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CLR Clan stacking is not equallity

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    Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
    Sheesh, good thing I don't have the CLR tag on! I would have been offended.


      Originally posted by BadHabitz View Post

      technically it's not
      Technically, but others see us that way before a community.

      I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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        Originally posted by GAMEBLASTER1 View Post
        Hi Everyone,

        Sportmanship starts with keeping to the rules.

        13 CLR members on side is not even close to balanced.

        1. Team membership
        2. Teamspeak
        3. High rank than other team side

        No welcome messages from the veterns.
        No trying to help new people on to the server.
        Constaintly teaming up and not allowing particpating players into squad.

        Very disappointing for everyone today on the server.
        1) some good points
        2) I agree our veterans and admins are clumping on TS and completely ignoring the other people in our server and this is disappointing. One of the reasons I was hesitant for so long to put up a TS server.

        3) I can't speak to the games being unbalanced, but there are not many CLRs good enough to make that much of a difference, but those who are are usually pretty conscientious about trying to switch when they can.

        The autojoin seems to try and lump clans/platoons on the same side I have noticed this, and sometimes it causes the teams to get numerically imbalanced.

        You make some good points, and our folks should work harder to be friendly and welcoming of others, since the vast majority are not on and never will be on TS.

        I am not convinced however that our folks are trying to stack a particular team to win every round, but we will all keep an eye on that.


          For the record I will say that even when I'm not on TS, I rarely look at the chat box. It's so distracting, and as soon as I stop to look at it, a guy ALWAYS comes around the corner lighting me up. Never fails. Same thing with the time I choose to reload


            Originally posted by S-Man View Post
            For the record I will say that even when I'm not on TS, I rarely look at the chat box. It's so distracting, and as soon as I stop to look at it, a guy ALWAYS comes around the corner lighting me up. Never fails. Same thing with the time I choose to reload
            Ditto, and it doesn't hang around long enough to read anyway. I just ignore it for the most part, except when there are more conversations going on or tk's here and there.


              Originally posted by S-Man View Post
              For the record I will say that even when I'm not on TS, I rarely look at the chat box. It's so distracting, and as soon as I stop to look at it, a guy ALWAYS comes around the corner lighting me up. Never fails. Same thing with the time I choose to reload
              There is a chat box?

              I always use my favorite to join not other players. It is Favorite not favorites because I only have one.

              Where do you put the Bayonet?
              Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
              I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
              Frank Lloyd Wright


                Originally posted by FieryDragon View Post
                Pshh, at least you guys get to play. Ever since I installed Skyrim, BF3 wont load. I get stuck at the "joining server" for 30 minutes with no pop up or window on my taskbar on the bottom to click. I miss playing and I am seriously having withdrawals. While I was waiting today, I play CastleVille on Facebook. I know right...THE HORROR!
                SIR REINSTALL ...I NEED MY tanker back in game


                  Originally posted by Quamin View Post
                  Ditto, and it doesn't hang around long enough to read anyway. I just ignore it for the most part, except when there are more conversations going on or tk's here and there.
                  I always look at the chat box. especially when I am dead. There are some very funny things said there.
                  This is also a good reason to keep talking to the other team mates not on TS.


                    Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
                    I always use my favorite to join not other players. It is Favorite not favorites because I only have one.



                      I wish battelog had a quick join for favorites on the startup page.


                        The chatbox IS important, especially when you're not on the CLR stacked side, and need to communicate with your squad mates. If anything use the "L" key to open squad chat and talk... the green is more readable to me personally.

                        But a TON of peeps aren't in TS and I wish people would read chat more. I'll try to spam links in game more often


                          Originally posted by ryanbatc View Post
                          The chatbox IS important, especially when you're not on the CLR stacked side, and need to communicate with your squad mates. If anything use the "L" key to open squad chat and talk... the green is more readable to me personally.

                          But a TON of peeps aren't in TS and I wish people would read chat more. I'll try to spam links in game more often
                          Agree, agree, agree....

                          And like fooler said, some really funny comments whizzing by over there...


                            Originally posted by Apache Warrior View Post
                            I was playing last night and here is my two cents.
                            When I first joined my team was the losing team.
                            When I left we were the winning team.
                            We were not winning by a blowout by any means. Most of the time we won by less than 100 points. We were winning through better teamwork last night.
                            Squads were not locked, we were not kicking non CL:R's from the squads and CLR's were not all clustered together in a few squads. During this time last night, Rand and I were in a squad together. The other two members came and went and were non CLR's. Most of CLR's were spread out into many squads.
                            It is extremely difficult to deliberately stack BF games. You do not get to choose the side when you join. You can not switch sides when the sides are even. You can not switch sides when the ticket counts are low.
                            Every time I looked at the scoreboard last night to check on stacking the server was full which makes it impossible to switch. The only time it was not full, our side had the lower amount of players.
                            There were CLR's on both sides even though ours had more.
                            I can not count the times I have seen a side full of CLR's get dominated.
                            I have played on the losing side many many times and have been dominated quite a lot. You can still have fun when you are on the losing team.
                            Most of the time I see one team dominating for a while and then the other team will dominate for a while.
                            Most of the time when a team gets stacked it is more from random circumstance. Ever since I have played online games there has always been complaints about stacking. At least with BF games it is harder for players to deliberately work at stacking. And last night no one was working at stacking. Everyone was playing the side it put them on. When complaints started the server was full or we were the uneven side and switching was impossible.
                            I understand Apache.

                            This thread is not address the ablities of the CLR. What it is about is the perception that CLR is a Clan stacking server.

                            Example: you are a new pub'er. You see CLR server and join up. 13 CLR's on one side. Makes one take notice. That same pub'er loses the match and mostly likely that person is off looking for another server, that person believes they may have a chance at winning.

                            Close matches are the best kind. Balancing out the CLR tags helps the perception of pub'er to stay. Because they can get a "fair" game.

                            What will make them join TS and play as a team member takes the individual action of players (CLR's) getting out and welcoming and most importantly communicating with the squad and their side.

                            Listen, I remember the times in 2142 when a commander could tell the squad leaders to take a position. Most of the time they did it and that team usually won. Those days of the communication and team play is what I miss from CLR.



                              Example: you are a new pub'er. You see CLR server and join up. 13 CLR's on one side. Makes one take notice. That same pub'er loses the match and mostly likely that person is off looking for another server, that person believes they may have a chance at winning.
                              Very true.

                              Where do you put the Bayonet?
                              Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                              I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                              Frank Lloyd Wright


                                This doesn't make sense here. Alot of people on TS get separated on there. People who start up the server are normally CLR people. In fact we have 2 different channels on TS because we get stuck on other teams. We're not always on the same team nor do we intentionally "clan stack".

                                You could classify us as a clan, but from my experience clans normally take the best of the best and recruit them. We're a family looking to have fun.

                                As far as I know, we do help out new people that come onto TS. Any questions asked normally get answered. Whether with a sarcastic remark or explanation of how to do this or that.

                                Cain's server is as fair as it gets. It's the luck of the draw. Sometimes we get horrible players that join and sometimes we get the best of the best. It's not up to us how the server gets balanced. It's up to those who join. Not everyone in CLR is a great player. Hell, I'm probably the worst CLR player here.

                                CLR is not a clan, keep this in mind. Cain has stressed this point.

                                If you want balance in a server, you have to find a server that plays with the same people all the time everyday and doesn't allow anyone else in. That is the only way you will even out the skill levels of each player and designate them accordingly.

                                I will say this of course. If you consider clan stacking joining a team with someone that you work well with to get the best result, then I would say yes, that's clan stacking. But most CLR members are regular people who join the server all the time and are on TS playing with us. Which is why CLR stands for Cain's Lair Regulars.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                  2 Mar 2025, 09:04 AM
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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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