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Fallout 3!

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    The inventory is accessible through Pip Boy. There are three key buttons on the bottom, and one of them is for items.

    I picked up a new perk that lets me recover health from blood bags (which makes me wonder how many unadvertised perks there are out there to be found), wiped out the Super Mutant base in Germantown, and generally had a blast today. About to go back in and finish my trek to Minefield.


    Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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      A "Super Mutant base in Germantown" - That sounds somewhat funny to me...

      Anyway, my order is in transit...

      Your order #xxxxxxxxxxxx
      Ordered Title
      --------------------------------------------------------------------- items (Sold by Amazon EU S.a.r.L.):

      1 Battlestar Galactica: Season 3
      1 Fallout 3 (PC)

      Shipped via Deutsche Post
      Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


        Fallout AND BSG... Grisu's gonna be a hermit!


          I have decided im no longer going to play Fallout 3 till I make a new computer. I was playing around the other night and started shooting up Megaton and with everyone running all over and shooting I could barely aim it was lagging to bad, and opening Vats took forever.

          Guess its time to finally beat Fallout 1 and play a new game of Fallout 2 then Tactics to get my Fallout fix till my new computer.


            Originally posted by Mobojo View Post
            I have decided im no longer going to play Fallout 3 till I make a new computer. I was playing around the other night and started shooting up Megaton and with everyone running all over and shooting I could barely aim it was lagging to bad, and opening Vats took forever.

            Guess its time to finally beat Fallout 1 and play a new game of Fallout 2 then Tactics to get my Fallout fix till my new computer.
            What are you running it on? I'm running everything on high with some AA on 1280x1024 and its smooth. I did allow the system to select draw distances and only tweaked them a bit so far, so everything there isn't maxed, but it still looks purty when I get somewhere. I may actually increase some draw distances, because I noticed building draw-in for the first time last night.

            My system's about a year and a half old now though, E6700, 4 gig ram, and an 8800 320MB Superclocked card.


            Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
            Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


              Great thread guys... I've been hearing about the game for a while now and psyched about picking it up in the next few weeks.

              Is there any online play or is it single player only?
              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
              So all you get is this crappy text]


                Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                Is there any online play or is it single player only?
                From the FAQ:
                Will Fallout 3 include multiplayer?
                No, Fallout 3 is a single-player game only.
                Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


                  Arg... would be cool to play humans vs zombies. hehe
                  Like zombie mod in CS:S, but better
                  [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                  So all you get is this crappy text]


                    Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
                    What are you running it on? I'm running everything on high with some AA on 1280x1024 and its smooth. I did allow the system to select draw distances and only tweaked them a bit so far, so everything there isn't maxed, but it still looks purty when I get somewhere. I may actually increase some draw distances, because I noticed building draw-in for the first time last night.

                    My system's about a year and a half old now though, E6700, 4 gig ram, and an 8800 320MB Superclocked card.

                    Mine is a couple of months over 2 years old, and its a laptop. I got it just as dual cores were coming out for laptops. Its a 1.83 GHz dual core with 2 gig of ram and ATI radeon X1300. It was awesome when I got it but now its getting obsolete. Plus I think the tech support here messed it up when I had them look at it since I could play CoD4 no problem before and now it lags. Oh well, ill be posting in the computer section soon about building my desktop after I see what parts I can scrounge up already.

                    Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                    Arg... would be cool to play humans vs zombies. hehe
                    Like zombie mod in CS:S, but better
                    They prefer to be called ghouls. :P


                      Feel free to shoot me: With a ping of 200+ I move like a zombie...
                      Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


                        Since it's Halloween, maybe I'll wear my sweet Ghoul mask and see if I can scare some Wastelanders.


                        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                        Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                          There is a Giant - and I mean GIGANTIC hamster wheel in Megaton.

                          Made my heart race when I saw it.


                            Originally posted by Hammy View Post
                            There is a Giant - and I mean GIGANTIC hamster wheel in Megaton.

                            Made my heart race when I saw it.
                            That's how airplanes fly in 2077: hamster wheel.


                            Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                            Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                              I'm techno-retarded so I can't do this but someone needs to turn on fraps, get some video of a few VATS slow-mo decapitations and post them. I so love the sound of that chinese assault rifle in VAT slo-mo. Maybe someone with the Bloody Mess perk.


                                Any news on the Patch for the game ?


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                  2 Mar 2025, 09:04 AM
                                • Reply to Hi guys!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 07:24 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                  23 Feb 2025, 06:31 PM