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Worst UT launch ever

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    Worst UT launch ever

    I have to say this is a pretty bad start for UT3. I can't find hardly any players online now. I was hoping for a lot more from this game. Bad distribution again here in Canada, still hard to find in the stores.

    I just don't understand why there is no maps that have cut-off links and only two that have daul link set-ups. The orb makes it too easy to capture nodes, It should only spawn when your core is vulnerable. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of great things about this game, but it just seems like maybe a little step back for the series. Plus all the little things like no server favorites, no spectate mode, no crosshair customizing ect. Hopefully the first patch will take care of most of the issues, and people will start playing this game. Can't wait to see what the community comes up with.

    I was starting to wounder myself. I can only find one or two populated servers. You cant tell me there are only 30-40 people playing online in the entire world??? Something doesn't seem right.



      I'm scratching my head also.

      (Be sure to play here guys there are so few players and so few servers with players, we need to stick together.)... I finally got the bots where they are not so ungodly good...


        Cain and I were talking about this yesterday. Seems to be a combination of factors, with probably the two biggest being the sheer number of Class A games out right now, and the release timing during a very busy week for many people.

        As of last night, it appeared that fewer than 5,000 people have played online period, which means that you're not going to find a lot of folks on at any given time because people play at random times worldwide, and there are a number of game modes.

        The game was not in stock at many stores by the promised time on date of release (in the back room, but not on the shelves as stores prepped for Black Friday). Epic didn't help themselves by not changing anything since the Beta. Some folks were completely turned off by the consolization of the game. There was never a "true" demo, and I don't recall seeing it packaged with any gaming magazine, unlike UT2k4 and the one month demo period to generate excitement (and Warfare wasn't in the beta demo). Etc. etc.

        The best hope is that because it's so close to gift holidays, and there are so many other games out, people are waiting on this, and that the number will jump every week between now and the end of next month. I would also guess that there's a fair chance Epic will allow (mandate?) radical sale prices to move copies if this continues to be the trend.


        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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          By the way, I'm seriously wondering how much the community will get into this game in terms of mods. Hopefully someone will give us mods that make the game better overall. However, because it's been changed so drastically in terms of the console feel and in movement (probably the two biggest changes that ticked off the hardcore players), I'm not so sure a lot of the folks who modded UT2k4 will bother this time around.

          The next month is crucial, and will let us know if UT3 will be more 2k4, or 2k3.


          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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            Don't forget that it's only just come out in Europe today.


              Originally posted by juneau
              Don't forget that it's only just come out in Europe today.
              Germany isn't part of Europe anymore?


              Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
              Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                Originally posted by Rand{CLR}
                Originally posted by juneau
                Don't forget that it's only just come out in Europe today.
                Germany isn't part of Europe anymore?

                Yea but they get that stupid dumbed down version. Most Germans are buying from anyway.


                  I actually played UT '99 on my Father in Laws PC last night .. stuck over there until 8:30 so I figured I'd enjoy some classic CTF action.That game still just offers the perfect gameplay for me .. fast as hell, easy to learn the maps (other than Coret .. I always got lost on that map) and every weapon can kill if used in the right spot.

                  UT3 just ... meh. In my limited time with it, I could ell within an hour that it wasn't getting it done. I wish I could put the finger of blame on something to justify why I am criticizing it, but it isn't that easy to do. The timing of its release couldn't have been worse if Epic tried. I feel bad for the guys that were holding onto this release to bring them out of their gaming doldrums, as it doesn't look to be pulling its weight yet.
                  Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                    Originally posted by WalkinTarget
                    I actually played UT '99 on my Father in Laws PC last night .. stuck over there until 8:30 so I figured I'd enjoy some classic CTF action.That game still just offers the perfect gameplay for me .. fast as hell, easy to learn the maps (other than Coret .. I always got lost on that map) and every weapon can kill is used in the right spot.

                    UT3 just ... meh. In my limited time with it, I could ell within an hour that it wasn't getting it done. I wish I could put the finger of blame on something to justify why I am criticizing it, but it isn't that easy to do. The timing of its release couldn't have been worse if Epic tried. I feel bad for the guys that were holding onto this release to bring them out of their gaming doldrums, as it doesn't look to be pulling its weight yet.
                    Lucky that UT has a good modding background.


                      I dont wanna sound biased even if i know it does sound this way. But times have changed. Epics big mistake was not taking advantage of the hype machine that is Microsoft. Had they not went "timed exclusive" to sony and released on xbox 360 around 2 weeks later. Microsoft would have pushed ut3 down everyones throat much like you see call of duty 4 being done. But you notice pc, xbox 360 and ps3 players are all talking about this game. Thats the key, no one is talking about ut3. It just kinda released with no hype (and the beta probably didnt help).

                      I wonder what is selling more copies gears of war for pc or ut3? But consoles and pc games go hand in hand in mixed marketing. But its still marketing none the less and gets people excited. Microsoft showed epic what the could do with gear of war advertising. Epic should have used that for ut3 as well.


                        Between TF2 HL2/Portal COD4 COH MOHAA and the console games... Bad timing. Besides a lot of the UT3 players I have talked with while playing TF2 gave it a really bad review. It has been countless the amount of people I have seen complaining. I haven't liked the idea of the game since I had heard about it but I have got to give that it is definitely a pretty looking game. Certainly better then ETQWs. Hopefully it will pick up for you guys.


                          I honestly don't understand how anyone that played UT2k4 can not like this game. To be honest I'm very frustrated with all the negativity about tiny things, and then people acting like its the worst thing ever, and a game killer. Way too many people bashing a game that despite a few minor flaws is great! Just because your manta isn't loud enough, or your shock rifle is a bit harder to own with doesn't make the game horrible. It makes it better. The things that are different that the other UT3's are what will make this one unique.

                          I'm crossing my fingers that people come around and pick this one up, and learn to love it like they did UT2k4. It really is an awesome game, and deserves to be given a chance.



                            Originally posted by MajorDeath
                            I honestly don't understand how anyone that played UT2k4 can not like this game. To be honest I'm very frustrated with all the negativity about tiny things, and then people acting like its the worst thing ever, and a game killer. Way too many people bashing a game that despite a few minor flaws is great! Just because your manta isn't loud enough, or your shock rifle is a bit harder to own with doesn't make the game horrible. It makes it better. The things that are different that the other UT3's are what will make this one unique.

                            I'm crossing my fingers that people come around and pick this one up, and learn to love it like they did UT2k4. It really is an awesome game, and deserves to be given a chance.



                              Well ut3 has some stiff competition now so its understandable that people pick at little things. A year ago those little things wouldnt have mattered at all to people. But as we see games getting better the bar gets raised with the not to mention expectations. I think a lot of ut`ers like halo players put the next installment on to high a pedestal.

                              I mean its hard to live up to hype sometimes especially in a franchise. I was just reading where they say devil may cry 4 is great 4 but then in the same breath say its just a visual update of dmc3. So i think we are seeing games and games changing. Like with ut3 we heard physics chips and everyone got pumped about them. Ive yet to see anyone mention it or how it effects the game. But like most fps franchises people will nitpick it. We seen it in every installment of ut. (insert weapon here) is to spammy, (insert weapon here) doesn't do enough damage, (insert vehicle here) stinks the old one was better, (insert movement here) is nerfed and the old version was better. Change takes some getting use to. Also lets not forget its been what 4 years since ut2k4 came out. Thats a lot of waiting and getting hopes up for something that no matter what cant live up to the pedastel its been put on.

                              I still think marketing isnt helping ut3 and hopefully they will advertise it better. Its still early though and many people will probably get it on x-mas. But remember ut2k4 had people screeming bloody murder when it came out. Its just ut2k3 with a extra gametype, its the same game, its madden of fps etc etc. From what i recall ut3 is actually getting less fussing than ut2k4 did. But you also have to consider that people will fuss when they need to upgrade. True that ut3 is not as demanding as most people thought it would be (new pc demanding) but its still demanding and might cause people to spend extra money to upgrade.

                              But you gotta take the good with the bad and like any twitch game there is gonna be complainers. But then again every game is gonna have them.


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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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