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Your FAAVorite setup!

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    Setups are always fun to play with
    ~P90 silenced with Frag x3,Stun x3, or C4, stopping power, and with extreme conditioning
    -ways to use: Use burst shots to pick off enemies from a ways away, not a perfect silenced class but is more designed for doing a quick clean sweap and never going behind enemy lines but flanking the front lines and the snipers(perfect for the SAS side on Creek if run up by waterfall deploy smoke nade for cover)

    ~All time favorite always ready to switch back to it, M16 red dot, with frag x3 or bandolier, stopping power(1 shot kills yeah), and Deep Penetration...
    -Ways to use: red dot makes for a great mid to long ranged weapon, with some getting used to you can use it with the same one shot kill in close range like a shotty, but remember takes some time to get used to. Also try m16 with silencer

    ~Shotty Time!!!: Pump shotty, stun x3, double tap, and extreme contining...
    -basic shotty settup no explanation needed.

    ~Automatic accuracy- M4 carbine red dot(harcore anything) or silenced(free4all) with rpg, stopping power and deep penetration or extreme conditioning

    ~Sniper clase is to basic to bother explaning.

    hope u guys like these i have others like my specialty mp5 class and my ak class but those are secretes.



      Thats my setup


        ugh, mine got reset


          Personaly i h8 the acog scope it limits ur vision and sence my eyes key onto movement i get blind sited alot when using the acog


            My favorite rushing set up. Do you like da name? I changed it just for you **



              Hum, lately i've been using a M4 with red dot, bandoleer for extra rounds (trust me, you'll need them), double tap, and steady aim (You can replace with Extreme conditioning if you use your sights a lot).

              Give it a shot and see how you like it. I've found that it's got decent accuracy at range with the red dot if you use bursts and a nice tight band for medium range fighting. Of course it can't beat a p90 at close range, but if you're that close then a shotgun does the trick just fine as well. lol.


                Last few days I've been playing with the p90, silencer, uav jammer, extreme condition and 3x frags. I've been running to the least populated side of the map and trying to sneak up on the other team from behind. Usually it's just run, run, run, die. Once in a while though it's run, run, run, hunker down and KILL-KILL-KILL!!!! Good times.


                  Originally posted by JohnyRico View Post
                  Last few days I've been playing with the p90, silencer, uav jammer, extreme condition and 3x frags. I've been running to the least populated side of the map and trying to sneak up on the other team from behind. Usually it's just run, run, run, die. Once in a while though it's run, run, run, hunker down and KILL-KILL-KILL!!!! Good times.
                  P90 doesn't really do enough damage for flanking like that unless you put stoping power on it. I'd suggest an mp5 isntead. Sure it's got a slower rate of fire, but it takes less projectiles to bring a person down with it, and it has better range IIRC.


                    P90 has the magazine capacity...
                    I've found that a silenced Ak-47 is much more useful than the silenced Mp5, because of the sheer power of the ak-47, same magazine size, longer range. Add perks and its far more lethal.


                      Originally posted by xGoblin013x View Post
                      P90 has the magazine capacity...
                      I've found that a silenced Ak-47 is much more useful than the silenced Mp5, because of the sheer power of the ak-47, same magazine size, longer range. Add perks and its far more lethal.
                      Yea, but it isn't as accurate. Only best used for medium range because of the recoil, IMO.


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                        All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                        :O hey Pidgeot!

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