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CLR Clan stacking is not equallity

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    CLR Clan stacking is not equallity

    Hi Everyone,

    Sportmanship starts with keeping to the rules.

    13 CLR members on side is not even close to balanced.

    1. Team membership
    2. Teamspeak
    3. High rank than other team side

    No welcome messages from the veterns.
    No trying to help new people on to the server.
    Constaintly teaming up and not allowing particpating players into squad.

    Very disappointing for everyone today on the server.

    That doesn't sound like CLR at all... are you sure you were on a CL server?
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      I gotta say peeps do tend to end up in the same team, because naturally you want to have fun, cooperative gaming with your clan mates right? :P

      Though I had no time to play this week, I never saw a legit unfair balance of CLRs all stacked in one team, it's never even, but I never thought of it as a problem, since there's always a minimum of 2-3 clr in each team, with one team having more than the other.

      And about welcoming and helping.. I think once the hype slows down and everybody is used to the game people will help and chat a bit more!

      until karkand comes out, then it'll be a clusterfudge all over again!


        Since when was Cain's Lair a clan?


          Originally posted by Raven Paradox View Post
          Since when was Cain's Lair a clan?

          technically it's not


            I was there tonight, and someone mentioned that there were 13 CLR's on one team. We still got raped a couple of maps. I understand how it looks, but we weren't exactly rolling the other team. It was fun though with so many involved in the TS.

            edit: And it's not like you can choose what team you want to be on. You can switch once, but if the teams are already balanced, you can't even do that. What is one to do? Leave the server?


              13 CL-Regulars- on one side means nothing, I mean, have you seen us play??? my time as a Regular, I have never seen a match were a full team of CLRs owned the other team, it is usually the other way around

              The whole idea of having -Regulars- on different teams and different squads is to get to know more players, and invite them to be part of the community

              I wasn't on when that happened but if I were, I would have switch to the other team to even things up, as I tend to move to the losing team because it's more exciting ...but then, I also read they weren't even winning...


                i was in the game too for short period (if i am still tethering)
                Even if their is 13 or 20 CLRs in one team. it doesnt mean ANYTHING. I dont want to sound vague, but there was nothing THAT could been done.. it was a full server and some of us were "ATTEMPTING" to switch.. but what can you do when its 32vs32. The game WONT allow you to switch teams.. and i highly doubt 7 of the CLRs are gonna leave the game and wait for the auto team balance to kick in.

                Most, of the guys "wants" to play with their TEAM/FRIENDS/CLR. I saw the squads on the "stacked clr" none of them were in 1 Whole squad,everyone was scattered with randoms. Having the Tag doesnt mean were UBER(maybe some). I know im sounding MEAN. But im just saying..

                What can you do when the servers PACKED and your willing to switch sides? Plus the 13CLRs still got rolled on FireStorm.

                edit: HIGH RANK doesnt mean anything... just means more features.. nothing that will unbalance.


                  Pshh, at least you guys get to play. Ever since I installed Skyrim, BF3 wont load. I get stuck at the "joining server" for 30 minutes with no pop up or window on my taskbar on the bottom to click. I miss playing and I am seriously having withdrawals. While I was waiting today, I play CastleVille on Facebook. I know right...THE HORROR!
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                  [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


                    Thats not skyrim....

                    Mine does that all the time, close it and try again.
                    For some reason first time a start the game after starting computer it hangs and i have to close it.


                      I was playing last night and here is my two cents.
                      When I first joined my team was the losing team.
                      When I left we were the winning team.
                      We were not winning by a blowout by any means. Most of the time we won by less than 100 points. We were winning through better teamwork last night.
                      Squads were not locked, we were not kicking non CL:R's from the squads and CLR's were not all clustered together in a few squads. During this time last night, Rand and I were in a squad together. The other two members came and went and were non CLR's. Most of CLR's were spread out into many squads.
                      It is extremely difficult to deliberately stack BF games. You do not get to choose the side when you join. You can not switch sides when the sides are even. You can not switch sides when the ticket counts are low.
                      Every time I looked at the scoreboard last night to check on stacking the server was full which makes it impossible to switch. The only time it was not full, our side had the lower amount of players.
                      There were CLR's on both sides even though ours had more.
                      I can not count the times I have seen a side full of CLR's get dominated.
                      I have played on the losing side many many times and have been dominated quite a lot. You can still have fun when you are on the losing team.
                      Most of the time I see one team dominating for a while and then the other team will dominate for a while.
                      Most of the time when a team gets stacked it is more from random circumstance. Ever since I have played online games there has always been complaints about stacking. At least with BF games it is harder for players to deliberately work at stacking. And last night no one was working at stacking. Everyone was playing the side it put them on. When complaints started the server was full or we were the uneven side and switching was impossible.

                      Where do you put the Bayonet?
                      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                      Frank Lloyd Wright


                        Mine does exactly the same thing. Every time.

                        Originally posted by Donziboy2 View Post
                        Thats not skyrim....

                        Mine does that all the time, close it and try again.
                        For some reason first time a start the game after starting computer it hangs and i have to close it.


                          Originally posted by Donziboy2 View Post
                          Thats not skyrim....

                          Mine does that all the time, close it and try again.
                          For some reason first time a start the game after starting computer it hangs and i have to close it.
                          Same, usually the first launch for me will crash and I have to kill the bf3 process and origin process.
                          Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


                            Sheesh, good thing I don't have the CLR tag on! I would have been offended.


                              This is an issue and it's... let's say "interesting," when you're not on the CLR side.

                              Though Brian brings up a fair point. It's impossible to switch teams on a full server or a balanced server. I tried last night. I was on the losing team with Gameblaster, then my game crashed, then upon restart it put me on the CLR team.

                              I will always switch teams if I can but most of the time it won't let me.


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