console and it stated 'showFps 0' to turn it on. But nothing happens.
                  the commands are a bit different. enter "gfx_maxfps" and press enter


                    A new nv driver for the game has been released:

                    News: NVIDIA ForceWare 180.43 Beta Windows XP/Vista Far Cry 2 Drivers Released -
                    Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


                      Originally posted by Grisu View Post
                      Yer I know I try the Beta Drvier for Vista and the Game would not work so I have to go back to the normal drive for the game to run for me


                        Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                        the commands are a bit different. enter "gfx_maxfps" and press enter
                        It is indeed showFps but it states 0 on 1 off when it's actually 0 off 1 on.


                          Originally posted by juneau View Post
                          It is indeed showFps but it states 0 on 1 off when it's actually 0 off 1 on.
                          I thought u wanted to cap or uncap FPS, my bad I find Fraps' number much easier to read as well as smaller


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                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Sirex
                            All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                            Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                            7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Pidgeot_Girl
                            Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                            2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Apache Warrior
                            Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Pidgeot_Girl
                            Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                            1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                          • Reply to hey yall!
                            by Sirex
                            :O hey Pidgeot!

                            Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                            Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                            23 Feb 2025, 06:31 PM