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Team Fortress 2 TIPS !!

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    I feel like theres to much bashing on the backburner when it is a very very useful weap UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES!

    Backburner tips
    -FLANK FLANK FLANK! i cannot stress this enough, on say big maps like badwater basin, you hide and wait till you see 2+ enemies pass you, then when your sure your clear you sneak behind and crit their backs, they WILL die before they realize their getting damaged

    -Jump and rotate around your target, especially if its a heavy, the range for the crit is actually pretty wide so if you happen to be in front of your target "which you shouldnt be as a backburner pyro" you need to swing around as fast as possible

    -high ledges are your friend, when you see somebody running underneath you, jumping from a high ledge and burning is just as effective as a spy, and you happen to have a bit more range than said class

    -do NOT run head first, the whole reason its called a BACKburner is because you come from the BACK

    -very helpful in stopping cart pushes, as enemies are almost ALWAYS facing the way of the track, you just come in behind jumping your butt off and holding M1, everyone falls in a few seconds, trust me.

    hope this enlightens a few people on the backburner, its not that its bad because theres no comp blast, but your playing technically a completely different class, where the pyro does great face to face against demo and soldiers, the backburnerpyro is more like a spy in where he has to hide and come out at the right time to destroy from behind.

    [i think one main reason why people hate it is not knowing HOW to use the backburner, but more because of the people who use the backburner and STILL dont know how to use it]


      All these wonderful guides!! keep them up. Let me see what i can toss into the mix.

      We all know our job is to provide support and heal our fellow teammates. Here are some tips for staying alive a tad bit longer.

      When it comes to it standing still is not the thing you want to do. MOVE AROUND what I do sometimes is just do a Circle motion and spin like a football player to avoid those spies that we love and care for so much. Try this do the electric slide at a faster pace that should make things more entertaining for you.

      When you are healing someone and do not have an ubercharge and they charge into the fight full force just top them off with an overheal and let them run rampid staying alive and obtaining your ubercharge will be more beneficial ( sorry fellas but this medic is not suicidal ).

      Another thing to keep in mind is priority on your heals.
      #1 Anyone that is on fire just heal them for a bit so they live and continue healing your main target. But if it comes down to saving someone when there are multiple targets on fire Medics are first then any damaging classes.
      #2 A heavy should not be the #1 healing target yes they are great meat shields and do nice damage. They have tons of health you can afford to let them drop down a bit while saving a teammate in need.

      Now comes the FUN
      As we know once the team hears UBERCHARGE READY everyone is yelling pick me!
      Think about your situation are you a Offensive or Defensive team. How many sentries do they have and how many pyros. As an offensive team you would like to UBER a demo because we all know its tons of fun to see multiple buildings explode at the same time as well they get the job done faster for when there are guns that are spread out amongst the area BUT KEY REMINDER When pushing to kill sentries just because you uber and follow in the ubered target doesn't mean your job is done! Use yourself to tank the bullets and rockets from a sentry gun so your demo or pyro even can get close enough without having to waste time. PLACE YOURSELF IN BETWEEN YOUR KILL TARGET AND YOUR UBER TARGET
      If you're playing for a small area such as the attic ( Goldrush don't remember map names ) Use a pyro and run up before he does so he can just run in without any push back.

      I will continue to add tips for medic scout and demo a bit later heres a few tips for now. I am currently at work I will see everyone in game.


        Great Sup

        I too jitter around like an undersized running back, as it also makes you a tougher target for Snipers and other dastardly demons.

        A word to the player I'm healing and have a uber ready.
        TALK !!! Let me know when you want it set off. You are the one that sees the tactical scenario first hand. If we exit the spawn, and you don't chat or talk to let me know there is a level 3 sentry staring at your big mug, then I WON'T KNOW. Luckily, after you've been blown to little pieces and I'm still alive, I can pick you up again when you respawn.

        I've seen the Kritzkrieg used very well on several occassions. Mostly great on cart escorts, or defense with a Demo or Soldier. But it still is a distant 2nd to the Ubercharge.
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          I too jitter around like an undersized running back, as it also makes you a tougher target for Snipers

          Where do you put the Bayonet?
          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
          Frank Lloyd Wright


            Originally posted by Supafly View Post
            Those are words to live by right there !!!

            So right !!


              I can't edit my previous post now to continue on my journey my boss is on Vaca! and I'm free! lmao


              Give ubers to Demos for the situation that sentries are spread out.
              Give ubers to Pyros for the situation that sentries are in a tight areas.

              Let the Kritz begin!
              Oh the grin on my face knowing that as soon as we turn that corner we wipe out more than half the enemy team with two crit shots from a demo.
              As Dead and Gone has stated they are wonderful for capture points, cart defends, and other various situations. Remember you can use the Kritzkrieg (hopefully i spelled that right) anywhere just have to learn how to survive because you cant go invulnerable.

              In my opinion giving pyros kritz is like putting a hamster on those little wheels they have in their cages they run run run run run and go absolutely no where...

              Demos Heavys Soldiers Even a good scout has use for it. You don't have to choose specifically which you need to use for what situation i honestly always roll kritz with demos just because they can sticky detonate whenever they would like. Before popping the kritz make sure there are enemies around and about because no one likes to waste these things . In addition to knowing they are there pop it before you turn the corner so they have no time to react its like a WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM type deal.

              Keep in mind if you're defending first round use Kritz then switch off if you need to for medigun. Utterly destroying your opponent right when the gates open leaving them speechless makes a great defensive because half the time you get them before the medic pops ubers.

              *Kritz for offense is for advance users only* (JK) this just takes time to get use to and learn the play style to successfully push with using kritz and not a medigun. Medic takes time to become good with patience is needed if you don't have that then sorry

              Hope my tips help some. If anyone wants to hear what i have to say for Demos and Scouts let me know.


                Originally posted by Supafly View Post
                In my opinion giving pyros kritz is like putting a hamster on those little wheels they have in their cages they run run run run run and go absolutely no where...

                +1. Please don't kritx me if I'm a pyro. Please.
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                  Remember that proper maintenance of your rifle is important to continue reaching out to touch someone. To clean your rifle always use Tears of Uber-Ready Medics. Accept no substitutes.


                    Nice tips, the medic related ones really help me to improve myself as medic.
                    BTW i think i'm a good medic because i'm always keeping alive all my teammates instead of just keeping alive one of them.
                    When an enemy pyro comes arround, don't be afraid of running back, your teammates don't gonna die instantly and you can go back and extinguish the fire on them. But if you just stay there instead of running back, it's pretty sure that you're gonna die.

                    PD: I'm SO bad with the ubersaw =P. Supa i promess i'm gonna improve my ubersaw game and we're going to do the 2 uber medic thing.

                    It's really tricky express myself in english, but i think i'm improving my writing skills.

                    See you guys.


                      <3 Gkhan its okay we were doing great lmao until the stupid pyros came and with the compression blast

                      But good job tho so far we need to keep doing that


                        FLANK FLANK FLANK! i cannot stress this enough, on say big maps like badwater basin, you hide and wait till you see 2+ enemies pass you, then when your sure your clear you sneak behind and crit their backs, they WILL die before they realize their getting damaged
                        thats ambushing btw. what the pyro is intended for


                          Something was brought home with great fanfare tonight. Spies killed off the medics, most of which were near uber, time after time after time on my team. I was one of the medics.

                          We had pyro's, they just ran past us without once checking corners or holes for spies. Nor did they patrol. It was a very very bad round as a result. Up to 4 pyro's, and not one took on an anti-spy role. One guy went to pyro just to try to help protect the medics, but too little, too late.

                          You really don't know how discouraging it is to be ready for a uber run, and get backstabbed, and backstabbed, and backstabbed. And you see a pyro running past you to get to the soldier that he can see.

                          Yes, a good heavy or such will shoot back behind them to check for spies, but not when we are about to charge.

                          2 of the 4 medics said they weren't going to play it anymore for awhile, because of the constant deaths. Yes, the spies were good, but really, a decent pyro can make a huge difference.

                          My rant for the day.
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                            Sorry I didn't play last night, D&G... that would NOT have happenned had I played and was on your team.
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