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    Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
    Does anyone know why it was made illegal?
    A guy in one of my political science classes was doing a paper on the issue.

    The history of the criminalization of marijuana is really interesting and I think it'd be a surprise to anyone who hadn't heard it.


      Originally posted by Rovey Wade View Post
      A guy in one of my political science classes was doing a paper on the issue.

      The history of the criminalization of marijuana is really interesting and I think it'd be a surprise to anyone who hadn't heard it.
      It really pisses me off.


        Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
        DEA is Federal.
        State Troopers (CHP in California) are State.
        Police Dept like Santa Cruz are local.

        The DEA cannot process anyone that is not directly involved with any operation that they are part of. They also co-ordinate with the county Drug Enforcement Task Force before they conduct an operation.

        I know this because we have quite an extensive relationship with the DEA in the group that I work with, as well as my friendship with some of the top officers in the San Jose DEA office.

        Whoever made that statement, if it isnt just some reporter trying to stir the pot, obviously isnt on the Task Force.

        I'd also like to point out that they are the same people who fund most of the summer harvest raids in the mountains of California Counties across the state. So I find it hard to believe that they had anyone out of pocket on the operation.

        What usually happens in these raids is that someone inside is either selling more than they should or selling drugs in addition to marijuana. ALSO these clinics attract other drug dealers who advertise their drugs to people going in.

        Two of our most favorite fugitives were caught outside one of these clinics trying to peddle oxycotton.
        Ok Hammy don't get mad at me....

        What you mention is not the case here. The group WAMM thats the coop. Had nothing like that going on. These folks are considered heros around SC cause oh the help they give to terminally ill folks. The DEA didn't notify any local agency...well at least not the local PD or Sheriffs. All of the local LEO's knew about the place. Hell the the folks that run WAMM worked with the DA and the city. In fact the city is 100% behind those folks that WAMM and the city of santa cruz are suing the DEA and Mr. Alberto (I forgot) Gonzales. No joke. There is no drug peddling going on here. In fact they distribute the pot to the terminally ill patients right out of City Hall....I'm not making this up. These folks are helping people who are dying period.

        You also mention CAMP. Look I don't smoke it...but having your house thermal imaged every night by a helicopter all summer long is kinda of annoying. I lived in both Boulder Creek and Ben Lommond for five years....


          I've always compared illegal marijuana to the Prohibition in the 1920s...when alcohol was illegal. People wanted it, and organised crime became what it is known as today.
          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
          So all you get is this crappy text]


            Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
            I've always compared illegal marijuana to the Prohibition in the 1920s...when alcohol was illegal. People wanted it, and organised crime became what it is known as today.
            If we legalized it, grew it and sold it all within our own country, I dont think we could blame terrorists for making our children(or ourselves in my case, I dont have kids) potheads.
            They do sell heroin though, which is terrible. Ruined my mothers life.
            And were you serious about that Tony? About it not being any different?
            That is a bit biased, like you said your views are. Not flaming you or anything, I just wanted to know if you were serious about that.
            A few years ago, I got busted with a roach. That roach cost me $450 plus a whole bunch of my time because I had to go to a bunch of idiotic classes that had, literally, NOTHING to do with marijuana. All the guy talked about was drunk driving, and he showed us all these gruesome photos of accidents from drunk driving. COMPLETE waste of my time.
            I am not saying I didnt deserve punishment, I broke a law(which shouldnt exist), but, did it really need to be such a hefty fine?
            I think they wasted their own money, and mine.
            Oh man, and the cop gave me the stupidest speech for over an hour. I think it was because I chose to use my right to remain silent, and wasnt talking to him. He made me pay for that by telling me the stupidest, most BS story I have ever heard.


              [QUOTE=mapes;52136]Ok Hammy don't get mad at me....

              Boulder Creek- I used to float the river all summer. We had a house up there outside of Felton as a kid- I would be there every weekend there were no sporting events, and all summer from End of May through August. We'd jump in at Roaring camp and go all the way to the ocean.

              Also- How can I get mad? The paper dictates the information you get.
              The "hard to believe" was in what the reporter wrote.

              I get it...


                Originally posted by mapes View Post
                Ok Hammy don't get mad at me....

                Boulder Creek- I used to float the river all summer. We had a house up there outside of Felton as a kid- I would be there every weekend there were no sporting events, and all summer from End of May through August. We'd jump in at Roaring camp and go all the way to the ocean.
                Wow... you'd float by where my house is now. Currently I live right across from the Graham Hill Cemetary in Santa Cruz. Its at the base of Graham Hill right by Ocean St.

                As for the mountain towns....I lived way the hell up Scenic Ave right by highlands park in Ben Lommond and in Boulder Creek I lived off of Junita Woods road which was about 2 miles past BC going away from Felton. Small world.


         i get off the forms for a day and my post grows to 3 pgs!! lol


                    Its growing like a....weed.

                    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                    So all you get is this crappy text]


                      Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                      Its growing like a....weed.

                      lol. That type takes a while though.


                        im with rand


                          Originally posted by Br@nFl@Kes{CLR} View Post
                          I found the link again (came back up on myspace after a couple of refreshes)

                          It is indeed an anti drug website
                          lol. I just noticed this. Those anti drug websites always get something wrong.
                          keef(spelled khif) is not another name for marijuana. It is its own substance, though it has the same active ingredient as MJ. I wont go into details about it since it is illegal in the U.S.
                          And chronic is not an alternative name for all marijuana. Chronic means really good marijuana. And a doobie is a joint. Those people are kind of stupid.


                            Honestly, it doesn't matter what the definitions are once the association is made.

                            If anyone here is ever out here in California, and would like a first hand lesson in what Marijuana can do for you, please let me know and I'll take you on a tour.

                            I'll introduce you to some criminals that will tell you their story about how marijuana led them to other drugs, which enhanced their probability to steal, carry out violence, and etc.

                            Then we'll head out to a few rehab centers, the white collar kind, and we'll take in a few stories and experiences there.

                            What I often find is that Marijuana is the second or third rung, if not the first, in the ladder of habitual drug use that leads to a completely destroyed life. The nay sayers, sitting in their ivory towers declaring marijuana safe, can do so thanks in part to themselves being a smallest part of the population.

                            But they can also be reclassified as "functional"- no different than "functional Alcoholics". For some reason, a very small part of the habitual drug using population can carry on for decades without seeing the degradation effects. However, this small portion of the population cannot represent what happens to the majority of people.

                            I dont think it matters what they call it- in the US it's still a gateway drug for too many people.


                              Gateway drugs are a sign of the weak minded.
                              If marijuana makes you try other drugs and you end up getting addicted, I find you to be an idiot. You shouldnt say marijuana caused it all, they were probably going to get into harder stuff with or without it.
                              I dont think the term "gateway drug" should even exist. If a person was going to try drugs, they would have done it anyways. Just because they used marijuana first doesnt mean that caused them to take other drugs. If in their mind they were willing to try other, harder drugs, they would have done so.
                              And I think most people take a drink of alcohol before smoking weed.


                                Marijuana is only a gateway drug because it's illegal. It introduces kids to the shadier side of life. Would you rather your child buy pot in a dark alley from someone that may introduce them to harder drugs in order to make more money off of them (or arbitrarily murder them for what's in their wallet), or pick some up at the Circle K when he fills up his car?

                                Criminalizing something that a large percentage of the population uses on a regular basis is stupid. If a kid gets caught, he gets a criminal record that ruins his future employability...thus leading to a life of more crime and harder drugs. Marijuana isn't a gateway, but criminalizing it is.

                                Prohibiting marijuana is about as effective as preaching abstinence to hormonally-crazed teenagers.


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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
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                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

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