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Your FAAVorite setup!

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    Your FAAVorite setup!

    What is it? Got more than one? share with us looking for one to stick on

    I'm a bit of a nut with changing cuztomizations, but atm I'm using either

    Silent Sniper
    (Silenced M14, Bandolier, Stopping Power, Steady Aim with flash nades)
    This one ROCKS on any map (2 shot kill at any distance, 1 headshot at close range) with lots of grass and bushes , but I'm currently testing it out with Overkill instead of stopping power with a G3 with an ACOG to see if I get a ghillie suit for added camo. No muzzle flash, and with the M14, silencer reduces noise to the smallest whisper that even the shooter can hardly hear.

    (Silenced P90, x3 stun, UAV Jammer, steady aim)
    My stealth kit, completely rocks! toss a stun into a populated room or area, free kills, and the best part is it's a p90........ it shoots quick enough to wipe out a room.

    (Pump shotty with grip, sleight of hand, Extreme Conditioning with smoke nade)
    It rocks... lol 1 shot kill, fast reloading, portable cover from those long rangers, and EC to get up close and FAST!

    Tell me yours!

    My fave kits so far have to be...

    M16 w/ red dot, C4 or claymores (depending on how i'm running that map), stopping power (1 shot, 1 kill), and EC (to get to the sniping spots)

    AK-47 w/ M203 and M4 w/ M203. first perk slot taken, overkill, and EC. Nothing like a personal mortar to help clear out snipers, or large groups of people!

    Mp5 w/ silencer, fragx3, uav jammer, dead silence. MP 5 does enough damage by itself, so it doesn't need stopping power. Love this kit for running around and getting behind the enemy. They can't hear you, and they can't see you on the map at all. Also, i'll take the usp.45 silenced because of it's green sights. much easier to see the sights that way, and line up the shots for a quick burst of .45 ammo.

    RPD w/ Red dot, fagx3, slight of hand, and Steady aim. got this thing can hold down a position for a long time. Especially with Slight of hand, or if i'm doing some sniping with it, i'll trade out slight of hand and steady aim for Stopping power and deep pen.

    50 cal..., Claymores, stopping power, deep pen. Nuf said.


      M16SD Bandolier,Uav,Deep Impact. (I have actually outsniped snipers with this kit on Overgrown )

      Mp5/Red Dot, Bando, UAV, Steady Aim

      RPD/Grip, No Perk, Stopping Power, Deep Impact

      M40/No attachtment, Bandolier, Stopping Power, Deep Impact

      W1200/Red Dot, RPG x2, Stopping Power, Steady Aim

      Nuff' Said.

      Also, Don't Forget to bring a towel before you start fraggin'!


        Hey Naillik... The "Silent Sniper" is a really great set up... Ironic that I'm going kill you with it


          RPD/Red Dot, 3x Frag, Stopping Power and Penetration.

          I have found this to be the best setup for ANY situation for me. Great at any range and giant clip.Plus I have gotten used to the slowness of the lmg and find it off putting when I use other, faster classes.

          I do have others but I rarely use them. I just put an hour tinkering with all of my setups a week ago and used each one for about 10 mins before switching back


            Nice kits Nail. I like the M14 kit, might have to try that one myself.

            The option to use 3 frags is a detriment. Not only to a person learning how to shoot and kill but also to the game in general. If everybody had three frags it wouldn't be much fun to be honest. I'd say go with one frag, apply it in another area and improve upon your good skills.

            My kits always have one smoke, bandolier, stopping power and deep impact. For the most part, though I might stray into the RPG area with the shotty kit.


              M16A4 ACOG Stopping Power + Bullet Penetration. Hands down the best weapon in the game. 30,000 kills with this thing. I average about 60-100 kills per round on the PS3 with it. Not an easy thing to do with 12-18 players max per room.


                Im still trying to get my goldies, so no clear cut fav's for me.
                At least any I'd admit to as far as weapons.

                Extreme cond and smoke for big open maps.
                Stoppiing power and deep penetration for Vacant.
                I do like to play with overkill though.

                Silenced P36C, UAV, Dead Silence. Good all around sneaky setup.
                The range to reach out, the power to kill close. WIN WIN
                ??Click me to donate??


                  Originally posted by RyeWhiskey View Post
                  Nice kits Nail. I like the M14 kit, might have to try that one myself.

                  The option to use 3 frags is a detriment. Not only to a person learning how to shoot and kill but also to the game in general. If everybody had three frags it wouldn't be much fun to be honest. I'd say go with one frag, apply it in another area and improve upon your good skills.

                  My kits always have one smoke, bandolier, stopping power and deep impact. For the most part, though I might stray into the RPG area with the shotty kit.
                  3 frags works better then 3 flash's or stuns if cooked right IMO, but I see what you're getting at. It's all about application.


                    Extra health - whatever that's called - gotta wade in to get close
                    ? - not sure
                    martyrdom - If your close enough to kill with the shotty, your close enough to blow them up with a cheap nade.
                    A change of Pace.
                    "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                      My all time fav is M16 w/ red dot, 3xfrag, flash or stun, stopping power, deep penetration. I'll never outmode that from my created classes

                      but I'm starting to like my new setup with
                      Brutus/ Larry:
                      Ak-47/ M4 w/ toob, stopping power, penetration

                      and the Ak-47u w/ silencer, 3xstun, stopping power, and steady aim


                        Discovery! I love Sleight of hand! New kit made from it.

                        Speed Knife
                        P90 w/ Red dot, x3 stun, Sleight of hand, EC
                        This rocks, I killed TheQuickster aaround 22 times last night (more than I EVER have) and about 12 of those were knives I usually get a positive KK with this, it's so awesome


                          try slight of hand with the 1014 and ec... Even more effective IMO.


                            1014? whats that?


                              Originally posted by {CLR} Naillik View Post
                              1014? whats that?
                              semi-auto shotgun (the non pump action one). Fewer rounds sure, but you'll reload so fast that you won't even notice it.


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